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A Special Guest is a quest in Beidou's Hangout Event: Act I - When the Crux Shines Bright.


  1. Go to The Alcor
  2. Talk to Beidou
    • Show interest in the life of a sailor. Go to Sailor Training.
    • Thank the crew for taking you to Inazuma. Go to Private Chat.
Sailor Training
  1. Have a taste of sailor training
Private Chat
  1. Go to a quiet spot to talk details with Beidou


A Special Guest[]

Media:vo bdcop001 1905001 seadrake 01.ogg Sea Drake: Well, would you look who's here! Looks like it's going to be a day to remember. Guys, look who the sea washed up!
Media:vo_bdcop001 1905001 furong 01.ogg Furong: Ahoy there, Traveler. Hah, so Captain really did invite you to join the homecoming celebration!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_huixing_01.ogg Huixing: Hey! I heard that you took care of another crisis while you were in Inazuma. Are the rumors true?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_02.ogg Furong: That's what I heard, too. Thanks to you, Inazuma's Vision Hunt Decree was finally put to an end... Well done, Traveler!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_seadrake_02.ogg Sea Drake: Captain's got quite the eye for people. She said she was sure that your trip to Inazuma would stir up some waves, and sure enough...
Icon Dialogue Talk All I wanted was to have a chat with the Electro Archon.
Icon Dialogue Talk It was a joint effort, I can't take all the credit.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_03.ogg Furong: Heh, look at you, being so modest. We all know what you did to protect Liyue Harbor...
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_seadrake_03.ogg Sea Drake: I've heard that they tell stories about you in Mondstadt too: the "Honorary Knight"... Pretty impressive!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_huixing_02.ogg Huixing: I'd say someone of your caliber would be right at home in The Crux. Right, sailors?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_04.ogg Furong: Haha, that's right! Wow, I'm getting excited just thinking of being the Traveler's crewmate!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_05.ogg Furong: Hey, whaddya say we arm wrestle?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: (TravelerTraveler), I was worried you'd be too busy to show up.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_seadrake_04.ogg Sea Drake: Oh, Captain on deck!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_huixing_03.ogg Huixing: Captain! We were just trying to talk the Traveler into joining the crew.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_06.ogg Furong: Yeah c'mon, Captain Beidou! Surely you've got a way to get the Traveler onboard.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_02a.ogg Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_02b.ogg Beidou: (‍HeHe/SheShe‍)'s onboard right now for the celebration, isn't (‍hehe/sheshe‍)?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_huixing_04.ogg Huixing: Yeah, but just one celebration together is not enough. You know what we mean, Captain!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Alright, alright, I get it now. There is something special about you, (TravelerTraveler). You earned everyone's respect, myself included.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: So it goes without saying that The Crux would be honored to have a crew member such as yourself.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_07.ogg Furong: No doubt about that!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: But then again, a hero like yourself doesn't just set off on a journey without some bigger purpose in mind.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: So should a hero really drop what they are doing just to spend day after day drifting at sea with us?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: If that were the case, then The Crux, known for always moving forward to the next horizon, would instead be holding someone back.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_huixing_05.ogg Huixing: Right... Uh, I guess we didn't think that part through.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: Remember, rather than seeking out strong members to join us, you should be focusing on making yourselves the strongest that you can be! If we are powerful, they will come to us.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: Isn't that why everyone here chose to come aboard in the first place?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_seadrake_05.ogg Sea Drake: Yes... A strong sailor is always looking for a sturdy ship!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_furong_08.ogg Furong: I guess I almost forgot the first lesson you ever taught me... Thanks for the reminder, Captain!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905001_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Just be sure you all keep that in mind! There's no more need to hound the Traveler. As you were! The Traveler and I have something to discuss.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: I'm glad you came, (TravelerTraveler). Welcome back aboard.
Icon Dialogue Talk The crew seemed excited to see me. Thanks for helping me out back there.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: Hey, don't mention it! As a host, it would be pretty embarrassing to continue letting my guest be put on the spot like that.
Icon Dialogue Talk You run a tight ship, Captain.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: Do I? Haha! To be honest, I don't care for that kind of reputation. I don't want people to see me like some big-shot official from Yujing Terrace.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: But I'll take it as a compliment. I'm glad you see me as well-respected.
Icon Dialogue Talk You are a wise leader.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Heh, thanks. I'll take that.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: Some rumors have it that the leader of The Crux is so powerful that she could slay the mighty leviathan, Haishan, without breaking a sweat.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: I can't go getting too caught up in my own reputation, though. That's certainly not how The Crux made it to where we are today.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: As the head of the fleet, my task is to keep us on the right course, no matter how turbulent the seas may become.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: But then again, the crew isn't usually this riled up. It's not that they're arrogant, they're just bubbling with ambition, that's all.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Their excitement today comes from their great respect for you — both your strength and your character... So please, don't take it the wrong way.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why would I? I'm actually quite interested in the life of a sailor. (This dialogue option leads to Sailor Training.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: Oh, is that so? Well, it just so happens that we're doing some recruitment and training for new crew members while we're back. It'll be a first-rate chance to learn the life of a sailor.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: Since you're interested, why don't you come along and experience a sailor's life firsthand?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: I'm curious to see if you'll take the sea by storm in the same way you have on land.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, Captain. Show me the ropes.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: Good, come with me, I've got something interesting for you to see.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe not by storm, but I'll try and make a splash?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: Nice! Come with me. Let's see how big of a splash you can manage.
(Proceed to Sailor Training)
Icon Dialogue Talk Why would I? I should be thanking them for taking me to Inazuma. (This dialogue option leads to Private Chat.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: All good then. Great. Actually, speaking of Inazuma, I think your good luck must have rubbed off on me on the way over. I made an interesting find on the beach shortly after we parted ways.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905004_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: Let's talk about it over there, where it's a little quieter.
(Proceed to Private Chat)

