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Beneath the Surface is a quest in Beidou's Hangout Event: Act I - When the Crux Shines Bright.


  1. Go to the small vessel that Beidou has prepared
  2. Go to the Skirmisher Boats
  3. Complete the boat handling challenge
    • Collect Wavesplitter Insignias: 0/13
    • The challenge timer is 2 minutes.
  4. Talk to Beidou
The Crux of Our Duties
  1. Meet Beidou in Liyue Harbor
  2. Follow Beidou to meet with the trading partner
  3. Talk to Nei
  4. Follow Beidou to Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's
  5. Talk to Wai
  6. Follow Beidou to meet with the warehouse owner
  7. Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus
A Strange Transaction
  1. Go to Guyun Stone Forest
  2. Wait till early morning (00:00–05:00)
  3. Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus
  4. Take a walk by the beach with Beidou
  5. Talk to Beidou

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Beidou invites you to experience the boat handling training conducted by The Spear of the Crux...

Training: The Spear of The Crux[]

Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: These are some older Skirmish Boats that we keep on The Alcor as backup.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: Although they've been made redundant by newer models now, they're still fully kitted out.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: They are perfect for when we need to do simulated battles as part of crew training.
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought I'd be steering The Alcor in a battle simulation.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Hahaha, disappointed? So this isn't quite on the scale that you had in mind, huh?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: To be honest, The Alcor going into battle is the last thing I'd ever want to see.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: In fact, out of all the confrontations we've ever had, almost all were resolved by negotiation.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: Only when negotiations fail do we consider deploying our armed fighters and Skirmish Boats, and they alone are enough to handle most situations.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: The only reason The Alcor would ever need to open fire would be if it were a fight to the death.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: The Alcor serves only two purposes, to deter or to destroy.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: We are an armed fleet with a strong sense of justice, not war-hungry lunatics.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: We are very careful about determining when to use force and exactly what level of force to use.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: All of this is to say that mastering a small attack craft is quite enough for new crew members.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: Do you have any experience piloting small armed vessels?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure do, I can even sail and fire at the same time.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: You mean you can do the jobs of a helmsman and a gunner simultaneously...? That's quite an achievement.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: Even in The Crux, there are few who can do that.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: Seems like you're a natural.
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course, I can even navigate a ship right through a whirlpool.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: Hahahaha, you're the first person I've ever met who is so dismissive of the power of the sea.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_18.ogg Beidou: But I guess to put it another way, you're already a seasoned veteran, huh?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_19.ogg Beidou: In that case, I will skip the basics on how to operate your craft.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_20.ogg Beidou: The goal of this exercise is simple: Steer your Skirmish Boat along the prescribed route and return here within the time limit.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905201_beidou_21.ogg Beidou: You can start when you're ready. I'll be waiting here, so I can observe your skills.
(If you talk to Beidou before starting the challenge)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: Start whenever you're ready. Don't keep me waiting too long — show me how it's done.
(Go to the Skirmisher Boats)

Doing Ok in the Challenge[]

(Talk to Beidou)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Hah, not so on form today, (TravelerTraveler), huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, I'm a little rusty.
Icon Dialogue Talk I fazed out a little.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: I'm sure the boat is partly to blame. It's a pretty old craft, so it can be a little sluggish to operate.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: So, don't worry about it. Just remind me to have Juza make some improvements to it when we get back.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: Anyway, that was all just to get you warmed up...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: What I really want to show you is the more serious side of The Crux's business.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: Come with me. We're going to Liyue Harbor.
(You lose one heart)

Completing the Challenge Perfectly[]

(Talk to Beidou)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: Nicely done! (TravelerTraveler), that was a joy to watch.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Perfect timing on the turns, and you kept your craft stable on the straightaway. It was like watching a well-rehearsed show.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd call that pretty routine.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've had a lot of training in sailing.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Hahaha. Alright — it's high time I introduced you to some of the more serious business that The Crux takes on.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905202_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Come with me. We're going to Liyue Harbor.
(You gain one heart)

The Crux of Our Duties[]

