Minnie @ Funderland is a seasonal parade at Tokyo Disneyland that premiered on January 9, 2024, during the "Disney Pal-Palooza" Event series. The show celebrates Minnie Mouse in polka dot fashion and features callbacks to older Minnie-centric shows, such as "It's Very Minnie" and "Minnie, We Love You!" which all ran previously at the park.
The show has an upbeat - high-energy soundtrack with mostly pink-colored costumes for each character and dancer accented with polka dots and bows! The show features three show stops in Westerland/Frontierland, The Hub, and Tomorrowland/ToonTown. The hub show stop being the longest of the three. The show features an original soundtrack along with music from Minnie-centric shows of the past. Such as the theme from the 2020 event "Very Very Minnie" and the 2023 show "Minnie, We Love You!" The show performs once daily as a part of the "Disney Pal-Palooza" event series held from January 9 through March 19.