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Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2005
Designed by Jerome Legg. This Queen Anne design is considered to be the first distinguished American style of architecture. Built in 1897 for Dr Samuel Harris who passed away only two years after its completion, was then purchase by William Henry and Lilla Luce Harrison. A prominent and influential family living in Cape Girardeau.
We left Trondheim not by boat this time but by train. The journey North to Bodo would take ten hours but as we passed through the most beautiful and varied landscapes the hours flew by.
We had a wonderful train guard who seemed to quite like us and told us a lot about himself and his country. He also said what side of the carriage to be at for the next amazing landscape and one point he said he would tell the traindriver to slow down so I would have a better chance of a good shot. This would not happen in England.
It was about two thirds of the journey when we passed through the Arctic Circle to some excitement
Anyway the shot was taken somewhere North of the Arctic Circle the quality is not great but it was taking through glass but you get an idea
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) male perched on a vine during snow.
Samiec wróbla domowego (Passer domesticus) siedzący na pnączu w czasie śniegu.
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) male perched on a vine.
Samiec wróbla domowego (Passer domesticus) siedzący na winobluszczu.
In 1850, Dr. William Clark built a beautiful limestone mansion known as the Stone House, which stands to this day. Alexander Zeigler bought the house in 1868. He was a steamboat captain on the Mississippi for 30 years. The home has eight rooms, 24-inch walls and a 10-foot cupola. Capt. Zeigler and his family lived in this house on a farm of 450 acres
This one caught the eye as we walked past. I imagine keeping that lawn going must be a job and a half
Monticello, Arkansas. Built in 1906, the Allen House is located along North Main Street and features gothic-style architecture and wrought-iron fencing. The house was planned by local businessman Joe Lee Allen to be the most impressive house the town had ever seen. Unfortunately in December 1948 the family experienced a grave tragedy – their daughter, Ladell, consumed mercury cyanide-laced punch in the house’s master suite. Out of grief, her mother sealed off the room and it would not be entered by anyone for nearly four decades. During its time as an apartment building in the 1950s, tenants would report eerie occurrences, including hazy figures appearing in photographs, furniture being unexplainably rearranged and several reports of a lady sitting in a turret window. The Allen House is now open for historic guided tours by appointment and opens its doors the last two days of October for special Halloween tours.
The house conserves both the memory of Gaudí and many examples of furniture and other objects that he designed. Crucial to forming an idea of how the great Catalan architect worked, these works also illustrate the craft production system in Catalonia during the Art Nouveau period.
The original purpose of the building – that of acting as a “show house” for Park Güell – gives the site added value. Although it is a public space today, Park Güell, one of Gaudí’s major undertakings, was originally planned as a private residential area.
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) male perched on a snowberry branch.
Samiec wróbla domowego (Passer domesticus) siedzący na gałązce śnieguliczki.
The picture taken near Pereslavl-Zalessky in Russia. We stopped briefly to buy farm eggs that people sell off the road.
From Historic England:
"This was built as a private house and the name dates only from the Napoleonic wars, when the house was used as a hospital. The front portion is a C15 timber-framed house of which many of the timbers have been renewed. The 1st floor overhangs on brackets shaped like a double volute. 3 gables added in the C16 (one dated 1576) carried on curved coving and brackets. Tiled roof. Modern easement windows. At the west end of the house is a passageway through the house on the ground floor with a wrought iron gate. The VCH says that there is a C16 wing behind and that the house has a stone vaulted cellar, Tudor fireplaces and C18 panelling. To the east is an C18 house which has been rebuilt in modern times and is now used as the service wing of the Old Hospital. This has 2 storeys and 3 windows. Red brick and grey headers. Wooden cornice and tiled roof, all renewed. 6-panel moulded door. There is another mediaeval cellar beneath this house.
All the listed buildings in Mermaid Street form a group."
This House Finch was seen joining up with the Lesser Goldfinches, the Bulbuls, Northern Mockingbirds , Hummers etc . along the Aloe Trail at the Los Angeles County Arboretum
A little detail from a little church -- sepia enhanced. I didn't catch the denomination.
daly city, california
The photograph shows a house front with a window and door in the background. The house is obviously in a garden, because in front of the door is a lawn, which can be seen in the foreground. On the lawn, an extended shadow is witnessed by a mighty tree. A person walks on the lawn towards the door.