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The Akademiya Public Message Board is a message board located in Razan Garden, Sumeru City. The messages randomly cycle through every time it is interacted with.



(Before completing ???)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Akademiya Public Message Board: All Akademiya notifications and executive announcements have been moved to the Akasha. This message board is reserved for communications between instructors and students only. No outsider comments are permitted!
(After completing ???)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Akademiya Public Message Board: As the Akasha System is no longer in use, the bulletin board has now been recommissioned. All Akademiya notifications and executive announcements can be found here. No outsider comments are permitted!

About the General Mahamatra[]

Message: "It's not that I'm biased towards anyone from the desert, but I think the General Mahamatra should be a renowned researcher, especially with academic issues that couldn't be solved with fisticuffs."
Another Person's Message: "Heh, it's still a lot better than when you Rtawahist were running things, at least there's no bias. Or do you really think no one knows the real stories behind the annual publication rate?"
Message: "Listen, you Kshahrewar! You better have proofs or I'll take this up with the Matra!"

Centralized Management of Knowledge[]

Matra's Message: "A gentle reminder, please observe Akademiya protocols and etiquette outside the campus as well."
Matra's Message: "Centralized management of knowledge is the cornerstone of the 'Land of Wisdom.' Don't forfeit the opportunity to study in the Akademiya because of unintentional mistakes."

About Rifaet and Vikram[]

Message: "To all members, I salute you for your pursuit of virtues."
Message: "But I've heard over half of Rifaet's papers were ghostwritten."
Message: "That is why he stayed so low-key despite many achievements."
Another Person's Message: "Although sufficient evidence isn't required for a message board like for papers, the message board is not for personal attacks, either."
Another Person's Message: "All those comments were made simply out of jealousy!"
Another Person's Message: "I also heard that Vikram won the hearts of a lot of girls with his eloquence."
Another Person's Message: "They don't even know he's married. So, are you jealous of his popularity?"
Matra's Message: "Unfounded attacks on Akademiya researchers are prohibited. Individuals who further fabricate rumors will be turned over to the matra."

Actual Business[]

Message: "Actual business is run completely different from what the textbooks described... If only I had stayed in the Grand Bazaar."
Message: "Now I can't write papers and am out of money."
Message: "If this keeps up, I better drop out of school and join the Eremites."

The Akasha[]

(Before completing Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies)
Message: "Although I trust the sages and mentors' judgment, does the Akademiya rely too much on Akasha?"
Message: "It's obvious that the level of traveling scholars we sent out has gone down once we got accustomed to using Akasha. I think it's necessary to restrict access to Akasha for new students."
Another Person's Message: "How could you say that? Don't you know the cults in the desert without Akasha has resorted to devouring raw poisonous snakes to gain wisdom?"
Another Person's Message: "Other than Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, it's the Akasha that ensured the purity of our knowledge."
(After completing Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies)
Message: "Although I trust the sages and mentors' judgment, does the Akademiya rely too much on the Akasha?"
Message: "It's obvious that the performance of the traveling scholars we sent out has gone down once we got accustomed to using the Akasha. I think it's necessary to restrict access to the Akasha for new students."
Another Person's Message: "How could you say that? Don't you know the cults in the desert without the Akasha have resorted to devouring raw poisonous snakes to gain wisdom?"
Another Person's Message: "People fail to recognize that it's the Akasha that ensured the purity of our knowledge."

Akasha and Mahamata[]

Message: "Some might say the Akademiya is pushing the Akasha way too much. Well, I think it's not enough. Most Mahamata have a low productivity, and are even worse than ones we had in the past in some respects."
Message: "Just think, if we can assign work directly through the Akasha, and also let it manage trading in the Exchange...
Message: "We can lay off at least half of the Mahamata."
Another Person's Message: "You make a lot of sense. Maybe that's why we're not doing it."

Canned Knowledge Smuggling[]

Matra's Message: "Several cases of Canned Knowledge smuggling have been detected recently. Detailed information will be released to the mentors and students of the relevant schools through the Akasha before the next Jnagarbha Day, following an investigation."
Matra's Message: "Mentors are encouraged to improve communication with students to ease their mental stress caused by paper writing and prevent potential crimes."

The Current Akademiya[]

Message: "As we all know, it is the researchers' job to delve into profound knowledge. However, the current Akademiya is too mired in administrations."
Message: "Now, many students are forced to stop their research and get sent to be Mahamata elsewhere after completing their studies. Doesn't that contradict the purpose of the Akademiya?"
Another Person's Message: "Wasn't a conclusion already reached on the Akasha long ago?"
Another Person's Message: "While folks still indulge in superstitions, we are the closest to the real truth. How can we relieve ourselves of the duty to illuminate the world? If we stop caring, Sumeru will descend into chaos!"

Foreign Students[]

Message: "I can stand accepting foreign enrollees, but letting them access the Akasha is another thing entirely..."
Message: "Putting aside the influence foreign minds might exert on the Akasha, who knows how much damage the outgoing knowledge will do to Sumeru trading."
Another Person's Message: "Researchers concerned about economics? That's fresh."
Message: "That's why you Haravatat are known as snobs. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to learn to create a better paint!"

