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Luong Lao Shi (龍老師)[1][2] also known as Gramps, is a main character of American Dragon: Jake Long. He is Jake's maternal grandfather, trainer, and official Dragon Master, and was formerly the Chinese Dragon as a young man.



Lao Shi's personality is similar to stereotypical elderly masters portrayed in classic martial arts films. He is usually soft-spoken and intelligent, with a vast knowledge of magical creatures and items. While usually one to approach conflicts in a calm and rational manner, he is also prone to angry outbursts filled with strings of rambling in Mandarin or Cantonese, usually brought on by the mistakes or misbehavior of Jake.

As a teacher, Lao Shi usually utilizes the learning of lessons that have harsh consequences or unclear motives,[3] as his assignments of menial household chores turned out to be vital combat techniques. He also believes in strict disciplinary measures, keeping close tabs on Jake's arrival for his daily Dragon Training, allowing for little if any time for Jake to relax, as well as administering punishments for the many mistakes caused by his pupil. Despite the seemingly harsh results, he has still been shown to be a very caring and understanding elder for his grandson, although at times he appears to care more for Jake's well-being and responsibilities rather than his happiness, as he once asked Rose to break up with Jake, seeing their relationship as a distraction.

Part of his frustration with Jake maybe because he sees a lot of himself in Jake. While having a more serious and cautious persona in his elder years, in his younger days Lao Shi was oddly similar to his own grandson. While fit and very skilled as a dragon, he was very arrogant and egotistical, preferring to work in his duties alone and never accepting the help of others, as he was very overconfident of his abilities and underestimating of his opponents. His defeat of the Dark Dragon while the Chinese Dragon in his youth[4] caused him to shift into the personality that is seen in his older present-day self.

He admits he pushes Jake hard because he knows what kind of enemies Jake will face. However when he started pushing Jake too hard, it made him forget that while Jake is indeed the American Dragon, he was still a regular teenager who still wanted a normal life and needed some time off. Haley later scolds him for this and for not allowing his grandson anytime to relax, revealing how stressful the job is and what sacrifices he's had to make.[5] In response, Lao Shi realizes his error and eases back on Jake's training, claiming it as a punishment while making it clear that Jake could spend some time as a normal teenager.

Physical appearance[]

Lao Shi appears to be short, being not as tall as his grandson and has somewhat pointed ears. He has thinning white hair, thick eyebrows, and a Fu Manchu mustache with a "soul patch" beard. His usual clothing consists of a long-sleeved blue robe with yellow tips at the sleeves and hem.

In dragon form, Lao Shi has the long, serpentine body of a Chinese dragon with blue scales, white spine ridges, a pair of horns, and the same hair in his human form. He has green eyes which over time appear black.


Lao Shi is an elderly Dragon Master, formerly known as "The Chinese Dragon" in his youth until resigning his title and moving to New York City in his middle age. Much of his early childhood, teenage years, and age are unknown. His human form appears to be in his mid-60's to early-70's, however it is unclear how long a dragon truly lives.

The earliest known of Lao Shi's past showed his adult human form in the 1960's/70's as a swinging bachelor and protector of magical creatures in Hong Kong. It was at that time he met up with his current animal guardian, Fu Dog, who can create magical potions to assist on missions, forming their partnership which lasted to the present day.[4]

At that time, Lao Shi also achieved a legendary feat: being the first dragon to ever defeat the menacing Dark Dragon where none before had survived opposing him. Between then and the mid-80's, Lao Shi moved to the United States and settled in New York City with his daughter Susan.[6] It was then he opened the Canal Street Electronics Shop which, while regularly devoid of customers, has managed to stay in business ever since. Eventually, his daughter married a non-magical human, somewhat to his dismay, and they had two children, Jake and Haley, both of whom possess dragon powers.