(Meet Beidou in Liyue Harbor)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: You may be aware that as an armed fleet, The Crux is kinda like the maritime equivalent of a Guard for Hire.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: We work as an armed carrier, earning our keep by successfully delivering the goods entrusted to us from A to B.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Aside from that though, there is also one other important way we make income...
Icon Dialogue Talk Bounties for capturing pirates on the Ministry of Civil Affairs' wanted list?
Icon Dialogue Talk Consultancy fees for running fast-track training courses for other crews?
Icon Dialogue Talk Remuneration for completing Adventurers' Guild commissions?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_moragrubber_01.ogg Mora-Grubber: Actually, it's trading. In certain kinds of goods.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Hey! My hotshot accountant! Nice of you to join us.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_moragrubber_02.ogg Mora-Grubber: Cut it out, boss.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_moragrubber_03.ogg Mora-Grubber: Juza sent me here with a message. He says preparations are now underway. If you give me the all-clear, I'll head straight over.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Okay. Be careful.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's your bookkeeper doing here?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Well... She has something to take care of.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: Mora-Grubber was right though. The other important side to our business — the less official side — is doing exactly what merchants do.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: Importing here, exporting there. The only difference between us and regular merchants is that our transactions aren't entirely above-board.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: You'll see what I mean by that shortly. I'm taking you to see one such transaction for yourself.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905203_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Come on, let's go meet our trading partner for the day.
(Talk to Nei)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905213_nei_01.ogg Nei: Fresh seafood! Fresh seafood! Catch it while you can!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: What do you have?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_02.ogg Nei: Hello there! Here at Nei's Professional Fishmonger's, we got everything you could ask for.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_03.ogg Nei: So what do you need?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: I want a bass head with all the teeth removed. If there's a single tooth in there, I don't want it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_04.ogg Nei: Huh? ...You know bass have pharyngeal teeth, right? In the throat? How do you expect me to get all those out?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Then I'll have a bass trunk with two swim bladders. Again, if it's short by one swim bladder, it's not the bass I want.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_05.ogg Nei: You're not making this easy for me... One bass means one swim bladder. 'Fraid that's not up to me.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Okay, then I'll take a bass tail with scales that are yellow on the outside, black on the inside. Also, it's gotta have a total of 81 scales, that's 7 times 7. No more, no less.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_06.ogg Nei: What kind of fish scales are yellow outside and black inside? You sure this is a fish you're talking about?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_07.ogg Nei: In any case, you can try all you want but seven times seven is never gonna get you 81...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_08.ogg Nei: Pardon my asking but you're not a fish expert, are you? I'm sorry, Ma'am! But I'm afraid I don't have any of the things you're looking for.
Icon Dialogue Talk Didn't you say you have everything we could ask for?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_09.ogg Nei: Look, I'm a professional, and so are most of the people I serve. I can accommodate anything they ask for. Seems you two are amateurs, so I'm sorry, but you'll have to go someplace else.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Anywhere you'd recommend?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905204_nei_10.ogg Nei: Hehe, like I said, Nei's Professional Fishmonger's is for professionals. For amateurs, the place to go to would be Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's.
(Follow Beidou to Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905213_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: I bet you're wondering why that guy was saying he didn't have what we wanted.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905213_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: That was just the first step in the transaction, to confirm our identity. The real deal will come later.
(Talk to Wai)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_01.ogg Wai: Fresh seafood! Fresh seafood! Come take a look!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: Is this Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_02.ogg Wai: That's the one! We have all kinds of amateur stuff here. The more amateur, the more of it we've got!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_03.ogg Wai: What would you like?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: We'd like a bass head.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_04.ogg Wai: No problem! Ours are all toothless, mind you.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: And a bass trunk.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_05.ogg Wai: No problem! I'll stick an extra swim bladder in there for ya, on the house.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: And a tail.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_06.ogg Wai: Sure thing! I'll paint the scales yellow on the outside and black on the inside, so you can tell at a glance: This ain't no ordinary fishtail!
