back to article Smut shaming: Anonymous fights Islamic State... with porn

Elements of the Anonymous hacking collective have switched tactics in a campaign against supporters of the self-style Islamic State by attempting to shame and humiliate jihadists by adding pornographic images to their social media profiles. The smut-smearing follows months of attempting to report jihadist profiles on social …

  1. Robert Helpmann??

    Worth 1,000 Words

    When dealing with a group of jihadists bent on inflicting themselves on everyone around, of course the correct response is to wage war against them using weaponized pr0n! It's a good start. I look forward to finding out what the "nuclear option" in this particular effort will be.

    1. MJI Silver badge

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      I saw a link to it once, loads of bearded men discussing all the hot gay sex they get.

    2. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      The nuclear option is not porn. It's photos of a Wendy's Baconator, Pulled Pork sandwich, Ham with melted cheese sandwich, that sort of thing.

      Or a photo of the 75 virgins waiting for them in the afterlife.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Worth 1,000 Words

        >75 virgins

        You notice the never say female virgins. Maybe that's why some of them are so eager to become martyrs, they die in hope.

        1. MJI Silver badge

          Re: Worth 1,000 Words

          Yes 76 per group, 1 of them and 75 of his mates

      2. Crazy Operations Guy

        Re: "72 Virgins"

        I recently read an academic article about the whole "72 virgins" thing. The paper supposes that since that passage uses a completely different word for virgin than everywhere else, that that section is a translation error. The word used there is very close to the word used for the date fruit rather than women and that the section may well be a metaphor meaning "You will always have a lot of food" rather than "You will have 72 women that are terrible at sex for all eternity".

    3. IglooDude

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      pr0n + "nuclear option" just has to be goatse-related.

    4. Captain Queeg

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      Given the prominence of "Big Boy" as the name of the Nagasaki bomb - presumably in this case it's "King Dong"?

      1. Mike 16

        Re: Big Boy

        Do you mean "Fat Man"? Or "Little boy" (Hiroshima). Or did the thought of a huge plastic Hamburger distract you?

    5. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      " I look forward to finding out what the "nuclear option" in this particular effort will be."

      How about a picture of "The Prophet" bending over like the goatse guy? That assumes it hasn't been done already [je sui Charlie]

      It also reflects the *FRUSTRATION* from the people at the COMPLETE INEFFECTIVENESS by our collective gummints that treating their religion with kid gloves has, showing them a form of RESPECT by calling them 'ISIL' instead of 'ISIS'. You don't respect your enemies, if you want to WIN. You DESTROY them.

      Yeah. I think 'pr0nning' helps.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Worth 1,000 Words

      Weaponized porn... I suppose that's what you'd call a dirty bomb.

  2. Tikimon

    Success wrapped around a Fail?

    On the surface, this makes perfect sense. But when you account for Real Life, it kinda backfires. In spite of all the raving about blasphemous porn, you and I know that Allah's faithful are horny porn-watching shag-anyone-you-can-get-away-with buggers too. You will find the same spectrum of sexual orientations, desires and fetishes in the jihadi population as anywhere else. Even Osama Bin laden had particular likes in porn as I recall. So while it technically makes them look bad to their peers, it also delivers free porn to their devices! Oops. They're going to wear out that "Save Image As" command.

    Just covering the possibilities...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Success wrapped around a Fail?

      All that is true, but this is "outing" twitter users by changing their profile pictures etc. Even though we know there's a lot of hypocrisy about sex everywhere (and nowhere more than religious groups who spend oh so much time talking about other people's sins), remember that the penalty for getting caught in Jihadland is being thrown off a building, or something equally unpleasant. Remember also that ISIS have started executing each other because of suspicions of abetting the enemy (who I believe includes literally everyone else on the planet, including other fundamentalist Muslim groups).

      It's the right move for the right time, I think. And don't underestimate the importance of being able to access hidden accounts and the bountiful trove of real IP addresses; both of which Anonymous can make some use out of.

      And even the ones who are secretly appreciative are going to have to publicly huff and puff and denounce/deny it and either delete their source of free porn, or squirrel it away and thus increase their risk of being caught at some future point.