Lao Shi and Fu Dog have since spent their time training Jake in the use of his powers and in the duties of being the first American Dragon. Lao Shi uses Canal Street Electronics as the main headquarters for all operations. He appears to have been a member of the Dragon Council himself as he has gone on Dragon Council Retreats and was sitting with the Council when Jake's powers were suspended along with his duties. After Jake and his entire family, Spud, Trixie, Fu, Rose, and all of the dragons of the world finally defeated the Dark Dragon,[7] he admitted to Jake how very proud he was to be his Dragon Master.

Talents, interests, and abilities[]

Not much has been mentioned of Lao Shi's leisure activities, as he spends much of his time training Jake, dealing in magical world affairs, or running his shop. He is a Dragon Master who teaches Jake the necessary skills in becoming a protector of magical creatures. Lao Shi's attempts at training Jake can, at times, cause more damage than help. However, Jake learns to put to use the skills which are essential in being the American Dragon.

The most prominent interests of Lao Shi have been expressed in his music preferences. In his youth, as well as in his dreams.[8] He used his dancing skills[4] to gather information on the whereabouts of the Dark Dragon from a source who would only relay it after being defeated in a dance-off. Lao Shi also prefers the music of artist Elvis Kamehameha; Rick Astley and his hula music, particularly his single "The Hubba Hubba Hula".[9] Lao has a fond interest in karaoke.[10]

Main article: Dragons (Jake Long Universe)

As a dragon, Lao Shi possesses the natural skills seen by dragons such as Jake but has not exhibited all of the same abilities. For the abilities he has exhibited, he has naturally shown a more controlled or sometimes even more powerful use of them than his grandson, such as the doppelganger technique. In addition to his powers, he also exhibits great skills in combat. In the past he was able to dispatch two Huntsclan masters with ease,[6] and displays great skill in evasive maneuvers most likely due to his long, slender physique normally exhibited by Asian dragons. Lao Shi's dragon form resembles the Asian Lung, the largest dragon.

Personal conflicts[]

Like Jake, Lao Shi has had his own conflicts with others.

Love interests[]

Despite his lonely status, Lao Shi has had quite a few love interests and relationships with different women.

  • Councilor Chang: In his youth,[4] Lao Shi was romantically interested in Chang back in the 1970s, which she reciprocated for a while, evidenced through a rather humorous exchange of cheesy banter. Chang quickly was over any feelings she had for him, keeping it as basically a relationship restricted as members of the Dragon Council. Their relationship as "old friends" was soon dashed, though as she was revealed to be an associate of the Dark Dragon, and willingly tried to help in Lao Shi's defeat against him. That plan, however, failed.
  • Dolores Derceto: Lao Shi had a short romantic relationship with Jake's middle school principal, Principal Derceto.[11] She happened upon him unexpectedly when attempting to discuss Jake's school issues with his parents, and their relationship bloomed from there. It was soon discovered that Derceto was actually an undercover mermaid detective from the East River underwater city, Mermopolis, sent to investigate the whereabouts of an escaped Kelpie. She believed Jake to be the Kelpie, explaining his problems in school. The beast was soon apprehended, and Derceto was forced to take a new, undisclosed undercover assignment, forcing her to end the relationship with Lao Shi.
  • Mrs. Hasagawa: Another brief relationship for Lao Shi, occurred in the crossover episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series,[12] where the two were involved in a romantic montage of various small events. This relationship soon ended as Lao Shi and the others had to go back home to New York at the episode's end.

The Dark Dragon[]

Mentioned as far back,[13] Lao Shi was the first dragon ever to defeat the Dark Dragon, the #1 Threat to the Magical World. These events were eventually elaborated,[4] showing how his fateful fight with the villain ultimately shaped him into the person he is today. Years after his fight (and as his grandson began to develop his dragon powers), he believed that the Dark Dragon might return one day to seek vengeance upon him and his kin. In order to prepare Jake for any encounters he might have with him, he insisted to the Dragon Council that he train Jake himself—a method usually forbidden, as the Council has a specific rule forbidding the training of family members. Despite Jake's irresponsible behavior in the eyes of the Council, Lao Shi has been able to maintain his status as Jake's Dragon Master. His proposal even proved to be effective, as Jake was able to survive (and overcome) the two encounters he's had with the Dark Dragon.

