And the game-playing by various states continues..... I'm waiting for some country to name 5-Eye's employees and file charges. Where's the popcorn?
Posts by Mark 85
12912 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012
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US charges Iranians with hacking into an NY dam, blasting banks offline
Computers shouldn't smoke. Cigarettes aren't healthy for anyone
Re: Keyboard hell
We didn't have much of an issue with smokers but eaters... I've found chicken bones (the small ones) chunks of sandwich, cookies (biscuits to you in the UK), and other assorted items, usually in blue or green fur hosting a civilization. After a couple of months of cleaning keyboards we started tossing them in the bin although they probably should have went in the one marked "Haz-Mat".
Met police commissioner: Fraud victims should not be refunded by banks
Water treatment plant hacked, chemical mix changed for tap supplies
Tracy Emin dons funeral shroud, marries stone
MH-370 search loses sharpest-eyed robot deep beneath the waves
US State Department sextortionist gets 57 months in cooler
Four of the top 10 places in the world for internet are, er, in the US

Re: I don't want to pile on...
Perhaps Akamai knows something that the rest of us don't... like maybe the US is going to break up into 50 separate countries and one fetid cesspool (DC)?
But seriously, why didn't they break Japan down by prefecture? or Blighty by city? I'm sure there's fast spots and slow spots in every country.
And while I'm on the rant/soapbox, is there anyone who would move to those States (and DC) just for the internet?
Troubled Acer is going to chop itself into three bite sized chunks
Fire sale buys them time to recover?
It seems that about the only supplier of the larger laptops with Win7 is Acer. As I understand it, they're selling well. Must be the excess inventory that they have....
I've bought 2 of them at a great price for the wife. Brand new, in the box, etc. She's got one for everyday use, the other is set up only for "updates".. security not system to be available if the main one fails or whatever.
The FCC, once seen as a telco-thrashing hero, is sadly losing the plot
Politicians and corporate paymasters... you nailed it. Our government is fast becoming dead in the water because of this. The upcoming election is probably going to spell the end of the concept of "bi-partisan" no matter which party wins it.
There's no compromise, no statesmenship, no "do the right thing in spite of politics" any more. At some point in the recent past (last 4 decades) there was at least some, but even the pretense of those are long gone.
Dodgy software will bork America's F-35 fighters until at least 2019
A boondoggle through and through and now ejection seats are also a problem?
What did they do, reinvent the wheel or something similar? One would think that since every fighter built since the beginning of the jet age has had one, there wouldn't be issues that make it more dangerous than not ejecting.
I think the Brits need to be pissed off also, since their shiny, new carriers will have nothing to carry for a few more years.
This thing is turning out to be a bigger mess than first imagined.
Do you qualify as poor in Palo Alto? Spoiler: Yes, yes, you do
Stagefright flaw still a nightmare: '850 million' Androids face hijack risk
Re: If you want Android get a Nexus
"Google really needs to fix this problem, or somebody else will come along who will."
Who? Not Mozilla. Not Canonical. Not Blackberry. Not Nokia. Not even Microsoft, although strange as it may seem they may be the only hope.
The miscreants will in a way. Once enough of them have been compromised and probably binned, the word will spread and Android will either need to be supported by the manufacturers or die.
Israeli biz fingered as the FBI's iPhone cracker
Wait! Where did you get that USB? Super-stealthy trojan only drives stick
Re: How strong willed would you have to be to not plug in a USB stick you found in the street?...
How strong willed would you have to be to not plug in a USB stick you found in the street?...
Not strong-willed, just careful. Those go into the nearest bin though to date, I've only found one in a parking lot and it was mashed by the cars and trucks. One has to be seriously nosy to stick a found USB stick into a computer to "see what's on it". Then again... apparently lots of people will do that.
Comms 'redlining' in Brussels as explosions kill up to 30 people

Re: Well I gave old Boltar an upvote
I have always thought it odd that bags are not checked on entry to an airport. It wouldn't add much to the incovenience to move bag checks there.
And then what? Well, we'll need to put up cover and walls to protect the passengers from bad weather. You're back to where we are now with 100's of people queuing up and making an ideal target.
I care about not being blown to pieces when going about my daily business.
In your case, the terrorists have already won. You can have security or liberty. If you pick wrongly, you'll have neither and the terrorists still win.
I believe the old statement about "it's better to die standing in defiance than on one's knees begging for mercy."
UK government explains "This could be avoided if you let us track every single thing you say or do" in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
And the USA government will be right there with you. This is inspite that there's already news reports that this wasn't picked up by any security agency. Everyone got "surprised".
Best bet.. forget the surveillance. Just carry on. If we all not cowering in our blanket fort, the terrorist lose.
Re: Not only in the capital
If the bastards win, that's when they will start the serious killing. Presumably all "infidel"s?