Icon Dialogue Talk Do the scales add up to 81, or seven times seven?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_07.ogg Wai: If it's seven times seven you want, I can do you 81, 138, or even 648! It's up to you!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Great! I like your style. We have a deal.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_08.ogg Wai: Appreciate your patronage! Please take your order to our warehouse manager over there.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't you have the fish here?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_09.ogg Wai: Hehe! A real amateur if I ever met one! Proud to have you as a customer.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_10.ogg Wai: No, we don't have the fish here. All fish sold at Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's are still swimming in the sea.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_11.ogg Wai: Once we get the order in from the customer, we go fish it out for them. The warehouse handles that side of things.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905208_wai_12.ogg Wai: Pay first, then we bring you the goods! That way, you get the freshest catch!
(Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_01.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Are you two here to collect your order? Huh? Bei... Ahem!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: Yes, Sir. We're here about that bass.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_02.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: I didn't expect you to come in person. But we still need to follow procedure.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_03.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: The bass you want is not a standard specimen. Our fishermen need to wait for the right moment to catch it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_04.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: You know the rules, I take it?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: Of course.
Icon Dialogue Talk What rules?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_05.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Hehe. As you know, timing and location are everything when it comes to fishing. You have to wait till all the conditions are just right: that means the tide, the moon, and the wind.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_06.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: So let me ask you this. When will the tide come in?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: The fishing song will sound out at midnight.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_07.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: How drunk will the moon be before the party's over?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: It won't stop while the star of death shines.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_08.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: I see, yes... Which way will the sea breeze be blowin'?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: The breeze should be bound for Guyun.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_ironabacus_09.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Alright then. Well received, I will go and make arrangements. Ahem...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Great! I think that wraps up everything we needed to do in Liyue Harbor. Let's head back and wait for the delivery.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's it? But where's our fish?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: Haha, I thought we were pretty clear, weren't we?
Icon Dialogue Talk What did all those riddles mean?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: The three people we just met are our business partners. Nei's Professional Fishmonger's and Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's are just cover names.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: The bass, obviously, is the code name for the goods. The numbers of teeth, swim bladders, and scales all represent different specifications.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Meanwhile, the conversation I had with the warehouse keeper was the instructions for the deal itself. Lemme translate it for you...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: Tonight at midnight, the deal will take place in Guyun Stone Forest. The Alcor will wait there as long as needed.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: As for what the actual goods are, well, you'll see tonight.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is all so mysterious... is it as shady as it seems?
Icon Dialogue Talk We're not doing anything illegal here, are we?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: What if I were to say yes? What would you do then?
Icon Dialogue Talk Try and persuade Ningguang to give you a light sentence...
Icon Dialogue Talk Pretend I didn't see anything...
Icon Dialogue Talk I need to think about it...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: Hahahaha, thank you, (TravelerTraveler). But don't worry, everything will be fine.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: I deeply value you as a friend, but ultimately, you're not with The Crux.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: I definitely don't want to cause you any trouble just because you hung out with me.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905205_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: So rest assured, we haven't broken any laws — at least not today.