Forest Watcher Announcement[]

Forest Watcher Announcement: This week's botany seminar presented by Forest Watcher Tighnari will take place at Pardis Dhyai as usual. Everyone is welcome to sign up.
Forest Watcher Announcement: Everyone interested in botany may come, regardless of who you are!
Official Akademiya Notice: Apologies, due to too many people signing up for the seminar, the Akademiya has decided to limit attendance to AmurtaBiology students and ranger personnel.

Fravashi Reader Society[]

Message: "Never forget the three virtues and six sins of the Akademiya."
Message: "Admonition, Ingenuity, and Praxis... Virtues all researchers should aspire to."
Message: "Three virtues that Rifaet has been practicing for decades."
Message: "The 'Fravashi Reader Society' welcomes you to walk with wisdom and the future Grand Conservator."

Friends of Vikram Fraternity[]

Message: "For a more relaxed academic atmosphere, better scholarly exchanges, and writing papers with a smile!"
Message: "We support Vikram as the next Grand Conservator!"
Message: "You are welcome to join the 'Friends of Vikram Fraternity,' where we shall witness the rise of a young, personable, and fun Grand Conservator!"

The Matra[]

Message: "Haven't seen that desert dwarf in a while...Guess we can relax a bit."
Message: "Wonder what got into the disciplinary staff to stop me from passing the evaluation this semester."
Another Person's Message: "You can pass the evaluation just by showing up, so don't blame others for you not studying. And even though the matra is short-staffed, still be careful what you say."
Message: "The matra is just the hierarchy flaunting their authority. Hold on, I just got a message from the Akasha..."
Another Person's Message: "Guess we all ought to watch our steps."

Message Board Rules[]

Matra's Message: "This message board is not yet a part of the Akasha Access and may be accessed without the system."
Matra's Message: "Please be aware that posts outside of the normal scholarly realms are strictly prohibited."


(Before completing Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies)
Message: "As a student studying abroad, I feel the Great Lord's greatness more each day that I'm in the Akademiya."
(After completing Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies)
Message: "As a student studying abroad, I feel the Dendro Archon's greatness more each day that I'm in the Akademiya."
Message: "In Mondstadt's time, it would take digging through a dozen books just to sort out the different theories to a simple question."
Message: "But the relevant info is available on the Akasha Terminal just by thinking about it. I believe there's no better creation in the world."

Rtawahist vs. Vahumana[]

Message: "After perusing the Starlog by the great sage of Tabari, I finally realized whether it be the war of gods or downfall of ancient empires, it was all a microcosm of the celestial movements."
Message: "The starry sky above us is the only thing eternal."
Another Person's Message: "Uh, sentimentality aside, are you Rtawahist just going to summarize all ancient events in one lump sum?"
Another Person's Message: "Wish you would examine it from the historical perspective, not just stargaze and contemplate."
Message: "What do you know!? This is called exploring the laws of the universe! No wonder all you Vahumana are bookworms!"

Yae Publishing House[]

Message: "Anyone read the latest novel from Yae Publishing House? It's by a Sumeru author named Pursina or something... Obviously an Amurta."
Message: "If only I got into Amurta... I could sightsee all day and still got time to write stories. Nope, I just had to end up in Haravatat, where it's only researching and writing papers for me, with no chance of seeing the outside."
Another Person's Message: "What, someone got published by Yae Publishing House before I did? That's going to hurt my credibility as a light novel authority..."


Redacted Message: "...Regarding the investigation of Zandik...Dastur...Cause of death...Possible murder..."
Redacted Message: "...Zandik...following the delisting...regarding Eleazar...but lacking evidence..."
Redacted Message: "...Records suddenly disappeared...Year unknown...Eleazar outbreak began..."
Redacted Message: "...Prior to disappearance...Legend of Varuna...obsessed with..."
Redacted Message: (The following content has been thoroughly defaced as to be completely incomprehensible.)

Funding for Kshahrewar[]

Message: "Ever since Pir Kavikavus, the Akademiya has never increased the annual funding for Kshahrewar."
Message: "Those above only advocated strict control of machine and tech developments to ensure a stable, peaceful society. I'd say you might as well shut down the Akasha in that case!"
Message: "If it wasn't for long-term funding from astute businessmen like Lord Sangemah Bay, Kshahrewar would've been gone long ago!"

Matra's Message[]

(After completing ???)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Matra's Message: "This bulletin board is for internal within the Akademiya only. Spreading false and illegal information is strictly prohibited."
Matra's Message: The Matra will continue to remind everyone about the researcher's code of conduct!"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAkademiya Public Message Board
Jiàolìng-yuàn Gōnggòng Liúyán-bǎn
Jiàolìng-yuàn Gōnggòng Liúyán-bǎn
Kyourei-in no Koukyou Dengon-ban
Korean아카데미아 공용 게시판
Akademia Gongyong Gesipan
SpanishTablón de anuncios de la Academia de Sumeru
FrenchTableau d'affichage public de l'Académie
RussianОбщественная доска объявлений Академии
Obshchestvennaya doska ob"yavleniy Akademii
VietnameseBảng Tin Nhắn Chung Của Giáo Viện
GermanÖffentliches Anschlagbrett der Akademie
IndonesianPapan Pesan Umum Akademiya
PortugueseQuadro de Mensagens Público da Academia
TurkishAkademi Halka Açık Mesaj Panosu
ItalianBacheca dell'Akademiya per gli annunci pubblici

Change History[]

