Re: Trust the USG?
In this instance the USG's conduct has been exemplary over the last 4 decades.
If it wasn't for the USG, ICANN would have utterly fouled the pond years ago. The entire structure is crooked and board members have shown that they're primarily self-interested.
Other governments wanting control of things are no better, nor are the ITU or UN control proposals.
Maybe relying on a US govt department to control IANA is a bad thing, but it's the least worst option currently available.
Maybe this sounds like "end of the world predicted, jesus spotted on a moped on I-11", but the fact that the USG wants to divest itself of this burden and the resulting chaos which is likely to ensue no matter who ends up "in control" sends shivers down my spine.
In all liklihood the "root servers" would cease to be relevant in less than 5 years and finding anything via dns would be an unholy mess with overlapping claims to domain names - remember than anyone can setup root servers and sell alternative TLDs - other organisations have been doing it for over a decade and ICANN has started selling TLDs already in use by those other parties. Those parties lost legal fights to stop ICANN doing it and it's effectively set a precedent which would make it _extremely_ hard for ICANN to stop anyone else doing the same thing to them.