A Strange Transaction[]

(Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_01.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Captain Beidou. You gave me quite the surprise when you showed up in person earlier today.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_01a.ogg Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_01b.ogg Beidou: Well, my friend is visiting, so I wanted to show (‍himhim/herher‍) how The Crux handles some of its important business.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_02.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: I see. You two must be close.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: You got that right! Now, down to business.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Have you brought the goods?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_03.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Yep, all here. Please, feel free to take stock.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_01.ogg Yijian: Stop! Nobody move!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_02.ogg Yijian: We have received certain information pertaining to a potential illegal business transaction at this location.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_03.ogg Yijian: Apologies, Captain Beidou, but I'm going to need to inspect those goods.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Oh no. Should I run for it?)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Oh no. Should I distract him while Beidou retreats?)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Oh? An illegal business transaction, you say? All the goods are here. If you have any suspicions, please inspect them at your leisure.
The Millelith checks the goods.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_guian_01.ogg Gui'an: C—Captain, everything's been checked. It's just a bunch of potatoes, flour, and so on, and... all the paperwork checks out too.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_04.ogg Yijian: Huh?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_gongjun_01.ogg Gongjun: Everything's been checked thrice over... there's not a single contraband item here. The paperwork was approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the tax declarations are all in order...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Looks like you've managed to clear everything up — I suppose we can put this down as a simple misunderstanding?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_05.ogg Yijian: Yes, apologies... this was a mistake on our end.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_yijian_06.ogg Yijian: C'mon, let's go!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_04.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Bravo, Captain Beidou. This was rather ingenious.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait a second. What's going on?
Icon Dialogue Talk All this mystery over some potatoes and flour?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_05.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: Seems like your friend still has a little catching up to do.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Hahahaha, I know you have a lot of questions, (TravelerTraveler). Come on, take a walk with me, and I'll lay it all out for you.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905206_ironabacus_06.ogg Mr. Iron Abacus: I'll leave you both to it. Captain Beidou, I look forward to doing business with you again. Take care.
(Take a walk by the beach with Beidou)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: You probably thought that there was some sort of nefarious business going on behind all the secrecy today.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: The truth is, that was exactly what I wanted the Ministry of Civil Affairs to believe.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: What you might not know is that I, as the leader of The Crux fleet, and you, the great hero of Liyue Harbor...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: ...have both been on the Ministry of Civil Affairs' watch list for a long time.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: In other words, whenever you or I crop up in Liyue Harbor, it almost always draws their attention.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Not that there's any animosity behind it, mind you. In their words, it's a security precaution to prevent people like us from causing unnecessary trouble.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: Hah, I have no qualms about that. They're just doing their job, keeping the land safe.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: But how does that saying go again? Ah yes: Sometimes, the closer you are to something, the less you can see.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: Did you figure it out yet? That's right, Mora-Grubber, the accountant.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: With you, me, and a few sacks of potatoes and flour serving as a front, the deal she's overseeing on her end should go off without a hitch.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905210_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: After all, the Ministry of Civil Affairs sent the Millelith to us.
(Talk to Beidou)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: Looking at the time, it should be any second now.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: Look, that's the signal!
(Turning around to where Beidou is looking, the Traveler witnesses a single firework streak into the sky above the Domain of Guyun and explode.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Haha, tonight's real deal is officially done.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: Do you have any more questions?
Icon Dialogue Talk I have a feeling Ningguang is not so easy to fool.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: You're right. Never underestimate her. But as long as we don't take things too far, she won't look into it too closely.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: She knows that neither you nor I would do anything to harm Liyue.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: In any case, there's another higher-level watch list at the Ministry of Civil Affairs above the one we're on. It's top-secret. Even I don't know whose names are on it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: But I do know that the individuals and organizations on that list are the ones the Qixing are really wary of.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: Haha, I've gotten off-topic. On some level, Ningguang and I are actually business partners too.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Reason being, I'm the only one who can get her some of the more obscure treasures she wants.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is the real deal?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: It's complicated.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: All you need to know is that what might be easily attainable for some people can often be a lifesaver for others who can't get their hands on it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: That's where we come in. It's as simple as that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you mean... weapons?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you mean... medicine?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: Hahahaha...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: (TravelerTraveler)... you still have some important things to take care of, don't you?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: As long as you don't know what I was referring to, you'll be safe.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: So I'm sorry, but I can't tell you for now.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_18.ogg Beidou: Of course, if the day comes when you've traveled to every corner of the world, found your sibling, and neatly tied up all your loose ends along the way...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_19.ogg Beidou: You are welcome to come back here, and I will tell you all about it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905207_beidou_20.ogg Beidou: You will always be welcome in the Crux Fleet. I hope I get to see you onboard again someday.

Ending: Once Everything is Over[]

Once Everything Is Over
Aether Lumine
Hangout Beidou Act 1 Once Everything Is Over Aether Hangout Beidou Act 1 Once Everything Is Over Lumine
Beidou hopes to see you onboard again someday.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBeneath the Surface
Hǎimiàn Zhīxià
Beneath the Sea Level
Hǎimiàn Zhīxià
Kaimei no Shita
Below the Sea Level
Korean해수면 아래
Haesumyeon Arae
Below the Sea Level
SpanishBajo la superficieBeneath the Surface
FrenchSous la surfaceBeneath the Surface
RussianВ морских глубинах
V morskikh glubinakh
In the Sea Depths
VietnameseDưới Mặt Biển
GermanUnter der MeeresoberflächeUnder the Ocean Surface
IndonesianDi Bawah PermukaanBeneath the Surface
PortugueseSob o OceanoBeneath the Ocean
TurkishYüzeyin Altında
ItalianSotto la superficie

Change History[]
