Druggy the Clown is a 1974 American adult animated stoner dark comedy film directed by Ralph Bakshi and produced by DW-Go Fish Film Pictures. It follows the life of a fowl-mouth stoned clown and former cast member of the children’s television program The Happy Hour named Darwin Jake Williams (also known as his former nickname Happy). After getting kicked from the TV station due to his inappropriate and profane behavior in the program front of the children, he tries to become a drug mule (nicknamed into Druggy) for a famous drug lord named Sir Joshua C. Smalls, and sell drugs to kids in the big urban city so he can earn enough money to create his own TV show just for adult audiences. The film features the voices of Peter Fonda as Druggy and Jim Bates as Sir Smalls.
Druggy the Clown is the first DreamWorks-produced animated film to be rated R in America, although it was originally to be rated X. It is also the first studio-produced film to contain crude humor.
- Peter Fonda as Darwin "Druggy" Jake Williams, an unemployed clown who is formerly a television cast member in the The Happy Hour kids TV program, and became into a stoner and drug mule who attempts to sell illegal drugs to children in the city.
- Tim Matheson as Billy Quarsh, a 13-year-old boy.
- Judy Engles as Aerial Quarsh, Billy's 33-year-old widow mother who got divorced by her abusive husband and whom Druggy had a crush on.
- Jim Bates as Sir Joshua C. Smalls, a notorious homosexual drug lord who hires Druggy to be his drug mule.
- Stacy Keach as Chiefy, a police sheriff.
- Ernest Borgnine as Mr. Loc Harvest, a television producer and manager for The Happy Hour.
- Strother Martin as Tim, a police officer.
- Ralph Bakshi as Bruce, an overweight bit brain-dead police officer who is Tim’s aid.
- Paul Frees as a redneck.
- The man who brought you the naughties cat, the heaviest events in the city, now he is about introduce one stoned clown in town.
- This ain't no circus.
- Meet the guy who would clown around with the joint.