Jonathan Long[]

Taking place in 1986,[6] it's shown that Lao Shi originally was displeased by the idea of his teenage daughter, Susan (whose dragon powers skipped her generation), dating a non-magical human, Jonathan (her future husband and father of Jake and Haley). It was unclear whether he simply disliked him because of his mortal status, or because of his clumsy, ridiculous nature (it's hinted that it was both), but either way,he was very pleased when he heard the news of Jonathan breaking up with Susan (due to the miscalculated actions of a time-traveling Jake). He eventually came to accept Susan's love of Jonathan (even helping to rescue him after being captured by the Huntsclan), and allowed them to continue dating. In the current day of the series, not much interaction has been seen between Lao Shi and Jonathan. Eventually,[10] they do end up spending a long road trip to Key West, Florida together (in an attempt to delay Jonathan from getting to Susan's family reunion and finding out about the Dragon powers). He used the excuse that he was afraid to fly. After getting lost due to Lao Shi's deliberate misleading of the map (he was, after all, holding the map upside down—Mobile, AL is not south of Key West) and several verbal confrontations and a karaoke duet, they seem to become rather good pals in the end. He even shows some respect for him,[14] calling him courageous and honest and convincing Jake that his father is a good man to look up to.


Lao Shi seems very proud of Rose for setting Jake free after he was captured by her.[15] However,[16] he is unsure whether or not Rose is truly loyal. Later,[17] he tells Rose to break up with Jake because Jake's love for her is distracting him. Since the Huntsclan taught her that a distracted dragon is a slain dragon, she complies and breaks up with Jake.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Luong Lao Shi.


  • The name Luong Lao Shi appears to be a Romanized translation of the Chinese words for "dragon" and "teacher" (老師). Though 老 can be used as a term of respect for an old, wise, and elder person, which would make Shi Jake's grandfather's given name.
  • In Season One, he is often seen wearing sandals but sometimes goes barefoot. Now in Season Two, he seems to go barefoot even outdoors.[10][18] This may reflect on his "foot problems".[3]
  • Being a depiction of a traditional Chinese dragon, he possesses no wings but is still capable of flight.


v - e - d
Television: American Dragon: Jake Long"Morpholomew" (Lilo & Stitch: The Series crossover episode)

Books: The Dragon HunterThe Gnome Eater
Games: All Star Skate ParkRose's Print ShopDangerous DescentJake's Dragon Tile ComboJake's Inferno PinballThe Huntsclan TrapsHigh Risk RescueAmerican Dragon: Rise of the HuntsclanAmerican Dragon: Jake Long: Attack of the Dark DragonDisney Heroes: Battle Mode

Main Characters: Jake LongRoseTrixie CarterArthur SpudinskiLuong Lao ShiFu DogJonathan LongSusan LongHaley Long

