上級者のみ。 これはある人の話し言葉です。この人はネイティブスピーカーか非ネイティブかどちらですか?根拠を添えて教えて下さい。 中国の話をしているのは分かりますが、、どうでしょうか? Actually we have in China, we also have a beaches. I think we all have like that environment in China. Just that I wanna go yeah, because that is my first time to travel abroad, so I just wanna yeah, check it out. How is the difference? Yeah, another country. Yeah. So, but yeah, many people will. For example, they're also in China, they're in South most of China island called Hainan. It's a very beautiful island. I think it's called like Chinese Hawaii like that. It's yeah, it's like all the year. It's like summer there. We have like very beautiful, yeah, like beaches or yeah, everything is very nice looks, but the coast is very high. If you go there still there one week comp. To stay in Thailand one week, yeah, uh, here it's more expensive, yeah. Next trip if more far away place like as I said maybe Africa, but if I choose maybe close to China. 1 country, yeah I think Russian. ※ AIによる回答はお控えください。