Rec post

Nov. 22nd, 2024 01:32 pm
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
I've been remiss about reccing recent gifts fics I've received, not to mention linking to my own newly posted fic. Not because I didn't like the gifts or wasn't proud of my own writing, but because this is one of many balls I've been dropping lately.


Gifts I received:
Spiral (The Goblin Emperor), by an as yet anonymous writer (I have guesses, though) for [community profile] cyoa_xchange. The relationship is Maia/Csethiro, Maia/Csevet, or Maia/Csethiro/Csevet, depending on the choices you make.
one of the most perfectly splendid mornings (Nine Worlds) by [ profile] resplendeo, for [community profile] trickortreatex, set in the Navikiani holiday in HOTE and featuring HR snorkeling.
election night jitters (Vorkosiverse), by [personal profile] petra: a drabble (sensu stricto!) about Dono and Ivan and Byerly and democracy.

Things I wrote:
Mutual Admiration Society (Questionable Content), for [ profile] taken_aback_by_Tuesdays as part of [community profile] trickortreatex, posing and answering the question "What if Sam Bean and Emmett Bennett were both robots?"
Mdang Gothic, a HOTE shitpost.
Don't Forget To Like And Subscribe, (back in August!), Nine Worlds/podcaster RPF, in the sense of "how would these real podcasters cover these fictional characters?"
really unforgivable acts (Vorkosiverse), for [personal profile] petra. The really unforgivable act, in this case, was making Aral Vorkosigan express himself in bredlik form.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
I don't know what to say.


Oct. 22nd, 2024 04:05 pm
vass: wonder girl facepalming (Facepalm)
I finished my DYW letter. /o\
vass: cover of album "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" (Yuletide Hippopotamus)
This is a placeholder. I'll finish the letter after I finish the signup and before assignments go out. Matching was fast this year, go mods!

Dear Yuletide Author,
Thank you for offering a fandom we matched on. I hope you have a good fic exchange season.

I'm sorry for being late with this letter. RL knocked me over.

General likes: Robots and spaceships and AIs. Aliens who are alien. Worldbuilding. Queer and trans people and polyamory. Gen and shipping are both fine. Bad puns (all puns are bad puns). Dinosaurs. Spaaaaace. Non-AI computers. Science! (accurate or cartoony). People working together. Kissing. Co-sleeping. Infodumping is Good, Actually. Experimental formats and/or interactive fiction are welcome.

DNWs: animal harm, sad cats, dementia or terminal illness, rape/noncon, misgendering, ableism.


Nine Worlds Series - Victoria Goddard
Characters: Princess Anastasiya, Princess Indrogan, Lady Jivane
Character Exceptions: I would like a story about at least two of the characters I picked, author's choice which ones or how they interact.

more )

Questionable Content (Webcomic)
Characters: Aurelia Augustus, Winslow (Questionable Content)

I tagged this "My gift must feature one or more of my chosen character tags (giver's choice)" and then typed "Character Exceptions: I would like a story about at least two of the characters I picked, author's choice which ones or how they interact." in the optional details field.

Obviously these contradict each other. The correct one is the one I tagged: one or more of my chosen characters. I am happy to receive fic about Aurelia Augustus OR Winslow. You don't have to shoehorn them both in. Sorry again.

more )

16th Century CE RPF
Characters: Michel de Montaigne (16th Century CE RPF)
Character Exceptions: My gift must feature all of my chosen character tags (if 0: any from tag set)

As with the previous fandom, I copied and pasted the wrong thing in my signup optional details. I tagged this "My gift must feature all of my chosen character tags (if 0: any from tag set)" and then typed "Character Exceptions: I would like a story about at least two of the characters I picked, author's choice which ones or how they interact." in the optional details field. Obviously, there is only one character nominated for this canon, and I would like my gift to feature him, please. Sorry again.

In case you're a pinch-hitter or matched on a different fandom and realised you Could Not, this might potentially make a good safety fandom. Ingredients: his Wikipedia page, at least one of his essays (I recommend 'Of Idleness') to give you an idea of his style.

Prompts, if you don't already have an idea:
- This man's childhood. WTF was his father THINKING?
- Pastiche: Montaigne's hot take essay on any topic, real or fictional, that he did not actually write about. (Feel free to make this a fusion or AU fic!)
- Modern AU: Montaigne's blog.

Thank you once again, author, not least for your patience.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Dear [community profile] cyoa_xchange writer/game dev,

Hi! You probably got the assignment before I posted this. I'm sorry about that: I was nervous enough about this challenge that I literally made up my mind 20 minutes before the closing time, at which point of course my computer suddenly needed to be restarted. I got the signup in six minutes after the closing time (note to exchange mod Alana: thank you for the lightning-fast nomination approvals, and I'm sorry to you too) and wasn't able to write it all in one hit and had other things I needed to do today before I could come back to it. As I write this it's still the same day, though, so I hope it won't throw you off too much.

General likes: puns, humour, wordplay, worldbuilding, trans characters, queer and/or queerplatonic relationships.
General dislikes: Unremitting, pervasive bleakness/grimness. (Bad things happening, even very bad things and a lot of them, is fine. "Nothing good will ever happen and there is no joy to be found anywhere even fleetingly" is not.) Breaking suspension of disbelief pointlessly (for a point is fine.) Contempt (for the characters or the player.)

DNWs: dead/harmed/sad animals (does not count individual mosquitos or whatever Baba is), psychiatric abuse, dementia or terminal illness, underage sex. Please tag for rape/noncon and major character death and major violence.
Visual and audio DNW: loud and startling audio, blinking or flashing lights, visual motion without a way of turning it off. Please use alt tags for any images.

Fandom: Baba is You (Video Game)
Characters: Baba, Keke, Rock, Player

I would have chosen "any character" if I could have, so please don't feel obligated to include all four of them.

I'm interested in the worldbuilding logic of the gameplay, and how that might play out in a different kind of game. (Or would it? Maybe Baba expresses itself in different logic in different game settings.)

I still haven't played the whole game Baba Is You, but I am not worried about spoilers.

Prompts, if you need or want them:
- Baba is Crossover/Fusion Fic? (Possible entities to push into Baba's world, or vice versa: Murderbot (robot?), the Strength and Patience of the Hill (rock), Odo from Star Trek DS9 (melt), Gerard Keay from The Magnus Archives? Winnie-the-Pooh?)
- Baba vs Twine: my nemesis Twine dialect of choice is Harlowe, and something about that little animal wandering through that labyrinth of horrible documentation and bending it to its will strikes me as deeply healing.

Fandom: The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie
Characters: The Strength and Patience of the Hill, The Myriad, Eolo
Relationships: The Myriad & The Strength and Patience of the Hill

Again, any nominated characters are fine, and a focus on SAPOTH and the Myriad's friendship is not a requirement.

Prompts if you need them:
- this is already a book that Does Shit With POV, so leaning into that for a game could be interesting. e.g. Who is the player character really? Who is the game mechanic?
- the way gods' powers work in this world seems like it could be interesting and subversive in a game context.

Fandom: Classical Greece and Rome History & Literature RPF
Character: Elagabalus
I'm not wedded to that spelling, in case you prefer Heliogabalus. And I am open to any and all third person pronouns you want to commit to and stand by for this emperor.