Other Characters: Brad MortonHans RotwoodStacey WintergrinTraceyLaceyOlivia MearsCourtneyJasmineMarnie LockjellyDanika HunnicuttNigel ThrallFred NerkKyle WilkinsGregorySilverCarol St. CarmineFrederick ButtersleevesJoshuaTrishaAunt CathyRose's ParentsSara and KaraThe Dragon CouncilCouncilor AndamCouncilor KuldeCouncilor KukulkhanCouncilor OminaPatchouli LongSun ParkDolores DercetoMs. JenkinsMs. McGuireMs. BirchMrs. CarterColonel Hank CarterMs. SpudinskiOfficer MortonVeronicaBrocamasStan LipkowskiBerthaReggie the BrownieClooneySanta ClausJaren MacArthurShaniqua ChulavistaThad Rochefort-ChaiseJasma SancereRon SlamCoach SackersonJudge Glamis CutlerTommy KingThe Witches of WoodstockJack FrostPix McGeeQueen LilianaStrigoiMister KrunkersBennyPetite Messenger FairyHerbert the Goblin
Creatures: DragonsDwarvesTrollsElvesGoblinsLeprechaunsBrowniesTooth MinionsGiantsSpritesUnicornsGremlinsGriffinsHarpiesHairball MonstersHobgoblinsKrylockJersey DevilGuardian SerpentSea SerpentGnomesCyclopsShark PeopleNymphsKrakenDjinnKelpieThe Magical Community
Villains: The HuntsmanHuntsclanDark DragonShadow DragonsCouncilor ChangBananas B.Eli Excelsior PandarusNixHuntsboys 88 and 89Huntsgirl 18Sigmund BrockFury GorgonEuryale GorgonMedusa GorgonEvil JakeVicky FicklingYan YanShackles JackSolitary SamChain Gang ChuckPeg Leg PatHook Hand GhostGreen GhostKumoTiburónConey Island FreaksAvemetrusJohnny Wang
Guest Characters: Monty HallIngrid Third

Season One: "Old School Training" • "Dragon Breath" • "The Talented Mr. Long" • "The Legend of Dragon Tooth" • "Act 4, Scene 15" • "Adventures in Troll Sitting" • "Fu Dog Takes a Walk" • "Professor Rotwood's Thesis" • "The Egg" • "The Heist" • "Dragon Summit" • "Body Guard Duty" • "Shapeshifter" • "The Ski Trip" • "The Long Weekend" • "Eye of the Beholder" • "Jake Takes the Cake" • "Hong Kong Nights" • "The Halloween Bash" • "Fu and Tell" • "Flight of the Unicorn" • "Keeping Shop" • "Ring Around the Dragon" • "The Hunted"

Season Two: "Bring It On" • "Half Baked" • "The Academy" • "The Doppelganger Gang" • "Something Fishy This Way Comes" • "Breakout" • "Family Business" • "Hero of the Hourglass" • "Dreamscape" • "A Befuddled Mind" • "Fool's Gold" • "Feeding Frenzy" • "Haley Gone Wild" • "Supernatural Tuesday" • "The Rotwood Files" • "Hairy Christmas" • "Switcheroo" • "The Love Cruise" • "Year of the Jake" • "Homecoming" • "Young at Heart" • "Siren Says" • "Shaggy Frog" • "Nobody's Fu" • "Magic Enemy Number One" • "A Ghost Story" • "Bite Father, Bite Son" • "Game On" • "Furious Jealousy" • "Being Human" • "The Hong Kong Longs"

New York City, New YorkManhattanNew JerseyAlabamaFloridaMillard Fillmore Middle SchoolIsle of DracoHong KongSubwayEmpire State BuildingChinaCamp MugwompMagus BazaarCanal Street ElectronicsIsland of AtlantisFamilio Festevedro
Mark of the Huntsclan13 Aztec SkullsHuntstaffMagical JournalsBrockiumRose's Dream Charm
The Chosen OneThe Hubba Hubba Hula

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Lilo & Stitch Logo
Films: Lilo & Stitch (video/soundtrack) • Stitch! The Movie (video) • Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (video) • Leroy & Stitch (video) • Lilo & Stitch (2025 film)

