DreamWorks Animation Television is an American animation studio that is mostly associated as the animation division of television production arm of DreamWorks Studios, itself a subsidiary of Universal Pictures and a division of Comcast's NBCUniversal. Founded in 1954 in Glendale, California, the studio was a television animation unit owned by DreamWorks Animation.
In 1986, DreamWorks Animation's unnamed television unit was transferred to DreamWorks Television and renamed into different names from DreamWorks Studios Television Animation to currently DreamWorks Animation Television. Despite that, however, DreamWorks Animation Television still remains located at the DreamWorks Animation main studio as a separate division to DreamWorks Television. The studio's programs from the 1950s-to-early 2000s used the live-action television logo, and were produced by DreamWorks Television, getting its own logo in 2004.
Since its founding, DreamWorks Animation Television initially animated most of its own programs, with occasional programs being animated by outside animation facilities. Today, since the mid-1980s, the studio's television productions are animated by various animation studios such as Wang Film Productions, Rough Draft Studios, TMS Entertainment, Jam Filled Entertainment, etc. while some shows are animated by DreamWorks' main animation studio. For almost 70 years, DreamWorks Television Animation is one of the many studios producing some of the most successful animated television programs after Hanna-Barbera, Rankin/Bass, Filmation, Disney Animation Television, Warner Bros. Animation, and Netflix Animation, and is considered one of the oldest-running television animation production companies in the world.
Following the establishment of the television unit for Dora Wilson Productions in 1954, the studio's animation unit in Glendale built a TV animation unit in the same year. The studio's first animated series, Jumpy, took 12 weeks in production by producing episodes per month before its premiere on television in Spring 1954. TBD
In 1966, Dora Wilson purchased Go Fish Studios from Albert Ringering, and merged the studio with her television unit to form DW-Go Fish Television Productions, now DreamWorks Television.
Television programs[]
See List of DreamWorks Television programs.
- As of 2019, unlike other older animation television studios (e.g. Hanna-Barbera was founded in 1957 and closed in 2001), DreamWorks Animation Television is considered by many as the oldest and longest-running animation television production studio in North America. However, it was been frequently mislead by misinformation that stating if it was established in 1986, as they would describe it by stating "since its founding in 1986", while DreamWorks Animation Television was first established in 1954 as an unit for DreamWorks Animation until 1986, being transferred to DreamWorks Television and renamed to "DreamWorks Animation Studio Television".
- The studio has produced many productions, with Catnii and Courtney, The World According to Jerry and Gerry, The Adventures of Super-Squirrel, The Newer-Than-New Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib, Kung Fu-Panda: The Dragon Knight, and TBD being the ones in production.
See also[]
- Moonboy Animation
- DreamWorks Animation Television animation services
- Animation Ark - an animated programming block aired on NBC and TBS. On NBC, it only airs shows produced by Moonboy Animation while on TBS, it airs both Moonboy Animation shows and other adult animated shows produced by other studios.