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Tony's Restaurant is an Italian food restaurant where Tony and Joe work, and where Lady and Tramp, and also Scamp and Angel, eat dinner and fall more in love in Lady and the Tramp and its sequel, respectively.


Lady and the Tramp[]

Tony's Restaurant first appears when Tramp decides to pay a visit for breakfast. Joe is delighted to see Tramp after some time and throws him a bone. The restaurant later appears again when Tramp treats Lady to dinner. Lady is about to enter through the front door when Tramp informs her that he has his own private entrance out back. When Lady meets Tony and Joe, Tony sets up a table, while Joe prepares bones. When Tony sees the bones, he chastises Joe and orders him to make their finest spaghetti. When Tony gives them spaghetti, Lady and Tramp eat it, then they leave the restaurant.

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure[]

The restaurant appears, briefly in the sequel. When Scamp takes out Angel. When Scamp calls Tony and Joe, Scamp and Angel eat spaghetti (like Scamp's parents did). Then Scamp and Angel leave the restaurant.



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Lady and the tramp logo
Lady and the Tramp (soundtrack/video) • Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure (video) • Lady and the Tramp (2019) (soundtrack) • BooksDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Disney Parks
Disney Animation Building

Entertainment: Once Upon a MouseThe Golden Mickeys
Restaurants: Mickey & Pals Market CaféPizzeria Bella NotteTony's Town Square Restaurant
Fireworks: Disney EnchantmentMomentousOnce Upon a TimeWondrous Journeys

Original: LadyTrampTrustyJockAunt SarahSi and AmJim DearDarlingJim Jr.Tony and JoeMr. BusyThe RatThe DogcatcherPound DogsStray DogsScampAnnette, Collette, and Danielle

Sequel: AngelBusterReggieFrancoisSparkyMoochRubyScratchyChuck (deleted)
Remake: LadyTrampTrustyJockJim DearDarlingLuluAunt SarahDevon and RexThe RatIsaacEiliottPound Dogs

Original: Peace On EarthJock’s SongWhat is a Baby?La La LuThe Siamese Cat SongBella NotteHe's a TrampFree as the Breeze (deleted)

Sequel: Welcome HomeWorld Without FencesJunkyard Society RagI Didn't Know That I Could Feel This WayAlways There
Remake: What a ShameThat's Enough

Lady’s HouseTony's RestaurantDog Pound