Shorts: The Origin of StitchOnce Upon a Studio
Shows: Lilo & Stitch: The SeriesStitch!Stitch & AiChibi Tiny Tales
Soundtracks: Lilo & Stitch: Island FavoritesLilo & Stitch Hawaiian Album
Video Games: Lilo & Stitch (GBA)Lilo & Stitch PinballLilo & Stitch: Hawaiian AdventureLilo & Stitch: Trouble in ParadiseDisney's Stitch: Experiment 626Lilo & Stitch's Island of AdventuresLilo & Stitch 2: Hämsterviel HavocKingdom Hearts IIStitch JamKingdom Hearts: Birth by SleepMotto! Stitch! DSStitch! Super ChefStitch!Now (Stitch Cosplay) • Bomberman: Disney Stitch EditionDisney Magical WorldDisney InfinityDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionDisney Magical World 2Disney Magic KingdomsDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Crossy RoadDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Epic QuestDisney Getaway BlastDisney Dreamlight ValleyDisney SpeedstormTwisted Wonderland
Books: Comic Zone Volume 1: Disney's Lilo & StitchStitch & the SamuraiAgent Stitch

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingDisney Friends of the MonthInnoventionsIt's a Small WorldKaribuni MarketplaceStitch's Great Escape!Stitch EncounterThe Enchanted Tiki Room: Stitch Presents Aloha e Komo Mai!

Entertainment: Lilo & Stitch's Ohana LuauDisney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney's Showtime SpectacularDisney's WishesFantasmic!Max LIVE: Gettin’ Goofy With ItMickey and the Magical MapOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives OnMickey presents: "Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris"Stitch's Interplanetary Beach Party BlastStitch's Supersonic CelebrationThe Golden Mickeys
Parades: A Million Splashes of ColourDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadeMove It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartyMickey's Storybook Express
Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicDisney Tales of MagicIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandMomentousWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney's Easter WonderlandDisney's Spring PromenadeFashionable Easter
Summer: Adventure is Out There!Mickey's WaterWorksStitch's Summer Dance BashStitch and Friends Summer SurpriseSummer Blast
Halloween: Halloween Pop'n LIVERe-Villains! Halloween ParadeScream and Shout Halloween Parade
Christmas: A Totally Tomorrowland ChristmasDisney Christmas StoriesWorld of Color: Season of Light

Original: StitchLilo PelekaiNani PelekaiJumba JookibaPleakleyDavid KawenaCaptain GantuJacques von HämstervielGrand CouncilwomanGalactic ArmadaUGF TroopersMertle EdmondsElena, Teresa, and YukiSusan HegartyCobra BubblesMoses PulokiMrs. HasagawaMr. and Mrs. PelekaiLukiIce Cream Man

TV series: Mr. WongMrs. EdmondsStacy EdmondsOfficer KahikoKeoni JamesonMr. JamesonVictoriaMrs. PleakleyPixley PleakleyBertley PleakleyCharles and MaryMitzi Suzuki and Kato StewartMerwin and DeanEllen and LonaZach MakeliRingmasterMayor AnoloNicoléDr. Gladys OkraSaraMr. CooperChaps, Manny, and SperkMortlegax
Stitch!: Yuna KamiharaGrammaPennyKennyTaroSashaHiromanJessicaTigerlily SakaiDoloresAni PelekaiBooGooKijimunaaDelia
Stitch & Ai: Wang Ai LingWang JiejieMeiyingQian DahuWang DaiyuMr. DingBaoDim LongScratchJaboodieJumba's Chinese Experiments
Video game characters: Dr. Habbitrale
Experiments: ChopsueySparkyReubenJamDiggerMaryHuggoSlimyRichterPhantasmoClipMr. StenchySpookyHolioCannonballGigiYinYangKixxSplodyheadAmnesioSwirlyFibberTankSproutElasticoYaarp627DeforestatorZapTopperMeltyHoudiniFudgySinkerNosyFinderSlushyDupeHeatThresherPlasmoidHammerfaceShortstuffAngelFelixPoxyHunkahunkaSampleBabyfierBonnieClydeSluggerDrowsySpikeSqueakFrenchfrySwapperShoeBackhoePokiSlickSkipClinkCheckersPJPlootSnootyRetroBelleMorpholomewSpatsHecklerWishy-WashyPhoonBugbyShushLaxRemmyDoubledipGotchuForeheadHockerZawpMulchShredderPixBoomerMannersWoodyWrapperBlowhardDerrickAceGlitchWoopsSnafuNosoxStamenTickle-TummyLinkLeroyCloudyStopgoSplatSproingKernelCarmenZeroShrinkBraggMrs. SicklyPopDorkifierWormholeToonsHertz DonutWelkoLoriderWitchSproutlingSkunkunaDark End
Guest Characters: Kim PossibleRon StoppableWadeDr. DrakkenShegoRufusPenny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaPuffT.J. DetweilerVince LaSalleAshley SpinelliGretchen GrundlerMikey BlumbergGus GriswaldMuriel FinsterJake LongLuong Lao ShiFu DogTrixie CarterArthur Spudinski
Remake: Stitch
Others: Elvis PresleyPudgeJimmy the CockroachVarious AliensLeroy ClonesYamato MeisonSergeant C4703BK2704-90210

