Walt Disney Animation Collection: Classic Short Films is a series of DVDs by Walt Disney Home Video released in 2009. Each release features around one-hour of animated short films by Walt Disney Productions and Walt Disney Feature Animation. Each release is titled the same as the first short and includes other shorts which mostly have some relation to the title short. As opposed to the chronological nature of the Walt Disney Treasures line, each release features various cartoons in no particular order.
Cover | Title | Released | Featured shorts |
Volume 1: Mickey and the Beanstalk | April 7, 2009 | ||
Volume 2: Three Little Pigs |
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Volume 3: The Prince & the Pauper |
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Volume 4: The Tortoise and the Hare | May 12, 2009 |
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Volume 5: Wind in the Willows |
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Volume 6: The Reluctant Dragon | |||
Volume 7: Mickey's Christmas Carol | September 29, 2009 |