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House Finches can be found year-around in Michigan's Lower Peninsula, but they will move to another area if a food source is not readily available.
This picture was cropped from my picture taken at Lake St Clair Metropark.
The former home of Rudyard Kipling in East Sussex, UK. Now run by The National Trust and open to the public.
Montacute House was built in about 1598 by Sir Edward Phelips, whose family had lived in the Montacute area since at least 1460, first as yeomen farmers before rising in status. The site was bought from the Cluniac Montacute Priory by Thomas Phelips and passed to his grandson, also called Thomas, who started planning the house, but died before it was built and left the completion.
typical rural house in the Russian provinces. photo was taken in the village Dubosekovo. The population of 29 people (2005 data).
One of my favourite homes in Ladner. I'm fascinated by the three stacked floors, reminds me of a cake. The landscaping is impeccable, always. This is the first time I've seen it with snow, but I just realized that there were no Christmas lights despite the time of year, interesting, as this house would be enhanced by tasteful lighting, must drive by it one night, maybe they have those spotlight thingys that make trees look so dramatic.
A male House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) at a feeder in our yard. The Japanese Maple in the background added a complimentary backdrop
A pretty backyard bird. But, wow, are they pigs at the feeders. They will sit and eat and eat and eat. One interesting thing about their feeding habits is how they deal with sunflower seeds. Inside the hard outer shell, the seed itself has a thin seedcoat, or testa, covering it. It appears the finches don't want to ingest it. They use their beaks and tongues to remove it, and the feeder will gradually "grow" a top layer of translucent seedcoats.