Season One: "Richter" • "Phantasmo" • "Clip" • "Mr. Stenchy" • "Spooky" • "Holio" • "Cannonball" • "Yapper" • "Yin-Yang" • "Kixx" • "Splodyhead" • "Amnesio" • "Swirly" • "Fibber" • "Tank" • "Sprout" • "Elastico" • "Yaarp" • "627" • "The Asteroid" • "Topper" • "Melty" • "Houdini" • "Sinker" • "Nosy" • "Finder" • "Slushy" • "Dupe" • "Shortstuff" • "Angel" • "Felix" • "Poxy" • "Hunkahunka" • "Sample" • "Babyfier" • "Bonnie & Clyde" • "Slugger" • "Bad Stitch" • "Drowsy"

Season Two: "Spike" • "Frenchfry" • "Swapper" • "Shoe" • "Slick" • "Skip" • "Checkers" • "PJ" • "Ploot" • "Snooty" • "Retro" • "Belle" • "Morpholomew" • "Spats" • "Heckler" • "Wishy-Washy" • "Phoon" • "Bugby" • "Rufus" • "Shush" • "Lax" • "Remmy" • "Mrs. Hasagawa's Cats/Ace" • "Glitch/Woops" • "Snafu" • "Link"

He Mele No LiloHeartbreak HotelStuck on YouSuspicious Minds(You're the) Devil in DisguiseHawaiian Roller Coaster RideAloha ʻOeHound DogBurning LoveCan't Help Falling in LoveLahainaRubberneckin'I Need Your Love TonightA Little Less ConversationAlwaysSlicin' SandAloha, E Komo MaiI'm So Lonesome I Could CryJailhouse RockDon't Be Cruel
HawaiiHonoluluKokaua TownLahui BeachLilo's HouseAloha Animal RescueHasagawa FruitsKaiāulu HaleMertle's HouseBirds of Paradise HotelKilauea LighthouseRental HutMuscle BayKiki's Coffee HutBeauty ParlorMartMacki Macaw'sLuki's Shave IceJumba & Pleakley's Bed & Not BreakfastWaialeale PeakKauai AirportTuroPlorgonarPrison Asteroid K-37Galaxy Defense IndustriesLihue AirportIzayoi IslandIzayoi Elementary School
Experiment PodsExperiment Pod ContainerJumba's ComputerPlasma BlasterNet CannonGalactic CommunicatorPrison CapsuleFusion ChamberTime MachineReducer RayProtoplasmic Growth RayPlasmatic EnglobulatronScrumpLilo's Experiment BookStitch's SpacesuitStitch's NecklaceChitama Spiritual StoneGood Deed Counter
Jumba's ShipGantu's ShipPolice CruisersThe Red OneDr. Hämsterviel's ShipManta ShuttleHovercraftX-BuggyFederation ShipB.R.B. 9000G.A.C.C. Ship
See Also
Unconfirmed ExperimentsTantalog languagePelekai ʻohana"The 747 Sequence"Stitch Crashes DisneyStitch Attacks Snacks