deborah: the Library of Congress cataloging numbers for children's literature, technology, and library science (Default)
[personal profile] deborah

From [profile] heydon, What Happened To Text Inputs.

I cannot yell loudly enough that (thoughtless, ill-considered) innovation and standing out are nearly always incompatible with usability, user experience, and accessibility. Web designers and front end devs who don't have a functionality-first attitude need a new career, or they need to do work on art projects instead of usable websites. Heydon yells this with the assistance of wolves and cursing, so maybe more people will watch and pay attention.

Date: 2022-11-27 01:24 pm (UTC)
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
From: [personal profile] vass
So it's a rant about accessibility and usability... presented as a video with no transcript?

Custom Text

Gnomic Utterances. These are traditional, and are set at the head of each section of the Guidebook. The reason for them is lost in the mists of History. They are culled by the Management from a mighty collection of wise sayings probably compiled by a SAGE—probably called Ka’a Orto’o—some centuries before the Tour begins. The Rule is that no Utterance has anything whatsoever to do with the section it precedes. Nor, of course, has it anything to do with Gnomes.

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