Lead acid should die
Isn't it time lead acid batteries were killed for good? LiFePo4 is a practical drop in replacement for them, same charge profile, built in BMS, lifetime is vastly increased, lighter, more reliable, deeper cycle, so lower capacity needed for the same task, lower internal discharge, so longer shelf life if not charged.
So why the f**k is lead-acid still a thing?
I just had yet another UPS lead acid battery die on me, a two year lifespan is just not enough. A bit of searching and I find you can buy drop in Lithium LiFePo4 battery replacements for UPS batteries , same size, compatible charge profile, and it was slightly cheaper than the replacement lead acid too. 2000-4000 cycle lifetime to 80% capacity. So 10 years plus, to reach a capacity that the lead-acid had when it was new.
Drop in replacements for motorcycle and car batteries too, again LiFePo4, again with a built in BMS to protect it from the starter motor surge.
They have mini-UPS's now, little 12v, 5v 9v lithium UPS units you plug inbetween a router or device and its power block..... dirt cheap because its not doing any major AC to DC to AC conversion. LiFePo4 again. No lead acid.
If you have a UPS, slap a higher capacity LiFePo4 in, and you've got mobile mains power.... a "solar generator" without the MPPT charge controller, but then who actually charges those things from solar anyway.
Die already lead-acid, I will not miss you, die already!