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Someone dropped a house in the middle of a parking lot. Ya can't miss it. It's the only one on the block

Monopoly Houses and a Hotel. Games People Play - Macro Mondays.

Pictures from the car


Somerset House in London, is always showing something interesting. You've noticed the S shapes all over the stairwell. That is Nelson's stairwell one of the most beautiful and an attraction point in Somerset House.

At my visit time, a silhouette just made it through the half open door, while another at ground floor, just passed by. Still I was able to catch an enigmatic young woman as she made it pass the top part.



this fine old stone farmhouse sits on Route 7 between Schenevus and Worcester, New York

Virginia City, Nevada -2010


Teased and textured for Sliders Sunday


Explored 11/03/13 #231

The Warren McArthur House in the Hyde Park-Kenwood Historic District in Chicago (1892, remodel 1900). It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

The Lake House

La Casa sul Lago


(Lake Matese, Campania - Italy)

(Lago del Matese, Campania - Italia)


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An old house located west of Jefferson City Missouri, in a small town called Sandy Hook.

Dennis Street, Northcote


Magnificent, old deserted house with multiple gables. Located atop a mountain along NC18S of Sparta, NC. Cattle have rubbed down parts of the old porch or veranda on right side. An electric fence prevented seeing the back side, but the design seems to have had porch wrap all way around. The left side seems to have gotten the same cow rub.


In its day, one can imagine close friends/family sitting and sipping around the porch at sunset.


It is now surrounded by fences for the cattle and electric ones along the road for humans, I suppose. I'd like to hope the owners are considering a re-fit. It would be a shame to let so grand a dame wither.

This abandoned house is on the Oklahoma Prairie. Probably from the dust bowl days.

All the front houses of Bryggen have been rented out as commercial shops catering to the tourists and the townspeople. But at the back are these wondrous well-preserved wood houses that jump out of your senses. They are an amalgam of tradition, function and drama.


Bryggen, Bergen, Norway, summer of 2004


more postcards from Bryggen in

Colorful houses in the town Icod de Los Vinos on Tenerife :)


Smile on Saturday - theme: "Vivid orange" :)


Icod de los Vinos is a municipality in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands (Spain). It is located on a continuous smooth slope that stretches from the extensive forests of Canary Island Pine down to the sea, and has almost 10 km of shoreline. The city is surrounded by fertile valley, and its streets and corners offer views of the volcanic mountain Teide, as well as dense pine forests which descend from its summit to Icod's higher-altitude districts. Its banana plantations, orchards and vineyards give rise to a lively commerce. In Icod, close to the Church of San Marcos, stands a famous dragon tree, which is reputed to be a thousand years old. While no study seems to have confirmed such longevity for the tree (dracos do not produce annual rings with which to tell their ages; the tree is more likely to have an age in the hundreds of years), it is the long-time symbol of Icod.



Kolorowe domy na jednej z uliczek w Icod de Los Vinos na Teneryfie :)


Icod de los Vinos – gmina i miasto w prowincji Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Miasto położone jest na łagodnym stoku z lasami piniowymi, który ciągnie się aż do morza i tworzy prawie 10 km linię brzegową. Icod de los Vinos otoczone jest żyzną doliną, w której istotną gałęzią gospodarki jest uprawa bananowców, sadownictwo i uprawa winorośli. Icod de los Vinos zostało założone w 1501 roku. Dawniej tereny te zamieszkane były przez rodowitych mieszkańców Wysp Kanaryjskich, zwanych Guanczami. W Icod de los Vinos w otoczeniu winnic znajduje się znak rozpoznawczy Teneryfy, botaniczny pomnik przyrody, słynna dracena - Drago Milenario.

Houses like this were given to Holland by the Norwegian government after the flood disaster in 1953

Our backyard......

Southeastern Connecticut

We rented this house for our annual family holiday.

On the Oregon side of the Snake River in Hells Canyon

A closer view of this ranch house.

This old building operates as a cafe and does a good trade from walkers that venture out in Ilkley. Dating back to 1700 is was built to accommodate a spa with three plunge pools. One his still in use today.

I always admire this croft house when l drive past so today l decided to stop!!

Taken in Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, Italy.

No treatment.

Haemorhous mexicanus

ORDER: Passeriformes

FAMILY: Fringillidae

House Martin, Southern Spain

Not the most desirable perch he's on but it’s the best photo I’ve managed yet of a House Finch so I guess you take what you can get.


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Kruger National Park


Passer domesticus


This relatively small sparrow was introduced to southern Africa from Europe and India, and is now a locally common resident in and around human habitation throughout the region.

John Moulton Homestead in Mormon Row Historic District, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

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