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該当件数 : 243



Many people are under the weather.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The identification device is created by rearranging the weak identification devices. - 特許庁

なお、2010 年の輸出額の多い順に並べた。例文帳に追加

The items are arranged in descending order of export value. - 経済産業省

一方、調に増加したと考えられる対外 M&A だが、今後の課題も多い例文帳に追加

In addition, external M&As could experience a stable increase but involve many future challenges. - 経済産業省



The advertisements 47, 48 are displayed in the order of decreasing a sum of money spent per day. - 特許庁



According to the graph, “3 days” was the most common answer, followed by1 week,” and then “2 weeks.” - 経済産業省


Instead of according to the descending order of the colored pixel rate, according to a descending order of an input time that has been taken for scrawling, descending order of cumulative points given depending on scrawling tools used, or descending order of starting scrawling, the shot images may be selected. - 特許庁


The common surnames among Japanese Americans are, in order of descending prevalence, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Nakamura, Watanabe, Sato, Yamada, Kimura, Suzuki, Kato, Yoshida, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Nakano, Hayashi, and Saito.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Parts of speech which can not become the keyword are arranged in order the large number of characters. - 特許庁


一方、輸入先としては、日本、ASEAN、中国(含香港)、中東、EU27 の多い(第2-3-4-9 表参照)。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, Thailand's import sources include Japan, ASEAN countries, China (including Hong Kong), Middle East, and EU27 in the descending order of import amount (Table 2-3-4-9). - 経済産業省



In displaying the thumbnail pictures as a list, the thumbnail sorter displays the display order of the thumbnail pictures in the descending order of the number of reproduction times, in the ascending order of the final reproduction date and time, or in the ascending order of distance to the generated positions. - 特許庁


The integrated operation management server 1 periodically rearranges the use order of the filter in decending order of a counter value by use of the counter value. - 特許庁

・所有メーカーは、「シャープ」が圧倒的に多い(27人)、 続いて、「パナソニック」(5人)、「ナショナル」(4人)の例文帳に追加

- The overwhelming majority owned Sharp products (27 people) followed by Panasonic (5) and National (4).  - 経済産業省


To provide a preliminarily grafted seedling-acclimating method by which a time-consuming and highly unsuccessful implantation seedling- acclimating step can partially or wholly be omitted, to provide a preliminarily acclimated grafted seedling obtained by the method, and to provide a preliminarily acclimation apparatus used for the method. - 特許庁


He is often considered to be Nobumori YUSA who was a vassal of the Hatakeyama Bishu family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the traffic is high, respective photolithography systems 10 transfer data sequentially to the server 61. - 特許庁

所有メーカーは、「L G」が最も多い(17人)。続いて、「Whir lpool」(11人) 「G odrej」(インドメーカー ,10人)のに続く。例文帳に追加

Most of the refrigerators owned are made by "LG" (17 respondents) followed by "Whirlpool" (11 respondents), and "Godrej" (Indian manufacturer; 10 respondents).  - 経済産業省


Most of the microwaves owned are made by "Samsung" and "electrolux" (3 respondents respectively) followed by "LG" and "Godrej" (2 respondents respectively).  - 経済産業省


In this line, during the time of the fifth master Renshin Sojun () after the Meiji Restoration, there were many ardent students of tea ceremony, including Donno Masuda and Kyohei MAGOSHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a color character mode is selected (S614), the image forming order is decided so that the images are formed in the descending order from the color having the large integrated value (S615, S616). - 特許庁


When a document of a larger number than the estimated process number is detected, an order switch part 18 changes a print order for the document to a lower position. - 特許庁


Most of the digital cameras owned are made by "Sony" (10 respondents) followed by "Canon" (4 respondents), and "Kodak"(3 respondents).  - 経済産業省


- Most people own cameras made by Canon (17 people) followed by Samsung (10) and Sony (6).  - 経済産業省


At the time of a mode in which a program is reproduced in order of the accessed frequency, the control circuit 5 reads out the access frequency from the optical disk, and reads out programs from the optical disk 1 in order of the access frequency. - 特許庁


In this device, by accumulating the number of times for retrieving and reproducing the reduced summary images by the image, combining sequences of the reduced summary images in descending order of accumulated frequency, and displaying the reduced summary images preferentially in descending order of frequent retrieval reproduction, a user can refer to the reduced summary images in descending order of retrieval reproduction frequency. - 特許庁