      1. Swarthy
        Thumb Up

        Re: Success wrapped around a Fail?

        Additionally, I think Twitter's T&C allow for punting someone for "inappropriate" profile pictures. So if the reporting & take down attempts are slow or ineffective, this porn-smearing should up the numbers taken down. Kind of a win-win-win.

        1. Crazy Operations Guy

          Re: " I think Twitter's T&C allow for punting someone"

          And given that Twitter is an American company, its likely that they'll be booted far faster. Because here in America, you show a nipple and you're banned from everything; show a picture of someone being disemboweled, and no one cares.

    2. John Savard

      Re: Success wrapped around a Fail?

      But that's why they chose gay porn, to make it less likely that the targets would just enjoy it.

  3. Dieter Haussmann

    The most searched for term in Pakistan is animal porn.

    1. Dazzz

      Downvote for using the daily fail as a reference

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      The most searched for term in Pakistan is animal porn.

      That's really upset me. Until now he was my favourite muppet...

      1. Midnight

        After things with Electric Mayhem didn't work out, Animal really needed the money.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          > After things with Electric Mayhem didn't work out, Animal really needed the money.

          Could have been worse...

      2. EddieD

        Boring but true - the muppet single "Mah-Na-Mah-Na" was a cover of a track from a 1968 Italian soft-core porn film called "Sweden, Heaven and Hell".

    3. Fatman

      RE: Pakastani search term

      <quote>The most searched for term in Pakistan is animal porn.</quote>

      I could not find a direct link, but check out a site called, and under films, click on "Thanks Smokey". Quite lame, but it just might inspire the budding jihadi.

      After all, men and sheep...............

    4. Blitheringeejit

      @Dieter Haussmann - oh FFS

  4. John 104

    Click the bottom one

    I'm sure its safe for work...

    1. admiraljkb

      Re: Click the bottom one

      ummm, how often is clicking on bottoms SFW really?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why not be more subtle?

    Post messages saying things like "I've done my bit for the cause, do do you think Allah would let me off if I felate a stranger in a pub toilet?"

  6. MD Rackham

    Too bad that...

    ...all of the ISIL "supporters" on Twitter are actually FBI agents trolling for marks for the next sting operation.

    And those FBI boys like their pron almost as much as the Secret Service guys.

  7. Aodhhan

    Better would be to...

    ...put links on their pages to sites which install ransomware. You know they'd click yes to anything from a fellow islamist.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Better would be to...

      Could you post some examples please?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    i really dont think Isis give a fuck as any visit to a gore sight will illucidate you with fresh daily executions, beheadings etc etc from our soon-to-be muslim overlords that the mainstream media tend to gloss over. If people SAW the atrocities these nutters were committing on the 6pm news there would be fucking outrage.

    I really doubt anonymous are doing anything of merit.


    1. Havin_it

      Re: Frankly,

      What 6pm news are *you* watching? I've seen plenty of that on ours.

      Get this: most people away from the battlezone don't *care*, or not enough anyway, until it's their town or someone they care for that gets bombed or shot. And when that happens, the response isn't all that constructive but is along the lines of "Let's fly over there and bomb them some more! BOMB ALL TEH BOMBZ!!!!!one" because they're angry.

      Until then they're too busy getting angry about "tidal waves" of immigrants and how that's imagined to affect their own immediate environs, without sparing a thought for realistic resolution of the issues that are causing it. The culmination of this is that, as now starts to look worryingly likely (I've been trying to deny this until now), next Thursday we'll do the society-level equivalent of taking our ball home and saying "fuck all y'all". And it won't have the desired effect in the slightest. Bunker mentality and kicking the can down the road.

      If I felt that our elected representatives were doing anything of greater merit to undermine Daesh and/or stop the same thing happening again a year or two later anyway, I might join you in slating Anon's campaign. But I really don't. Shame.

  9. Baldy50

    I Stroke It Softly

    Seems a waste of expertise and knowledge.

    Do however like the thought of some ISIS sympathiser going on his Twatter account and seeing one.

  10. John F***ing Stepp

    Too bad we

    Couldn't just hire a knobbler to ...

    No, they do knees, what kind of ASBO dose fingers?

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