* Posts by Mark 85

12912 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012

Ye Bug List

Mark 85

Bug or Feature?

There's "google ads" that pop and cover the upper part of damned near every article. If I click the 'x', a white box is left still covering the upper part of the article... Is this me or you?

Al Gore: Stop using the atmosphere as 'an open sewer

Mark 85

Follow the money

Before anyone ever takes Al Gore seriously on the environment, they should follow the money. He's profited more from the Global Warning and CO2 "problem" than anyone else.

Chinese firm deluged with applications for e-smut appraising job

Mark 85

Reminds mo of the old Woody Allen movie

"What's the job worth?"

"$40 a week. It's all I can afford."

UK Serious Fraud Office queues up to probe HP's Autonomy allegations

Mark 85

Just curious....

.. is there a "Not So Serious Fraud Office"?

Bacon sarnies can kill: Official

Mark 85

Hmm... everyone eventually dies. To say "X number of deaths can be prevented" is a false hope of immortality. Bring me my bacon. Bring me my beer. I'm doomed, I know it, and I'm going to enjoy the trip.

Recipe for a bad day: 'State-backed hackers are attacking your PC'

Mark 85
Big Brother

Let's not overlook the obvious

Let's look at "what if" differently. What if there is no attempted hack? What if Google just wants your phone number (more personal data) under the guise of "you need more security"? Everybody want's my damn cell phone number for "security". I gave it one time and suddenly I was riddled with spam calls. pffffftttttttttt....

BT copper-cable choppers cop 16 months in the cooler

Mark 85

Punishment to fit the crime?

Jail time alone is hardly fit. Make them put the cable back and then jail time.

British games company says it owns the idea of space marines

Mark 85

So even this is owned by GW?: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/10/20/us_space_marines_times_secret_is_out/

They must be following the Apple business plan. Grab something "generic" and call it yours. As a former US Marine, I'm wondering if sometime down the timeline if the name will have to be changed to something like "maritime fighter"?

Kickstarter project says open source can blast Death Star costs

Mark 85

Re: Open source would be dangerous

What part of "exhaust ports covered with chicken wire" didn't you get?

Raise a beer: Titans of tech fill out 'Worst CEOs' list

Mark 85

I guess this whole debate revolves around the term "worst". Go read up on the guy who runs DishTV and in some circles he's the worst.

Marvell: Ignore the $1BN PATENT JUDGMENT... Check out this new cache kit

Mark 85

So I guess that if Carnagie ever gets the money, than suddenly they will have a great footballl team?

Human Rights Watch proposes new laws of robotics

Mark 85


All well and good except that there are too many people/countries who do not follow "laws". As I recall, suicide bombers and terrorist efforts against civilians is prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Who follows the Geneva Convention anymore? More importantly, unless all parties follow it, then the ones who do are at a disadvantage of the ones who don't.

I forget who said it, but "in a world of barbarians, the only way to have peace is to be the biggest and baddest barbarian". Jihadists/non-Jihadists/any government scream bloody murder when their people are attacked, yet think nothing of attacking other civilians. Another law will mean diddly.

The mushroom cloud... because.