Perhaps this is all just first-gen nonsense
I used to think stories like this (and the zillion other stories like it) meant that the end of civilisation as we know it was at hand. Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here: only a mould-culture of roughly 4 billion proto-sentient lifeforms, happily letting themselves be exploited for the sake of the latest shiny-shiny.
Sometimes - like today - I feel better about it. I want no part of this IoS nonsense. But maybe this explosion of idiocy is just the first rush; a kind of co-operative act of lunacy between
1. millions of gullible consumers
2. startup shops desperate to join the feeding-frenzy with their crappy, Agile-developed little "Apps"; and
3. greedy and cynical marketing companies.
As stories like this one pile up, perhaps the bottom will fall out of this pumped-up South Sewer Bubble, and we'll start to get actually useful, properly written, secure applications to use all that network bandwidth.
Then (1) will - if they can't entirely stop being gullible - at least be gullible about something else. (2) can either start working on these useful, properly-written applications, or do something more useful than what they're doing now (like, for example, picking litter off the streets). In the absence of a B Ark, (3) are never going to go away; but if they can be kept busy staring up their own fundaments with a few of the giant stocks of Smart Internet-Enabled Colonoscopes they've entirely failed to sell, rather than bothering the the rest of us, that would improve life on the planet enormously.