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英訳・英語 continental policy
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He consistently promoted continental policy, and concluded Russo-Japanese Agreement and took part in the annexation of Korea.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The effects of the different labor policies pursued in the Anglo-Saxon approach and the continental European approach are clearly demonstrated in unemployment rate trends (Fig.3.1.3). - 経済産業省
This rise of free trade begin to stall in the 1870s with the Great Depression, which led continental Europe to instead adopt protectionist policies. - 経済産業省
Those countries taking the continental European approach were traditionally characterized by powerful labor unions and labor policies protective of workers, including strict dismissal regulations, short working hours, and generous unemployment benefits. - 経済産業省
This EU-level policy shift has also impacted on the policies of national administrations, with a cost breakdown of employment measures in continental European countries since 1997 revealing an increasing share of spending on active labor market policies (Fig.3.1.2). - 経済産業省
Change is also occurring in those countries which have taken the continental European route and were previously noted for the rigidity of their labor markets, with the EU creating an employment strategy and members adjusting their employment policies accordingly. - 経済産業省
Both these countries and countries adopting the continental European approach are not only increasing the flexibility of their labor markets, but also working to boost the quality of employment by, for example, improving education levels and re-educating workers. - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「大陸政策」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 10件
In postwar Taiwan, the Kuomintang Party, which was defeated by communist forces in the Chinese civil war and moved to Taiwan, suppressed the native-born Taiwanese who had been living in Taiwan before the Kuomintang related immigration wave (the White Terror and the 228 incident in 1947 was the largest scale suppression) and developed the military-first policy with the national credo of "counterattack the mainland," and as a result, the development of the infrastructure in Taiwan was put on the back-burner.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is in this context that the African Development Bank is expected to play a significant role. While taking full advantage of its African character, the Bank should actively participate in the efforts of African countries to improve their governance and enhance policy dialogue with each country in the region to address issues in areas directly related to poverty reduction as policy priorities. These issues include agricultural and social development.発音を聞く - 財務省
社会保障の機能強化の議論は、「国家」、 「共同体(家族・地域)」 「市場」の特徴・機能を踏まえる必要。 ※デンマーク出身の社会政策学者(1947-)。緻密な歴史分析と計量分析を用いた「福祉レジーム」論を提示し、世界中に大きな影響を及ぼしている。 類 型 主な特徴 社会民主主義レジーム (北欧諸国) 国家の役割大 保守主義レジーム (大陸ヨーロッパ諸国) 家族・職域の 役割大 自由主義レジーム (アングロサクソン諸国) 市場の役割大 日本はどの類型にもはっきりとは収まらないが、以下の特徴がある。例文帳に追加
The debate of functional enhancement of social security should be included with special features and functions of ‘state’, ‘community (family and local community) and ‘market’. S ※ A Danish sociologist (1947- ). He presented the ‘Welfare regime’ with meticulous historical analysis and quantitative analysis that has had a great impact all over the world. Molding Major characteristics Social democracy regime (Northern European nations) Big role of states Conservatism regime (Continental European nations) Big role of family and employment Liberalism regime (Anglo-Saxon nations) Bigger role of marketsThe Japanese system is not quite categorized into one model, but has the following characteristics: - 厚生労働省
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