I don't honestly know all that much about Elagabalus. I saw the name elliptically referenced in books and poems in my teens, with the context of "terrible Roman emperor who did unspeakable things", but never actually followed up on the reference until this year when I listened to the Bad Gays episode, after which... well, I'm agnostic on "was actually a trans woman" and on whether or not Elagabalus' reputation was all political slander, but I'm fully on board with "nobody should be emperor, having an emperor (or an empire) at all is the problem" and "concentrating that sort of power in one person is bad for everyone they have power over, but it's also terrible for that person, and in this case the person was a teenager".

(Clarification on my DNW: underage for this character/setting: obviously Elagabalus lived in a society with very different laws and mores around sex and consent. For this canon, I am okay with background mentions of rape or of teenagers having sex if that's part of the story you want to tell. Please don't give details or play it for laughs.)

- flowers
- be gay, do crimes?

Fandom: The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison
Characters: Maia Drazhar, Csevet Aisava
Relationships: Csethiro Ceredin/Maia Drazhar, Csevet Aisava/Maia Drazhar, Csevet Aisava/Csethiro Ceredin/Maia Drazhar

Again, any nominated character or relationship is fine, I don't need all of them. One character and no relationship is also fine.

- if you want to write cute romantic fluff, or cute queerplatonic fluff, or cute domestic fluff, or even cute PWP fluff if it's character-driven, go for it!
- or if you want to go dark and write about Maia's or Csevet's past, so long as you mind the DNWs go ahead.
- or it might be fun to have a game that's just Csevet sorting papers, or Maia negotiating with his court

Thanks again for matching with me, and sorry again for posting this late. I hope you have a good time and that your game medium of choice (*hisses once more at Harlowe*) is merciful to you.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Dear Trick or Treater,

Thank you for writing or making art for me! I hope you have a fun exchange.

General likes: queer and trans people, mutual respect, kindness, competence, people who are jerks but not THAT much of a jerk, people working together, people who get each other. Kissing, hugging, co-sleeping. Pining, obliviousness. Good worldbuilding (and/or expansions on concepts from canon), infodumps, enthusiasm, humour. Gen is fine, shipping is also fine, queerplatonic relationships are great, polyamory is great, so is kink. Experimental formats and/or interactive fiction are great if that's something you're interested in doing.

Art general likes: any medium (Nobody said your "nice sketch, not on lined paper" has to be in colour, and I promise I won't be upset if it isn't. Or if it is. If you have an idea for an abstract representation in oils of a Vangavaye-ve star chart, go ahead. Hell, if your muse speaks to you this February October in ASCII art of the Emperor and his Lord Chancellor in their fursonas, that will be fine with me. Two of the three pieces of Prophet fanart I'm aware of are moodboards, maybe you want to make another one? Go for it.)

Trick-specific likes: I'm a lot better with "scary" than with "depressing" or "tragic".

Do Not Wants: animal harm, sad cats, dementia or terminal illness, rape/noncon, misgendering, ableism.

Please don't feel constrained by my prompts/optional details. If you have your own idea already, go for it! But if you don't have an idea... I have prompts.

Nine Worlds Series - Victoria Goddard
Fitzroy Angursell & Pali Avramapul & Cliopher Mdang
Fitzroy Angursell/Cliopher Mdang
Imperial Household Member(s) & Imperial Household Member(s)
Fitzroy Angursell & Melissa Damara
Tovo inDaina & Aurenia Mdang
Tovo inDaina/Vou'a
Saya Dorn & My Lord the Iguana
Rhodin & Dinosaur Soulmate

As of this signup, I have read: HOTE, ROFA, ATFOTS, RPA, PT, Féonie, Terec1, Terec2, PWSI, TCAU, the bonus chapters, and GOC. It's unlikely to be relevant to this assignment, but I've also read SP, BSC, and WJ. I haven't read TWHTF, but I'm pretty spoilered for it already and not concerned about that. In the unlikely but ever-possible event that Victoria Goddard drops another Lays book in between this signup and the deadline, please don't include unwarned spoilers for that book.

(After the cut: details on what I even mean by some of those ships, a few prompts if you want them, and spoilers -- including for the big thing that Cliopher doesn't know in HOTE which the reader learns in TROFA or ATFOTS, whichever they read first, or from the AO3's tag wranglers just putting it right there in the canonical tag.)

spoilers )

Prophet - Sin Blaché & Helen MacDonald
Sunil Rao/Adam Rubenstein (Prophet)
Adam Rubenstein & Hunter Wood (Prophet)
Prophet & Sunil Rao (Prophet)

Prompts, with spoilers for the novel, follow. spoilers )

Imperial Radch - Ann Leckie
Reet Hluid & Qven (Imperial Radch)
Dlique & Zeiat (Imperial Radch)

Behind the cut: spoilers for Translation State.
more )

And that's as much as I have the stamina for. Thank you again, and have a spooky Halloween!
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Finished reading Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls. Of the stories I hadn't read before, I particularly liked 'The Marsh Gods' and 'Another Word for World' and 'The Justified'.

Finished my reread of Katherine Addison's The Goblin Emperor, ready to start reading The Witness for the Dead for the first time.

Still reading Devon Price's Unmasking Autism, still liking it far less than everyone else seems to.

Still reading Rebecca Fraimow's Lady Eve's Last Con, liking it so far.

Read a couple of chapters of Victoria Goddard's Blackcurrant Fool.

What Happens Next updated again... and it was sad in such an ordinary and non-live-destroying way that I'm even more on edge about what's probably coming up.

Read What's Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition by Hazel Newlevant.

Tried looting the chests in the starter village in Caves of Qud, got hunted down by villagers, abandoned that character before they could kill them. Abandoned another character I don't even remember why. Then abandoned a third character after trying to loot the chests again, this time with the door closed first, which the guides say is supposed to be alright. It was not alright. Abandoned this character too with a combination of terror and guilt. Yes I know it's only a game. But I hadn't planned that heel turn.

Soured a bit on Caves of Qud after that, but then recovered and created a new character (this one with the custom build the wiki recommended for beginners) and made past Six Day Silt and Grit Gate to die in Golgotha.

On a break from playing Hades II. I finished all the Chaos trials, and did three of the weapons to 20 fear (still lagging on skull and staff) and I think I'll probably hold off until there's another update.

Someone stole the planters with my bulbs in them, and it's too late to plant more this season. Not happy.

Starting to get warmer again.
vass: Frank N Furter covered in bees, caption "That'll give you, er, bees." (Bees!)
Some incorrect titles of books I'm reading or have read lately, with incorrect summaries to match:
Ann Leckie, Leak of Souls. Regrettable industrial accident at the supernatural factory.
Rebecca Fraimow, Lady Eve's Last Cone. Spoiler: she quits selling ice cream.
Victoria Goddard, Blackcurrant Foot. Jemis develops yet another unpleasant medical condition.
Devon Price, Unmaking Autism. Surprise heel turn into eradicationism.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Read Sonya Taaffe's 'Anonymity, a short, impeccably-voiced blast of Marlowe/Shakespeare vs xkcd 386.

Still reading Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls. Also started Rebecca Fraimow's Lady Eve's Last Con (just today, so I don't have any comments yet.)