Private Chat[]

Icon Quest Step Step Description

The Crux returns safely from Inazuma and is preparing to celebrate. The only difference is that today, you're the guest of honor...
(Go to a quiet spot to talk details with Beidou)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: So after we dropped you off in Ritou, we found a shipwreck nearby. Probably belonged to Inazuman pirates.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: We searched the wreckage and found a map.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: At first, I thought it was a nautical chart. I was thinking we might discover a new sailing route if we were lucky.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: But after a closer look, I realized that it wasn't a map of the sea at all. It was a Liyue treasure map, and no ordinary one at that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is an evil chi active in the area?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there a great demonic presence in the area?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: Um... nothing like that. I just mean that the map was a mess. So it was the most I could do to figure out that the treasure was probably in Liyue.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: As for its exact location, I have no idea.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: I'd say I've explored Liyue pretty extensively, but still, this one managed to beat me.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: So I thought of you. Nobody can beat you when it comes to treasure hunting on land, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk You know me too well.
Icon Dialogue Talk I wouldn't say I'm the best treasure hunter of all time... only the best to date.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: Is that right? Well then, it looks like I'm in good hands.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Here's the map, see what you can make of it.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: So? Where do you think it is?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think it's Guili Plains, just very badly drawn. (This dialogue option leads to Guili Plains Treasure Hunt.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: Guili Plains... Huh, I never would have gotten that. How can you tell?
Icon Dialogue Talk Call it a treasure hunter's intuition.
Icon Dialogue Talk Compared against a regular map, the topography of the area most closely resembles the Guili Plains.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: Ohh... okay then.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: So you do live up to the hype. I can't believe you noticed that — you sure have an eye for detail.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: Let's head over there and take a look. I'll need you to help me zero in on the specific location once we're there.
(Continue to Guili Plains Treasure Hunt)
Icon Dialogue Talk I think it's Qingce Village, just very badly drawn. (This dialogue option leads to Qingce Village Treasure Hunt.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: Qingce Village... I don't see the resemblance at all. How'd you come to that conclusion?
Icon Dialogue Talk Call it a treasure hunter's intuition.
Icon Dialogue Talk Qingce Village has a lot of terraced land, which seems to match the contour lines on this map.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: Ohh... okay then.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_18.ogg Beidou: I'm definitely a rookie at this, haha. But your word's good enough for me. Time for a trip to Qingce.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905003_beidou_19.ogg Beidou: You're coming with me, of course. I'll need you to help me zero in on the specific location once we're there.
(Continue to Qingce Village Treasure Hunt)