In other words, the order switch part 18 takes in the print order stored in the print process requirement storage part 7b and processes to bring a print process requirement showing a large process amount of documents to a later order. - 特許庁


This slot machine is equipped with a stop operation order monitoring means which can detect a stop operation order repeated many times among stop operation orders of a plurality of stop operation means in a prescribed period. - 特許庁


A controller 8 operates the inverter 2 and the rectify-inverter 4 in parallel, when the remaining capacity of the battery 7 is high, while the battery 7 is charged by one of the inverter 2 and the rectify-inverter 4, when the remaining capacity of the battery 7 is low. - 特許庁


It is often said that Ieyasu paid a debt back to Tadateru because Tadateru had a successful career and eventually became a governor-general of 750,000 koku (crop yield).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The landmark name is indicated on a LM name display section in the order of quantity of the searched landmark located in the landmark. - 特許庁


The control section 112 allows the imaging section 111 to execute patrol photographing in the order of field angle ranges to which many control requests are applied. - 特許庁


As has been mentioned, "Hogen Monogatari" has many versions of manuscript, and its contents and the order of the story vary among them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As to ingredient descriptions, it has been stipulated by the Quality Labeling Standards for Processed Foods that ingredients be listed in descending order of the amount used in the concerned product.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Alternatively, allowable intake areas of the intake ports 152A, 152B, 152C increase in this order, so that much air can be taken for the part having the large amount of heat generation. - 特許庁


A program selecting method that collects information of programs that are viewed and switches channels in accordance with the number of people who view programs is provided. - 特許庁

タイの主要な貿易相手国・地域をみると、2011 年の輸出先としてはASEAN、中国(含香港)、NAFTA、EU27、日本の多い例文帳に追加

Thailand's export destinations in 2011 include ASEAN countries, China (including Hong Kong), NAFTA, EU27, and Japan in the descending order of export amount. - 経済産業省


Readers should guess the following frame after reading a frame, in many cases, the order of reading is not specified and it is an unspoken understanding.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A re-arranging part 111 rearranges the retrieved result documents 104 in the order of the larger number of times of the appearance of the word. - 特許庁


A retrieval condition selection part 105 selects the prescribed number of retrieval conditions in the order of the large number of times of storage from among the stored retrieval conditions. - 特許庁


When displaying the retrieval result list, the keywords in the keyword group are sorted in order of the selection frequency from the large number to display the retrieval result list. - 特許庁


Then, an error report R in which cashers are arranged in descending order for the errors is produced by using the error management file and then outputted. - 特許庁


A CPU 3 makes, for example, a genre rank so that a genre of music contents frequently reproduced is ranked higher. - 特許庁


To find a production sequence suitable for products more easily than before, even when the number of attributes of the product is large. - 特許庁

地域別では、関東地域からの輸出が全体の65.2% を占め最大で、次いで近畿地域(全体の17.5%)、九州地域(同9.3%)の多い例文帳に追加

By region, export from Kanto area is the largest, accounting for 65.2% of the total, followed by Kinki area (17.5%) and Kyushu area (9.3%) in that order. - 経済産業省


Those Creationists who hold to the literal truth of the Genesis account (especially to the order and time of the stages of creation) are often called Fundamentalists.  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


Then, the control part 2 newly associates the channels with the number keys 201 to 209 in the order of the channel whose accumulative viewing time is longer (figure 6). - 特許庁


A message sorting part 216 rearranges the message identification numbers in the decreasing number of the number of selecting times, and a message list generation part 218 generates a message list corresponding to a message identification number according to the order. - 特許庁


The display control portion updates the display order of the telephone book data in an order of a frequency of outgoing and incoming calls in the outgoing and incoming call history corresponding to a group every time the group determined by the group determining portion switches. - 特許庁


The inputted keywords are compared with the stored words, and the more frequently the destination is hit, the higher the order of transmission is made (S111, S113). - 特許庁


また、サブサハラ・アフリカ諸国でも、新興国として注目を集める中国やインド、ブラジルを上回る位の国も多い(第1-2-5-17 表)。例文帳に追加

Some Sub-Saharan African countries are ranked better compared to China, India and Brazil that are gaining attention as emerging countries (see Table 1-2-5-17). - 経済産業省


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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
翻訳は http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm に基づいています。
Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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