Reading Mira Bellwether's Fucking Trans Women, another zine that's been on my radar for a long, long time but which I hadn't gotten around to until now.

Listened to Margaret Killjoy's two-parter on ACT-UP in her podcast Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff. I knew a little about ACT-UP, of course, and I read David B. Feinberg's Queer and Loathing many years ago (it's probably time for a reread) but I'm not well-versed in ACT-UP's history or AIDS history in general, so there were interesting new things to me. In particular Gran Fury, the artist collective who designed the Silence = Death posters, and in general just how intersectional the movement was and how strong their commitment to solidarity was.

Also listened to the Call Me Mother episode featuring Brad Becker, of the Gay & Lesbian Switchboard of New York. What stuck with me was his account of how callers in the early days assumed a level of professionalism (and funding) that was simply not possible for the tiny group of volunteers making it happen then. Well, that and his account of how the breaking news of AIDS hit the mainstream news: "get every volunteer we have tomorrow, we're going to be flooded."

I don't think I've mentioned here that the Nine Worlds (Victoria Goddard's main setting) fandom has a kinkmeme, [community profile] 9worldskinkmeme, and it is punching well above its weight in prompt fills for a small fandom.

Re-listening to Rachid Taha's Diwan 2, suddenly realised during the chorus to 'Agatha' that I was following more of the words than not. (I learned French after school for a few years in primary school and did not keep it up.)

Started playing Caves of Qud, for some variety. I'm finding the UX a bit hard going: I'm both out of practice at old school rogeulikes and also not familiar with the conventions of recent old school roguelikes. (I played Dwarf Fortress for one evening once, years ago.) But the writing is very charming.

Still playing Hades II.

I saw the plovers again. They didn't try to swoop me. Maybe they're not nesting right now.

Getting pretty fed up with Languages on Fire's German Anki deck.

The answer they give for "Haben Sie auch das Schloss gesehen?"
"Have you seen the castle?"
which is just not correct. It's "Have you also seen the castle?" or "Have you seen the castle too?"

And "Wir sind den Philosophenweg gegangen." I don't know what that is, so I can't judge whether it's good German, but "We went the Philosophers' Walk." is NOT correct standard English.

Also it frequently neither specifies whether it wants formal or informal you, nor marks up both as valid answers.

This wouldn't bug me in a free deck, but this is a pay-what-you-can deck for which their suggested price is €29.99, and for that I expect better.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Still reading Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls collection: read the Radch section and the first of the stories in the Raven Tower universe. Still waiting for the energy to actually write about these.

Read 'An Antidote: Reflections on Queer Shame' by Rena Yehuda Newman. It hit hard.

Listened to the second part of the Maintenance Phase two-parter on "Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria", and found myself recognising crises of the week and main characters of the day I'd seen go by on social media or in the news.

Listened to the first episode of Call Me Mother, a 20-part series from 2022 in which the host interviewed LGBTQ+ elders about their lives, which I'd been meaning to get around to for two years. Episode one's interviewee was Kate Bornstein, one of my long-time role models, and I knew her story already but it was nice to hear her tell it.

Listened to the Bad Gays episode on Kit Marlowe, reminding me that I still haven't read any of his plays and really should get onto that. As Bad Gays episodes go, this one (with a guest host who's an academic studying him) was a bit of a hagiography, but at least the antisemitism got a mention.

(In addition to reminding me I want to read some Marlowe, it also gave me an appetite for fiction about him. I vaguely remember that he was in Lisa Goldstein's Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon, which I read when I was about 18 and remember basically nothing about beyond that it was fun. Maybe I'll track that down and reread it. Looks like it's available and affordable as an ebook.)

I survived the AO3 outage, and all I got was this actually it coincided with dinner with a friend, and between the drive there, dinner, the drive home, how tired I was, and how far ahead of schedule the admins brought it back up, I didn't actually experience any downtime.

Listened to Compact Colossis, by Crankbox. Liked it, wished I could read the lyrics.

Mehr Muzzy.

The next Hades II patch came the day I posted about it last. At the time that I wrote "I should probably put this game aside until the next patch, same myself some time and joint pain." my computer had probably already downloaded it.

I've cast all the new spells (I had the ingredients, since I haven't had anything to do with them!) and am still slowly farming Nightmares, hampered by the unreasonably high difficulty requirements to earn them. Still haven't been offered that last Chaos virtue.

I have not put the game aside, but I am not playing it as much.

Started work on another bash script, haven't gotten very far with it.

Paid someone to come take care of the mowing I hadn't been managing. Did a bit of weeding. Put tree tubes around the the native seedlings I planted earlier, to guard against birds, bugs, and people I've paid to mow the lawn.

Colder usual for this time of year. The whole southeast of the continent is exclaiming at this. Today was sunny, though.

Staring at me as I write this.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Finished Siken's Crush. The final section of poems was the best. I definitely understand why so many Supernatural fans have raided it for fanfic titles.

Finished Janosch's Ich mach dir gesund, sagte der Bär. The little tiger's hospital roommate, a fox, stole the show: "Pfote gebrochen. Er sagte, er habe mit dem Löwen gekämpft und habe ihn besiegt. War aber gelogen. Hatte Hühner stehlen wollen, hatte sich die Pfote in der Tür eingeklemmt. Pfote gebrochen, Krankenhaus, Gipsverband, Sense aus." ("Broken paw. He said he fought the lion and beat him. Was lying though. Wanted to steal chickens, slammed his paw in the door. Broken paw, hospital, cast, 'nuff said.")

Finished Victoria Goddard's Whiskeyjack, the third of her Greenwing & Dart series. This one, and Bee Sting Cake before it, are significantly better than the first book in the series, Stargazy Pie. Unfortunately, there's too much load-bearing plot in the latter to just skip it. But once she does hit her stride, this series is a lot of fun.

Still reading Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls collection. Finished the first section and moved on to the second (Radch universe) section. I want to review that first section more closely, there were some stories in there that I really loved, but I also want to hurry up and post this weekly post, because it has been over a month.

Started Yoon Ha Lee's Moonstorm just today. It's interesting reading the finished version of something I read in a very early draft form. I can see the bones of what I read under the polished final carapace.

Dumbing of Age: SARAH GETS IT. And Dave Willis wins at sound effects.

Meanwhile, Jeph Jacques made me yell with laughter at Liz's first experience with AO3. As I said elsewhere when it came out, the real red flag about that story is not the characters, not the ships, not the tags, not the summary, and not even the kudos:hits ratio (which I don't normally pay attention to, but in this case it jumped out at me) but the word count:chapters ratio, which averages out to 268 words per chapter for 427 chapters. (The panel doesn't show date posted and date updated, so one can't get a sense of over what time period the author was spamming the results page for their fandoms/tags with those updates, but one can imagine.)

Bought a handful of them, but haven't gotten to reading them yet.