Sailor Training[]

Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_01.ogg Beidou: Chief Mate Juza is breaking in the newcomers. But, I think we can spare you the tedium of that.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_02.ogg Beidou: After this, the new crew members will be arranged into two teams for more specialized training, according to their own aptitudes and the needs of the fleet.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_03.ogg Beidou: One team will learn comprehensive survival skills, including maritime emergency rescue, marine meteorology, psychological counseling, and so on.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_04.ogg Beidou: They will serve as the support team for the fleet, ensuring safe navigation. That's why we call them "The Shield of The Crux."
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the other team? "The Spear of The Crux"?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_05.ogg Beidou: That's right. You catch on quick.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the other team? "The Pen of The Crux"?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_06.ogg Beidou: The Pen of The Crux? Hahahaha! That's a wild idea.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_07.ogg Beidou: Unfortunately, this ain't the Wanwen Bookhouse, kid.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the other team? "The Vision of The Crux"?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_08.ogg Beidou: The Vision of The Crux? Hahahaha! We don't have that many Visions, kid.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_09.ogg Beidou: As one might expect, we call the other team the "Spear of The Crux," because they will be learning about naval warfare. They will make up the armed portion of our crew.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_10.ogg Beidou: Also, they are responsible for handling the fleet's cargo deals.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_11.ogg Beidou: So, what do you think? Which team is for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Shield of The Crux. (This dialogue option leads to Training: The Shield of The Crux.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_12.ogg Beidou: Heh, as I expected. You have a will to protect others.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_13.ogg Beidou: There are two main subjects that The Shield of The Crux focuses on, survival knowledge and entertainment.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_14.ogg Beidou: As I was saying earlier, survival knowledge includes prevention of injuries and diseases at sea, navigation and cartography, basic meteorology, etc.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_15.ogg Beidou: You can go learn about these skills from Yinxing, Huixing, and Liushi. They are all seasoned hands in their respective fields.
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought I would be learning from you, Captain.
Icon Dialogue Talk There are crewmates who know even more than you, Captain?
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_16.ogg Beidou: Each sailor has their own strengths and weaknesses. I'm no rookie, of course, but you shouldn't underestimate the knowledge of the crew.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_17.ogg Beidou: If there's anything I'm most proud of in the fleet, it's my people!
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_18.ogg Beidou: Go and get to work. I'll have some questions to test you later. Heh, I look forward to seeing how you do.
(Continue to Life on the High Seas)
Icon Dialogue Talk The Spear of The Crux. (This dialogue option leads to Training: The Spear of The Crux.)
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_19.ogg Beidou: Heh, you truly are an adventurer at heart.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_20.ogg Beidou: Let's start with the fundamentals for any armed crew member: basic boat handling.
Media:vo_bdcop001_1905002_beidou_21.ogg Beidou: Follow me.
(Continue to Beneath the Surface)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Special Guest
Tèbié Láikè
A Special Guest
Tèbié Láikè
Tokubetsu-na Kyaku
A Special Guest
Korean특별 손님
Teukbyeol Sonnim
Special Guest
Spanish(‍El invitadoEl invitado/La invitadaLa invitada‍) especialThe Special Guest (M/F)Guest (M/F)
French(‍Un invité spécialUn invité spécial/Une invitée spécialeUne invitée spéciale‍)A Special Guest (M/F)A Special Guest (M/F)
RussianОсобый гость
Osobyy gost'
A Special Guest
Khaek Phi-set
Special Guest
VietnameseVị Khách Đặc BiệtSpecial Guest
GermanBesonderer GastSpecial Guest
IndonesianTamu SpesialA Special Guest
Portuguese(‍Um ConvidadoUm Convidado/Uma ConvidadaUma Convidada‍) EspecialA Special Guest (M/F)Guest (M/F)
TurkishÖzel Bir MisafirA Special Guest
ItalianOspite speciale

Change History[]
