The Dell XPS pricing used to be below Lenovo, then it shot up, I wonder if it's tied to the euro?
The System76 looks a nice box as it's Linux native, and some Asus and Lenovo look good.
The main Laptop requirements are (in case Timmy Cook is reading, stuff to LEARN here Tim:):
* Runs Linux (Debian or possibly Ubuntu) or Unix (OS/X)
* 11-14" screens at 1920 x 1080
* USB-A x 2 for temporary disks, CDs etc etc etc.
* 8GB memory minimum
* 2-8 core processing (i5+)
* 8 hours + battery
* Reasonably priced, standard and upgradeable SSD
* Repairable construction
The main desktop 'Mini' requirements are:
* Upgradeable CPU
* Upgradeable RAM
* Upgradeable disks (slot for SSD and slot for 2.5" or two)
* Network, USB-A and 'new trendy' sockets
It would also be nice if it had an Intel processor that wasn't crippled with the branch-prediction bugs that came with the last batch, perhaps AMD or ARM would be nice alternates.