Listened to the University of Minnesota Press podcast's episode 'Tracing the roots of toxic masculinity'. I can't remember why I subscribed to the University of Minnesota's podcast. Probably some guest on some other podcast I listen to was also on this one and boosted it? Anyway, I hardly ever download and listen to an episode, but I was in the right mood for this one. Kale Bantigue Fajardo interviewed K. Allison Hammer about their book, Masculinity in Transition, about butchness and transmasculinity in time when popular ideas about masculinity are very closely tied to classism, racism, and white supremacy. Added their book to my tbr. Did twitch somewhat at the uncritical praise of Jack Halberstam. I know Halbersam's Female Masculinity is critically important to gender studies, I know. But all I could think about was Halbersam's defense of Avital Rommel, and that he didn't retract it or apologise (as Butler did.)

Listening to Maintenance Phase's two-part episode on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. It came out in May, but I didn't feel brave enough until now. As it is, I'm two thirds of the way through the first episode, and that's taken me two different car trips. The first of those car trips, I went into it thinking "this really isn't as bad as I expected." Then, that night: "huh, I feel really bad. What's up with that?" shockedpikachu.png

The authors are not transphobes, but they're not trans either. Michael asked Aubrey to play the role of a Reply Guy who's Just Asking Questions, so he could rebut the transphobia, but to my considerable relief she mostly didn't do that. I know what the standard objections to my existence sound like already, thanks. You don't need to play them out for me, even to rebut them. They're doing a good job at the rebuttal, but I'm still not really sure why this topic when, while their show's official description is "Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice", their usual beat is more debunking those things as they connect to diet/weight loss and related topics. And if they wanted to do a trans health episode connected to that, arbitrary gender affirming surgery weight loss requirements are right there. But yeah, my reaction doesn't mean they're doing anything wrong, it's just a rough topic.

The Nine Worlds (Victoria Goddard, Hands of the Emperor and other books/series in that universe) fandom now has a kinkmeme: [community profile] 9worldskinkmeme. It's quite lively, for a small fandom.

Started watching NoClip's documentary Developing Hell, about the making of Supergiant's Hades (the first one).

Still playing early access Hades II. I have by now played 113 hours (update since typing that) 120 hours, and nearly completed everything yet available to complete: I unlocked and upgraded all the arcana, and have done everything on the Fated List except for one of Chaos's virtues that I haven't been offered yet, and the task that the devs haven't included a way to complete yet, and I've done all the cauldron spells currently possible and I've maxed out all the relationships. I've unlocked all the alternate weapon aspects, and upgraded them all at least once. I'm farming Nightmares to unlock the rest of them, but yeah, I've run out of plot for now. I should probably put this game aside until the next patch, same myself some time and joint pain.

I gather some fans are pissed off that Melinoë is so different in personality from Zagreus. I like that they're different, it makes sense for siblings not to have identical personalities, and also their life experiences have been very different, and their beliefs and choices make a lot of sense given those experiences. But I can get that if what you like about a game is the rebellious first person smartarse POV then you might not be so happy with an anxiously compliant teacher's pet whose uncritical support of her family's legacy throws into sharp relief the criticisms of that legacy that she's hearing and ignoring.

Still haven't stopped finding it funny to call Melinoë 'Millennial'. An incomplete list of things Millennial is killing in this game:
- time
- jobs
- the live music industry
- the oceans
- respect for the elderly

And some things she isn't killing:
- pet ownership
- the fashion industry (despite being described in-game as wearing a little dress that looks "like it's from the garbage" and having hair "like something died there". But the source was trying to kill her at the time.)
- higher education
- a strong work ethic

So far no avocado toast in-game.

Cooked a veggie soup/stew/pottage situation and used up some of my summer garden veggies from the freezer.

Cold and frosty.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Still plodding through Unmasking Autism, stopping every few sentences to go "but- but-".

Read the title story in Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls, and liked it very much. Very Cherryh-esque. Hit me in the autism feels more reliably than Unmasking Autism has been, actually. Have since read the next two stories in the collection.

Still reading Siken's Crush one or two poems at a time. I've nearly finished the book, and am of course having emotions: that is what it is there for.

Still reading Victoria Goddard's Whiskeyjack. It got fun. The entire setup is hilarious for reasons I can't explain without a lot of spoilers.

Started reading Janosch's Ich mach dir gesund, sagte der Bär. This will be my third Tiger und Bär book, and the first one I've bought in ebook format and not secondhand paperback shipped here from overseas. I managed to persuade Kobo's search function to filter to both German language books and children's books at the same time. It was not easy. Tiger und Bär, by contrast, are... well, not easy easy, but they're in the right range for my ability to read in German. Der kleiner Tiger fühlt sich nicht gut. Bitte Lippenglanz schicken. (If you understood that reference then you should know that babies turning born the year that happened will be turning 18 this year.)

Dumbing of Age: I'd like to report a murder. No, it was richly deserved.

Listened to nearly three quarters of the Wizards Versus Lesbians episode on Chuck Tingle's Camp Damascus before noping out. Some of their criticisms were valid, some were a matter of opinion, some of them I found somewhat unfair, but mainly I got to the bit on whether Chuck is actually autistic and both the question and how they put it made me go both "you better hope you're right that he isn't, because if you just said what you said about someone who is autistic..." and also "what is this, a true crime podcast?" (despite the fact that I do remember back to the parts of Chuck's persona that they referenced, and wasn't happy with them myself (and also I think they're citing them incorrectly but I don't have the screencaps so I can't be sure -- but anyway, my memory is that Chuck previously claimed to have schizophrenia or some other form of psychosis back then, not to be a non-speaking autistic), so that's where I stopped. This was my second time listening to Wizards Vs Lesbians after the first one, which I noped out of because of the audio. This time the audio was better, but even before that bit I wasn't really enjoying myself. The little guitar editorials feel too much like PSAs for my taste.

Two days into making more of an effort to watch/listen to/read a little bit of German every day. So far that's been episodes 1-3 of the German version of Muzzy in Gondoland (my favourite characters so far are Corvax and Muzzy. The language is actually a little bit too easy for me right now, but I figure that's not a bad thing if I'm trying to just Watch More Stuff In German); and two Tolle Sachen sketches from Bernd das Brot, which reminded me how frankly terrifying children's TV can be (this was my opinion as a child too) and how fucking hard it is to understand the puppets when they do the voices. I don't think it'd have been all that much easier if they'd been speaking English.

Started playing Hades 2, in early access. I don't think I've played an early access game before. Chaos is very bish this time around. I like Hephaestos and Hestia too. Scylla keeps making me wonder where Charybdis is.

I don't really like Hecate's role as Melinoë's headmistress. It both doesn't make sense in the context of the setting and invokes Harry Potter, which is a resonance I could really do without. You can have a witch protagonist without that. Actually some other aspects of the witch thing don't work for me: the tarot cards, for example, are very fun but thematically kind of jarring in a way that litter and gyros and the other more recent anachronisms aren't.

Apart from that... it's early access, so I don't want to make too many hard judgements given how much could change. The art's gorgeous. The soundtrack's good. Both the soundtrack and the gameplay strike me as putting more of a Transistor spin on Hades.

I've been playing for not quite 24 hours so far (and I'm generally a slow player who needs a lot of tries to beat a boss or figure out how to apply the strategy) so I don't know how much character development etc is still to come that I haven't unlocked yet, but my sense is that it's a much bigger game than Hades, both in terms of levels/areas and also things to do. Lots of crafting. (I generally like crafting in a game, but this hasn't quite hit what I like about crafting.) Also lots of foraging, and I do like how they've implemented that.


