TOEIC 900点は資格として有効性はないですよね?これぐらいなら誰でも1か月で取れますよね? Hello, I am a Japanese native.
TOEIC 900点は資格として有効性はないですよね?これぐらいなら誰でも1か月で取れますよね? Hello, I am a Japanese native. But I can speak English very good. Im sorry if you don't know English. I have a potential.But I am a score of TOEIC 400 now. I want to become japanese native in America. I also want to get easy TOEIC 900 and Eiken jun 1th. But,I have a power. I can get 900 and Eiken jun 1th. Please tell me getting TOEIC 900 until 3 month when you like this questions. Thank you for your corporation.