Infidels with nukes... won't end well.
It probably will end well for them. Isn't part of their "creed" that the final battle will end in a lake of fire and all their warrior go to see Allah and collect their virgins? Or something like that after the lake of fire part.
FTC's privacy champion Julie Brill steps down
Yahoo! kills! more! passwords! with! push! notification! app!
Re: "Yahoo! has long been on a mission to kill passwords!"
I didn't use Yahoo for much and a couple of years ago the assholes started asking me security questions I had never previously answered.
UPS does that. I'm thinking they accessed a credit company like Experian. I had my ID stolen some years ago and some of that info is apparently still on the UPS database... so guess what questions get asked? The ones I can't answer.
FBI backs down against Apple: Feds may be able to crack killer's iPhone without iGiant's help
Re: Phone in hand.
Well.. if the FBI walks away with the phone and the new firmware, they own all of that particular model. That's the issue. If the new firmware was installed and Apple kept the phone, the FBI took the data, and Apple then installed the old firmware, there's not a problem. It's giving them the phone with the modified firmware.
Re: Not a win for Apple
This does make one wonder, doesn't it. All the support for Apple and zip for the FBI. Even if they don't crack the phone, just an announcement that it's been cracked should slap Apple hard in their security claims.
There's an awful lot of game playing going in DC lately what with the election coming up, the Cuba trip (and some surprises from that), Wheeler's little happy dance about net neutrality, and now this. Has the world (or at least the US) gone mad?
Obama bigs up His Man in Havana: Google
Nothing like spilling the beans on a quiet or backroom conversation, then. I would have thought that Google would have been the ones to announce this or at the least, not seem surprised or maybe even a joint announcement. The way this was done gives it a bit of a sleazy edge to it.
I really don't believe some the stuff I'm seeing being pulled by the government lately. This is just one them.
Something useful from Cupertino?! Apple sees the light – finally
Apple stuns world with Donald Trump iPhone
FCC boss: Oh look, net neutrality didn't end the world after all. Surprise!
I'm having a hard time with this.... a former Telco Lobbyist, and logically if we follow what goes on after their time in government, he'd be at another one with a larger salary. And here he is slapping down his old bosses and gloating about it. I guess stranger things have happened but I'm not sure what those would be.
Microsoft to add a touch of Chrome to Edge
Zero-day vulnerability count up by, er, zero in 2015
Pope kicks off Easter week by triumphal entry into ... Instagram
Boffins find a way to put your facial expression on Donald Trump's mug
Facebook, WhatsApp farewell BlackBerry
Microsoft's equality and diversity: Skimpy schoolgirls dancing for nerds at an Xbox party
So when do the dancers show up at your door to induce you finally download and install Windows 10? Looking at the apparent desperation that MS is having with not just Windows 10 on PC's, what will be next?
Their history is filled with manipulation and dirty dealings. I find their double-standards and overall underhandedness to be despicable.
Hand in glove: Google and the US State Dept
They're just not lobbyists anymore, are they? That bit about tool almost smells like Google is a secret contractor or the trading of favors. The question would be: "for whom are they a contractor or doing favors for? State Department? CIA? NSA, other governments?"
If they can track defectors, who else can and are they tracking?
Microsoft's Linux Inquisitor Grand Master is off to Spotify
Heads up, rocket fans: Soyuz launch tonight
It's been a long time since I've watched a live launch due to work and other obligations. It's still a thrill to watch it leave the pad and all the inside shots were great.
They looked relaxed during this launch. One reading a somethingPad, the second following what looked like a checklist, and the third one just looking like he's on the morning commute.
Apple engineers rebel, refuse to work on iOS amid FBI iPhone battle
I guess some employees have looked in a mirror...
They can still look at themselves and know they're trying to do the right thing. This is one of the those battles that will keep raging and when the government wins, everyone loses.
I'm more worried about miscreants than what the government might find on my equipment, but if they get the backdoor (and we know they will), then any non-encrypted product is doomed and the company that made it will go with it.
I do believe that many/most of these employees understand and support the Constitution and trying, in their own way, to defend it.
And to those who would argue that the employees should go along with this.... would you? Would you do this knowing the implications in the long term? I wouldn't.
Feds raid 'extortionist' IT security biz Tiversa, CEO put on leave
Rogue Corporate or Tip of the Iceberg?
I have to wonder with all these security firms claiming they've spotted other corporate's info on the web along with some of the malware that show up. One would think that the market driven by miscreants themselves would be large enough without the FUD being added to it by some companies who have the "only" solution for a given bit of malware.
Too Naked for the Nazis streaks to literary glory
Off to Mars this summer? Don't forget your map
Ben Nevis embiggened by a metre
Web ads are reading my keystrokes and I can’t even spel propperlie
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