Started paying off some technical debt re previous inhabitant's weed cloth. Planted a finger lime and two creeping hop bush (dodonaea procumbens) plants. Also put the daffodil and tulip bulbs in. It's pretty late in the year for that, but it's been a very warm autumn and also I'm given to procastination.

Somewhat worryingly dry for this time of year.

Made some homemade hand sanitiser like it's 2020. I used isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel at a 2:1 ratio, blended them together then decanted into bottles.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Dipping into Richard Siken's Crush in a leisurely fashion.

Finished Victoria Goddard's Stargazy Pie, which got somewhat better near the end, but was still definitely not one of her best (I believe it was one of her earliest novels) but does set up some interesting situations and characters, and I still want to read the fanfic! Read the sequel, Bee Sting Cake, which works a lot better as a book but needs the first for context. Started the third Greenwing & Dart book, Whiskeyjack.

Started Devon Price's Unmasking Autism. So far (I've only read the introduction, and hope to be proven wrong by the rest of the book) I'm finding it a lot shallower than I want, but my chief complaint is what I see as a lack of solidarity with the autistics (and other PWD) who can't successfully mask, or who were diagnosed earlier, and a seeming lack of curiosity or interest in their experiences and how they might be similar or different to his own. The impression I am getting is that when he compares his life to how it might have been if he'd been diagnosed earlier and had the supports he needed, he compares himself to people otherwise similar to him who are neurotypical, not to other autistics of his own age who were diagnosed in childhood. Which perhaps gives him a misleading picture of how much support and validation they got.

If you're a late-diagnosed, high-masking adult autistic and you're looking for validation that it's not childish or cringey to do the harmlessly odd things you want to do, then this book might be a revelation to you, but if you already live even partly in disability world then you may find yourself side-eyeing it as insufficiently radical, especially since his disability theory seems to begin and end with the social model, and to allow the reader to accept their non-stereotypical, university-educated, relatable autism without challenging them to accept and listen to autistics with intellectual disabilities, nonspeaking autistics, autistics with "challenging behaviours", as worthwhile people and their peers and community. I mean, what are we doing here?

Yes, I do realise this is a "this isn't the book I wanted" review. Bad reader, no biscuit.

So, context: there exists more than one HOTE fanfic in which Cliopher Mdang is magically tell the truth, but it has to be painful or uncomfortable or embarrassing truths.
What this is context for: neither of the fics I've read with that plot have hit the heights of embarrassment Joyce manages in this Dumbing of Age strip. (content note for that link: bodily functions, tmi, embarrassment squick.) And while it's difficult to measure because their contexts and lives are so different, I don't think Joyce actually embarrasses easier than Kip.
(If you are now breaking your brain imagining a fusion of Dumbing of Age and Hands of the Emperor... my bad, sorry.)

Strange Nude Worlds updated, a two-parter on the subject of The Book of Erotic Fantasy. It is as ever good to hear from these podcasters again, but I wouldn't recommend this particular episode as an entry point to the podcast because the canon they're covering is kind of boring really. (I think the hosts would agree with me on this one.) Start with their episode on Human Domestication Guide, or the one on Aristasia, instead.

Also listened to the Bad Gays episode on Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás. That was certainly a thing.

I wrote and posted two fics! Both Nine Worlds again.
The first contains spoilers for ATFOTS and also the sort of coding choices Fitzroy Angursell might come up with if he tried to use HTML and CSS rather than wild magic. Short and very silly. Re: the iguana.
The second is an AU of an AU, specifically of alfgifu and mantrasong and iniquiticity and crownedrooster's Evil!Household setting (think Hands of the Emperor meets Hydra Trash Party.) Despite this, my drabble is pretty much PG-rated. Since I don't imagine this will be the last time I write a drabble for this fandom, I've made myself a drabble post of which this particular drabble is chapter one.

Listened to the Countless Thousands' You're Goddamn Right (2016) on the strength of the song 'Lazar Wolf'. The rest of the album was musically good but I think I'd have gotten more out of it with a lyrics booklet or the digital equivalent.

Listened to Blue Öyster Cult's Tyranny and Mutation (1973) on a whim, having only heard that one song by them before. I liked some of the album.

Made a not-very-good attempt at this watercolour card. Since I'm near-totally inexperienced with watercolour paints and was digging into my craft supplies rather than buying anything new, the result was not great. The paper wasn't proper watercolour paper, just a sketchbook, the masking tape was from the Reject Shop back in I think 2016? and the paints were cheapo ones when they were new over ten years ago, now dried up in tubes crumbling to a suspicious grey-white powder.) And yet I had fun and will do it again, although I suspect that I might prefer acrylics to watercolours.


Tried a persimmon for the first time. Was sadly unimpressed, but maybe I got a dud one or let it get overripe. I'll try again some other time.

For my next fruit adventure I'll be stewing some quinces.

I pulled out last year's(!) autumn plants (long since bolted and since that dead) and threw them on the green waste pile. In the process, I discovered a kale plant that was still producing leaves. So I gave it a stay of execution.

Autumn! It's beautiful here.

Celebrating the cooler weather with a combination of sleeping closer together and fighting more. Pouncing abounds. And bounds.

Decided on a whim to clean the sink trap in my bathroom. That was the most satisfyingly gross thing I've done in a long time.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Read Naomi Kritzer's Better Living Through Algorithms. Started reading it feeling the same resistance to the premise that the viewpoint character felt to the app but by the end, while still feeling that resistance, I also felt a small dose of the real grief of having had and lost an online community that was doing something good until the arseholes got hold of it. That particular sick feeling when the place you trusted and depended on is hollowed out and rotted, and how you were in that particular social space is gone with it. Kritzer is good at that.

Still reading Victoria Goddard's Stargazy Pie very very slowly. I don't find it as compelling as her Lays of the Hearth Fire books, but I want to know the lore so I can read the fanfic.

Read Victoria Goddard's novella Portrait of a Wide Seas Islander and liked it better. For people who've read HOTE and enjoyed it but aren't ready to commit to ATFOTS, this might be a fun side quest. (For people whose main problem with HOTE was that Kip was too perfect and wonderful and wasn't allowed to have enough flaws that didn't amount to "hardworking" or "cares too much" or "misunderstood" or "traumatised by what he's been through"... yeah, that's still happening, but at least Buru Tovo is a fun viewpoint character.)

Poked my head in at Gretchen Felker-Martin's Manhunt again, decided that I needed to keep taking it in slow doses at the moment. It's very good, but if I want to read about TERFs being horrible (tautology, I know) I can open the front page of the Guardian and click on an article about how my state's capital city was host to another rally against trans people's existence last weekend. Another, as in, not the first.

Read Marcelo Rinesi's creepy-sweet 'Auto-summarized Entries from a Personal Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Psychological #Self-Care'.

Dumbing of Age: Carla/Charlie became a much cuter ship once I got Charlie's perspective on it. (Carla's perspective: this girl doesn't know who I am, and I NEED HER TO KNOW I EXIST, I must pester her twin until they inform her of my existence. Charlie's perspective: we're already dating. Booster's perspective: great, can I go now?)

What Happens Next: Vikki, what are you doing? ...Oh no. No.

