Re: Frankly,
What 6pm news are *you* watching? I've seen plenty of that on ours.
Get this: most people away from the battlezone don't *care*, or not enough anyway, until it's their town or someone they care for that gets bombed or shot. And when that happens, the response isn't all that constructive but is along the lines of "Let's fly over there and bomb them some more! BOMB ALL TEH BOMBZ!!!!!one" because they're angry.
Until then they're too busy getting angry about "tidal waves" of immigrants and how that's imagined to affect their own immediate environs, without sparing a thought for realistic resolution of the issues that are causing it. The culmination of this is that, as now starts to look worryingly likely (I've been trying to deny this until now), next Thursday we'll do the society-level equivalent of taking our ball home and saying "fuck all y'all". And it won't have the desired effect in the slightest. Bunker mentality and kicking the can down the road.
If I felt that our elected representatives were doing anything of greater merit to undermine Daesh and/or stop the same thing happening again a year or two later anyway, I might join you in slating Anon's campaign. But I really don't. Shame.