Prudish much?
Repeat after me the "American Dream" mantra:
Facebook has contradicted a statement by Oculus founder Palmer Luckey and declared that pornographic content will be forbidden from appearing on the Oculus store. Speaking at Silicon Valley's Virtual Reality Conference in San Jose, in May, 22-year old Oculus founder Palmer Luckey was asked whether his company would be blocking …
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"It was porn that won the war for VHS against BETA."
It was? And there was I thinking it was all about Sony not allowing 3rd party manufacturing to the Beta specs, while VHS was an open standard.
Can someone PLEASE reveal the secret to putting text into italics, bold, or blockquote in this forum? I've tried <q> [q] <quote> [quote] <blockquote> and [blockquote] all to no avail.
Could you give the exact or near-exact stats on VHS vs. Beta for things that deliver five-knuckle shuffle fun to you?
I think you are talking rubbish, the pr0n copying mania long post-dated Sony's post-dating of its cancellation.
Sad thing is, Sony, so dutifully built by Morita from the ashes of fire-bombing, by buying USA media, is now largely under control of those arseholes, Stringer the worst, if a Welsh Regtard can assure me that 'Stringer' is a Welsh name, please correct me.
SCE, of course they still make good products, but to me, the only recently interesting one was the backwards-compatible PS-3s that also would boot Linux.
Of course, Stringer ordered no backwards compatibly and no booting to a general-purpose OS.
It is such a shame that the Cell chip was so quickly abandoned.
Games that were on both ps3 and xboy 360 all looked better on the former. Everybody knows
Electronics, too, the walkman, cameras, many good products.
Screwing that up has nothing to do with real Sony management, and everything to do with the idiot Stringer and his moron pals in NY and LA.
I'm wondering what this new walled garden approach means to applications which have been under development for years, some of them rather very sophisticated, like flight and combat simulator DCS:World.
Do they have to get Facebook's approval now?
Let's hope the competition get their VR headsets on the way rather quickly.
"I'm wondering what this new walled garden approach means to applications which have been under development for years..."
I suspect very little. Mainly, that they won't get listed on Oculus's store. That's not the death knell that being shut out of the Apple Store would be for iOS developers.
The Rift is a peripheral. The computer to which it's connected is the arbiter of what software is allowed. Unless Oculus has gone to some extreme lengths to limit what it will display (which I think they would regret in the long term), you'll still be able to buy (or sell, as the case may be) whatever you like for it. You just may not be able to do it through Facebook. And that might just be a good thing.
I must admit, I'm having second thoughts about Virtual Lab - the fast paced, first person virtual laboratory game I'm developing for the Rift where you fall in love with female lab assistants, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry.
> pornographic content will be forbidden from appearing on the Oculus store
Well, I suppose that's one way to kill it off.
I guess the smut-mongers will either have to wait a few weeks until there is a cheaper chinese clone on the market, or wait a day or two until someone roots the device and makes an absolute fortune for themselves with their own Succubus Rift store.
Apart from the visual differences, the head tracking is optical as opposed to gyro based.
Gyro based does not come close to the fidelity of optical - for a start gyros only give relative, not absolute tracking.
TL;DR: You are much less likely to vomit over your PC with optical tracking.
How is banning pr0n is the Oculus App store, the same as banning it on Oculus itself? Which is what the headline, and article seem to be indicating.
Surely this just means that Oculus/FB are unwilling to distribute the pr0n themselves, and you'll just have to download those items from, ehem, elsewhere.
This is of course unless Oculus/FB intend to cripple the device somehow, and only allows apps acquired through their official store to use the device. But that would be product suicide if it was the case.
Been a fan of Oculus from the start, own a DK2, and love using it.
But the general feeling here with FB (as expected really, once they took over!), and also bundling a XBox controller with the package, means they are likely to be pushing people towards the HTC/Valve implementation instead.
Although would still like to see a proper HTC vs Oculus comparison.
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So you won't be able to sideload apps? That's too bad. If I (or anyone else) can't sideload apps, then the platform is dead to me both as a developer and consumer. This is my existing policy for all other computing platforms. I won't be making an exception for OR.
Feck Feck Feck
sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt-get install -y libavcodec-extra-54 libavformat-extra-54
"So, step 1: Kill the business model. Step 2: File for Chapter 7 bankruptcy? "
Um, if other similar scenarios are followed:
Step one: Kill business model
Step two: Release poorly thought out version of product
Step three: Kill product, citing "lack of demand"
Step four: Use patent portfolio to sue all successful maker of similar/not so similar products (AKA: Profit!)
Well, more accurately, they want to monetise as much as possible and it's so much easier to control and keep track of everyone in a nice walled garden.
Anyone who is even the slightest bit surprised is, frankly, rather naive or hasn't been paying much attention.