I posted Five Ways Cliopher Mdang Didn't Introduce Himself, but seriously, don't read it unless you've read both Hands of the Emperor and At the Feet of the Sun. It is a deeply unserious fanfic.

Also I cowrote, with [ profile] banana-scale, My coworkers ship our bosses, a Nine Worlds crossover with Ask A Manager. (I wrote the letter, [ profile] banana-scale wrote Allison's reply.)

Also, I had a thought, which is both seriously spoilery and nonsensical if you haven't read The Return of Fitzroy Angursell as well as Hands of the Emperor:
spoilers )

I started playing Super Bomberman on the RG35XX. The Bomberman franchise entirely passed me by when I was in the target age group and the games were first released, and I'm not sure if they didn't make it to the shops here or if I just tuned them out because neither "bomber" nor "man" were terms that resonated with me. Anyway, Past Me missed out: it's a relaxing puzzle game.

Phone upgrade sharks in progress, please stand by.


My chillis (bird's eye/Thai, not jalapeño) were extremely decorative. This is good, since they a) did not make my body very happy (which to be fair is part of the admission price for me with chillis, as with a number of other vegetables), but b) also had no heat at all. The internet tells me this means they were too happy and comfortable and didn't face enough adversity. I don't know what to tell you, I'm gardening as badly as I can! Not a humblebrag. I really am very bad and also very slack at gardening. In this case, I think the credit for their relative comfort must go to the milkweed bugs, which have been preferentially eating the tomatoes, not the chilli peppers. Why not eat the milkweed, you may ask? I am wondering the same thing. It's not like there isn't milkweed there to eat! According to the internet milkweed bugs don't even like tomatoes... but according to the internet cats' taste buds can't detect sugar and consequently cats don't want to eat chocolate, but I still have to defend my chocolate from Dorian.

Tomatoes: still putting out a few new fruit. It's the end of March.

Finally cooling down.

Speaking of Dorian, I found him streaking the other night. He does have some nudist tendencies, but usually there's a reason for him to strip off, e.g. it was too tight, or he'd been fighting with Ash, neither of which seemed to be the case this time. I reminded him of the dress code around here, but he refused to tell me where his collar was, and I didn't locate it until the next day. He had half-buried it in the litter box. Relatedly, anyone (who I know, not random strangers) have recommendations for collars cats like to wear? It needs to have a quick-release buckle, because cat; and it needs a ring for attaching his council tag and name tag, and I need to be able to buy it from somewhere other than Amazon (or make it myself.)
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Since my last reading etc update, I read Victoria Goddard's Discord-only bonus chapters and stories. The most fun one was 'Traditional Cultures Days at Uni', which is thematically interesting in that Kip has form for deliberately not claiming his own status as a keeper of traditional knowledge to his friends/family/community, and this time it's not because it was too precious to him or he was too traumatised or wanted them to ask first: he's just trolling them. The bonus chapter that takes place somewhere between chapters 16 and 19 of ATFOTS is also interesting. I can see why she cut it: in terms of narrative impact and pacing, it doesn't belong there, not yet. And yet I don't think that part of ATFOTS is quite complete without it either. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I would have liked ATFOTS to be several books, not one; and the first section of Chasing a Viau and the bonus chapters could have gone together as their own book, maybe including the transition to what Cliopher decides to do next and then with the bonus chapters after that, for contrast.

Listened to the PodCastle audio short story of Ann Leckie's 'Saving Bacon', narrated by Alasdair Stuart. I suspect I might like it better in text format: the way Alasdair Stuart pronounced the protagonist's name was distracting. I guess I'll find out when I read Lake of Souls (coming out this year), in which it's reprinted.

Reading Victoria Goddard's Stargazy Pie slowly: it hasn't really grabbed me yet.


I joined the HOTE Support Group discord server, and am currently more active there than I planned to be or think I'm likely to continue being, once this initial flare-up of fannish enthusiasm subsides.

Took my Pilot Metropolitan's nib and feed apart and cleaned them properly (having let the ink dry out in it too many times in the past), then tried out one of the ink samples my sister gave me for Christmas: Van Dieman Inks' 'Blue Ringed Octopus'. This came out disappointingly unlike the photo: no pink at all, just a medium blue. Not a bad blue, but nothing special. Alas.

Since I last posted about the RG35XX, I got a new SD card and put GarlicOS and some custom theming stuff on it, and also heavily pruned the game list to be wieldier and more relevant to my interests. I also added a small handful of ROM hacks on there. I'm enjoying the one that takes my one true version of Tetris (the original GameBoy one) and adds colours but doesn't change anything else.

I've been playing that, and also Legend of Zelda (the original). Would you believe I never got around to it before? I didn't have my own cartridge of it when I was a kid, and the video rental didn't have it. (The video rental did have Zelda II, and I rented that several times and wouldn't have gotten nearly as far as I did if it hadn't been for other players' save files.) Currently gearing up for dungeon six, making heavy use of a walkthrough. I still love Zelda II best, but I do have to admit that the original Legend of Zelda is a better game as such.


Dealing with the Tomato Glut as best I can. Mostly by drying them in the oven, three trays at a time.

One chilli plant is fruiting now. They're still green, and I can't remember what variety I planted and therefore what colour they're meant to be when ripe.

The tomatoes have died back somewhat, but are still producing. The milkweed bugs seem to like them a great deal more than the internet says milkweed bugs like anything but milkweed. Next summer I'll do better cages: the bamboo stakes didn't work as well as I'd like, but I didn't want the outlay of buying a bunch of proper tomato architecture this time.

It's fire season. Enough said.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Well, it's been a month since I last did one of these.

DNF Shelley Parker-Chan's He Who Drowned The World. I just wasn't feeling it. The ratio of "characters being horrible people" to "characters showing glimmers of the better person they could have been in better circumstances" was not favourable for me. It's definitely not a bad book, but it's the wrong book for me at this time. Best moment: Zhu Chongba and Xu Da's ghoulish glee in reciting their Buddhist monastic death meditation sutras in creepy unison.

Finished reading Victoria Goddard's The Return of Fitzroy Angursell, and subsequently read At the Feet of the Sun, all 375,500 words of it, while emitting a constant stream of complaints to [personal profile] kaberett on Discord.

Unfortunately, I loved it. It is a deeply flawed book but when it's good it's very good, and it hooks hard into me as a fan (as opposed to as a reader), meaning that pulling apart the flaws and arguing with the wrong parts and establishing why that character as described could not have done that, are all part of the fun. It also provides great comfort reread.

Here, behind a spoiler cut, please enjoy a couple of lines taken out of context from this very serious book about serious, earnest, hardworking 50-60 year olds who have important jobs.

spoilers )

After that I read Petty Treasons, The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul and The Game of Courts.

I saw someone somewhere recommend Petty Treasons as a starting point for those who want to give the Nine Worlds series a try without committing to the >300K words of HOTE. That is a TERRIBLE IDEA. It might work for some people, but it's more likely you'll just be spoilered and confused and put off by the POV choices. Goddard is doing a complicated thing with first and second person, and in my opinion you need to both understand the character's situation better and be invested in him as a person in order for that to pay off.

I had spoilered myself for the POV thing by reading a bunch of fanfic before attempting Petty Treasons, and a lot of writers adopted the same mixture of first and second person for this character.

The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul worked better for me as a complete work (as opposed to a supplemental lore pack, which is how I think Petty Treasons might work best).

Pali's an interesting character, and the book fulfilled my expectation of seeing more from a couple of scenes in Hands of the Emperor that took place offpage or cut away at an interesting point.

I have the bad habit of trying to guess authors' intentions, processes, and so on. In Pali's case... so, I'm working from the assumption that Victoria Goddard's been playing with most of these characters for a long, long time (maybe back into her teens) and that certain beats have been a constant but the details have evolved (and sometimes she loves several different versions of one beat enough that she just includes two or more of them, which is my best guess at what happened with Cliopher's family in Hands of the Emperor.)

Anyway, my theory is that originally Pali/Fitzroy might have been endgame, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked the characters changed, the plot changed, another major relationship rose in prominence, the author's own interests as a writer and a person evolved over time, and by and by it no longer made any sense for Pali and Fitzroy to be heading toward (any model of) traditional heterosexual marriage with romance and sex and parenting. But they still have this history of having spent years expecting that one day Pali would accept Fitzroy's proposal, and now they're working out who they are to each other given that Not That. It's like at some point in the process of building the Ship of Theseus, the ship itself realised that actually the specific combination of old and new parts it has right now would be ideally suited to making something other than a ship, and that's what they're doing.

(Pali's also hugely frustrating, but even as she frustrated me I did appreciate that she was allowed to be... there's a level of awful that female characters in a trope-heavy story usually only attain as the result of misogynistic character-bashing. Whereas when Pali's being awful, she's also unhappy, unhappy about how awful she's being, and struggling with that and also with the plot. She gets to be complicated and messy.)

The Game of Courts... I didn't like it very much, I'm glad to have read it, and I think Conju is a well-drawn character whom I only enjoy in small doses.

January and February was when I'd planned to take part in a read-together of Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea books. I have been, as you can see, thoroughly distracted from this.

Questionable Content: Marten told Liz not to put Smarties up her nose. Who could ever have predicted what happened next?

Read a frankly indefensible quantity of Hands of the Emperor/At the Feet of the Sun fanfic. There's a lot of it, and this fandom seems to run to longfic (I know, who could ever have guessed that the canon whose short novels are 110K words could also attract fanfic authors who like to write at great length?) and a lot of it is really good. Unfortunately, my self-restraint has not been really good.

Listened to Sleater-Kinney's new album, Little Rope. It didn't really grab me, and neither did their previous album, unfortunately. (The one before that, though, I loved a lot.)

Pondering the merits of setting up a reverse proxy server.

Made croutons from stale bread. Ate some ripe tomatoes with them.

Since then have been eating tomatoes with olive oil, a little salt, and non-stale bread.

Mowing. Trying, to, anyway. Mower keeps overheating from the hot weather and the long grass, which also make it chew through the battery very fast.

Tomato plants are alive and producing tomatoes, some of them even ripe! Some of them got blossom end rot, alas. I forget what varieties of seedlings I planted, but I've got the small round orange stripey ones and the medium round bright red ones and the large lumpy EXTREMELY RED ones. I think the small round orange stripey ones might be overripe green zebras, actually. Marigold plants are still, to my astonishment, flowering.

Since writing the previous paragraph, another update: tomato plants now producing several ripe tomatoes every day. One of the two marigold plants unfortunately got buried in tomato vines. I dug it out and replanted it where it can see the sun, but I don't think it's going to make it.

I saved some seeds from the broccoli and radish plants.

It's "check three different sites at regular intervals to make sure you're alerted to any fires in time" season.

Happy eighth birthday to Dorian. (Ash had his sixth birthday in December.)

I needed to make more laundry powder. So I microwaved a bar of soap to make it crumblier. That's a thing I've only attempted once before -- prior to that innovation I'd been spending a long time grating the bar. And this time I misjudged the length of time needed. Or rather, I kept putting it back in to see if I could get it crumblier and less melty. Dark brown soap and an unpleasant smell ensued. I aired out the house and ran the range hood fan and took the offending soap outside to cool down on concrete before I disposed of it. ...So yeah, that was a thing.
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
Dear Confectioner,

Thank you for writing or making art for me! I hope you have a fun exchange.

General likes: queer and trans people, mutual respect, kindness, competence, people who are jerks but not THAT much of a jerk, people working together, people who get each other. Kissing, hugging, co-sleeping. Pining, obliviousness. Good worldbuilding (and/or expansions on concepts from canon), infodumps, enthusiasm, humour. Gen is fine, shipping is also fine, polyamory is great, so is kink. Experimental formats and/or interactive fiction are fine if that's something you're interested in doing.

Art general likes: any medium (Nobody said your "nice sketch, not on lined paper" has to be in colour, and I promise I won't be upset if it isn't. Or if it is. If you have an idea for an abstract representation in oils of a Vangavaye-ve star chart, go ahead. Hell, if your muse speaks to you this February in ASCII art of the Emperor and his Lord Chancellor in their fursonas, that will be fine with me. Two of the three pieces of Prophet fanart I'm aware of are moodboards, maybe you want to make another one? Go for it.)

Do Not Wants: animal harm, sad cats, rape/noncon, underage, misgendering, ableism.

Please don't feel constrained by my prompts/optional details. If you have your own idea already, go for it! But if you don't have an idea... I have prompts.

Prophet - Sin Blaché & Helen MacDonald
Sunil Rao/Adam Rubenstein
Adam Rubenstein & Hunter Wood

Prompts, with spoilers for the novel, follow. spoilers )

Nine Worlds Series - Victoria Goddard
Artorin Damara/Cliopher Mdang
Artorin Damara & Cliopher Mdang

As of this signup, I have finished reading Hands of the Emperor and The Return of Fitzroy Angursell, and am 17% through At the Feet of the Sun, which I started last night. I am very confident that I will have finished reading it by February, so don't worry about spoilers. (After the cut: spoilers for the big thing that Cliopher doesn't know in HOTE which the reader learns in TROFA or ATFOTS, whichever they read first, or from the AO3's tag wranglers just putting it right there in the canonical tag.)

spoilers )
vass: Small turtle with green leaf in its mouth (Default)
This post covers the rest of last year since November 30th, and all of 2024 so far.

Finished listening to Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy on audiobook. Michael Jayston, the narrator, was very good. The level of textually confirmed queerness was higher than I expected. Possibly I should have had higher expectations, considering the Cambridge Five, but this is an extremely popular mainstream thriller written in 1974, so my expectations were low in that regard.

Listened to Martha Wells' System Collapse on audiobook. Very happy with how she's developing the theme of creativity as resistance.

Finished reading Victoria Goddard's The Hands of the Emperor and immediately started The Return of Fitzroy Angursell. Re Hands of the Emperor, I liked it very much and also have a lot of nits to pick and larger objections. The plot runs along the author's id, and my id doesn't run on the same rails as that, although it does stop at many of the same stations. If I'd had exactly the same id as Victoria Goddard, maybe I would have felt less friction every time the plot swerved frantically to avoid "Kip has to ask anyone he cares about for something important to him, using his words" or "Kip faces real opposition from a reasonable person who disagrees with him about his work" to land safely in "the plot contrives to reveal what Kip wanted to his loved ones without his having to tell them, so that they can give it to him and apologise for not having already known in a cathartic scene" or "Kip's political opponents all either acknowledge his superiority in every aspect of their work, or are deservedly utterly destroyed for being evil people in a cathartic scene."

I really want someone to write the fics (plural) that do for Cliopher and Artorin what [ profile] lannamichaels does for Aral and Miles Vorkosigan. Aral in particular. I love Cliopher and Artorin, I ship Cliopher and Artorin, but they really do have it coming. (Spoilery side note for something that happens late in the novel: cut ))

For more cogent criticism of this book, please see [personal profile] skygiants here and [personal profile] raven here. (Reading these made me reflect further on how the emphasis on Kip's skill at practising his cultural traditions in solitude, while completely isolated from other members of his culture kind of misses the point of... a culture? Especially what's described (in the sense of "tell", if not the sense of "show") as being a very collectivist culture.)

I started reading the sequel[*] The Return of Fitzroy Angursell after that, because fuck it, it's actually very compelling idfic and I want to read the next Cliopher book. The blurb contains spoilers from something not yet revealed in The Hands of the Emperor, so maybe don't read the blurb if you don't want a fairly large -- if heavily foreshadowed -- reveal.

[* Victoria Goddard is very prolific, and there are many branching stories in the same world, including two direct sequels to The Hands of the Emperor. This is the one the author herself recommended reading before the other one, At the Feet of the Sun, which is from Cliopher's point of view again.]

As I write this am 94% through the ebook of The Return of Fitzroy Angursell, and just got to the resolution of the main emotional conflict of the plot. You'll never guess what it is. (spoilers) cut ) That aside, it is a third of the length of THOTE, and much less angsty (not that it's not angsty, but the viewpoint character has much more of a sense of humour, and so does the plot, which tries to be picaresque but keeps blunting its own edges.)

Started listening to the audiobook of Shelley Parker-Chan's He Who Drowned The World. I'm not really feeling it, but I'm continuing. I'm enjoying Zhu's and Ouyang's plot threads less than in the previous book. Ouyang because without Esen the misery is unrelenting, and Zhu because while she's more likeable than in the first part of the previous book, I'm convinced that the plot is leading to her being forced to choose between forfeiting her ambition and sparing Ma's life, and... I don't think she'll spare Ma's life. On the other hand, I'm enjoying Baoxiang's parts more than before, even though they're still extremely grimdark. At least he's having some fun with it?

Dumbing of Age and Questionable Content are fun at the moment.

Read Full of Shit by Max Graves, a short, very painful horror zine.

[personal profile] rydra_wong MADE A PROPHET MOODBOARD TOO!
It's considerably less silly than mine, Funshine notwithstanding. She made it... some time ago, but as mentioned above, I haven't done one of these posts since the end of November.

Early Christmas present: an Anbernic RG35XX! Some notes:
- ergnomically, it's less comfortable than the Retro FC Plus. Same layout, but heavier, and that's makes a difference. I'm looking into the aftermarket grip things.
- pre-installed games: many, many of them, for many, many different consoles. No SMB: presumably Nintendo got to them. I've been playing Arkanoid and Bubble Bobble. The former (NES version) is fine except that the backgrounds are too busy, which is a problem with the original game, not the console. The latter (in its Game Boy version) has a flicker problem which I think means I just need to adjust the emulator's settings.
- OS: Anbernic's stock OS for the RG35XX is pretty nice. The defaults are comfortable, and there are options to change the theme etc too. They also preinstalled the open source alternative, Black Seraph's GarlicOS, which is extremely customisable. I gave it a try, and... well, maybe after I customise it a lot. And scale the steep learning curve. Garlic's controls are very counterintuitive, and have a tendency to react to button presses from before the next screen displays, making you select options you didn't intend to without knowing what they are. And it seems less stable than stock, e.g. there's a bug where there's no way to exit a game without hitting "reset". I looked that up, and apparently you just need to upgrade Garlic to fix it. But mostly it's the buttons, and how ugly the default backgrounds are. (The bootloader images are mostly fine. The icon themes are alright, but not with those backgrounds they aren't. Other backgrounds exist, though, and of course one can make one's own - I just haven't had a play with it yet.) The way it's organised is an improvement on stock, though.
- The exciting part, though, is how hackable/tweakable it is by design. As mentioned, it came already dual-booting the custom firmware. Unlike the Retro FC Plus (which ran off its chip on board, aka THE BLOB) the RG35XX's system lives on an sd card. Even in stock, you can easily access the file structure. There is also a slot for a second sd card. You can put MP3s on it and use it as an MP3 player. You can put PDFs of the game manuals on it (remember when games came with manuals?) You can put more games on it. (This is in fact the point.) I'm looking forward to checking out the ROM hacking scene.


Improvised "Singapore noodles" using two minute noodles, a carrot, some broccoli, turmeric, cracked black pepper, cumin, salt, peanut oil, chilli sesame oil, and a little soy sauce. Obviously that is not the correct ingredients or method for making Singapore noodles, but it worked out exactly how I hoped anyway. Switching to actual curry powder in place of the other spices produced a slightly different, also good, effect. This is now in my regular dinner rotation. Cooking rice and vegetables in it instead of stirring noodles through it made it no longer taste any thing like Singapore noodles, but was still good.

Tying up tomatoes and trying to keep up with the mowing.


Waiting right now for me to give them their before bed treat.
vass: cover of album "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" (Yuletide Hippopotamus)
I wrote Holiday Season for [ profile] kitsunerei88, who wanted to see how four characters from Courtney Milan's Cyclone series "even handle the American holiday-but-actually-its-Christmas season".

I wrote a plan the first week I got the assignment. Then life got in the way and I didn't actually get much more than 400 words down before Deadline Weekend. I got there, and was nervous-but-happy with the fic I posted, and even borrowed someone's custom site skin for the texts.

But in that rush I did make a real howler of a typo (as I mentioned before, under access lock and without details) and didn't notice it until after the collection reveal and after my recipient had definitely already read the story. I decided to let it stay there unremarked, for whatever amusement value it might have.

But now Yuletide's over for the year...

Errata: after Tina's younger sister was diagnosed with ADHD, she got an IEP. Mabel's ADHD diagnosis did not lead to her getting an IED.

Thank you.


Dec. 25th, 2023 09:37 pm
vass: cover of album "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" (Yuletide Hippopotamus)
I am extremely pleased with the story I received this year:

Spencer Tunick and the Giant Ul Qoman Protuberance
Summary: The citizens of Beszel and Ul Qoma are skilled in unseeing what goes on in their neighbour city. But some things are more difficult to unsee than others...

The fandom is China Miéville's The City & the City, and it is the modern art crossover I never knew I needed and also a hilarious romp through the central McGuffin of the original novel.

If you're familiar with the premise of The City & the City, or if you're aware of Spencer Tunick's photography, then I heartily recommend this to you.

(Unless the writer knew me over 20 years ago, they have no way of knowing this, but I missed my chance to be in Tunick's Melbourne photoshoot back in 2001 because it took place so early in the morning that the trams weren't running, and am still mildly pissed of about this.)


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