Student Housing in Paris-Saclay-115097
Student Housing in Paris-Saclay-115097
Student Housing in Paris-Saclay-115097
2021 ∂
Für sich genommen mag ein Studentenwohnheim On its own, a student dorm might Baukunst (Adrien Verschuere)
ein ziemlich banaler Auftrag sein – und ein öffentli- seem a pretty banal commission when they teamed up for this hy-
ches Parkhaus noch viel mehr. Aber wenn man – and a public parking garage brid building, located in the Palai-
beides zusammen nimmt und mit der Anforderung even more so. But put the two seau sector of France’s technol-
verbindet, 50 % des Parkhauses reversibel zu gestal- together, along with the require- ogy cluster, Paris-Saclay.
ten – sie also später einmal für andere Nutzungen ment that 50 % of the garage be A giant state investment
umwandeln zu können –, dann erhält man eine weit- “reversible” – i.e. that it could, at project, the Saclay campus is ex-
aus ungewöhnlichere Aufgabe. Mit diesem Pro- a future date, be converted to pected to concentrate at least
gramm sahen sich das französische Architekturbüro some other use – and you have a 20 % of French scientific research
Bruther von Stéphanie Bru und Alexandre Thériot far more unusual proposition. capacity by the mid-2020s –
sowie das belgische Büro Baukunst um Adrien Ver- This was the programme facing though right now much of it is a
schuere konfrontiert, als sie sich für dieses hybride French architecture firm Bruther construction site, and the public
Gebäude im Palaiseau-Sektor des französischen (Stéphanie Bru and Alexandre transport needed to make it eas-
Technologieclusters Paris-Saclay zusammentaten. Thériot) and Belgian office ily accessible from Paris, 20 km
Studentenwohnheim in Paris-Saclay Student Housing in Paris-Saclay 5
Der Saclay-Campus ist ein gigantisches staatliches to the north, is still years away.
Investitionsprojekt, das bis Mitte der 2020er-Jahre Whence the brief’s request for
mindestens 20 % der französischen Forschungska- 500 parking spaces, 250 of which
pazitäten bündeln soll – obwohl ein Großteil davon are destined to disappear once
noch eine Baustelle ist und der öffentliche Nahver- the metro finally arrives. Xaveer
kehr ins 20 km nördlich gelegene Paris erst in De Geyter authored the urban
einigen Jahren den Betrieb aufnimmt. Daher die For- masterplan for the Saclay expan-
derung nach 500 Parkplätzen, von denen 250 ver- sion, but, since their building is
schwinden werden, wenn die Metro endlich kommt. something of a pioneer in its
Xaveer De Geyter hat den städtebaulichen Master- sector, Bruther and Baukunst had
plan für die Erweiterung von Saclay verfasst, aber da little or no context to draw from.
ihr Gebäude so etwas wie ein Pionier in seinem Instead they concentrated on
Sektor ist, hatten Bruther/Baukunst wenig bis gar f ulfilling functional requirements
Die Wasser- und Plumbing and cabling ments, and shared duplexes, nical challenge to realize. Just as
Stromleitungen zu den must descend from the
Wohnungen führen upper floors through
whose vaulted upper levels ca- difficult was the handling of fluids
durch die offenen the open parking ga- dence the building’s skyline – when you have housing perched
Parkebenen hindurch. rage to the ground.
Sichtbar ist davon auf And yet, at first glance,
“We like to produce spaces that over a void. “We didn’t want a
den ersten Blick so these installations are have something specific and par- profusion of PVC pipes all over
gut wie nichts. nowhere to be seen.
ticular about them,” says Thériot, the garage’s ceilings,” says
when asked why the vault form Thériot, “so we patiently jiggled
was chosen. Another obsession, everything in such a way that
he continues, is “how buildings piping follows the line of the
interact with public space at vertical supports.” Where runoff
ground level,” a question treated water is concerned, two systems
here with maximum transparency were necessary, one for the
“so that in the street you feel like housing and another for the
you’re already in the garden and garage (whose floor is polluted
vice versa.” Indeed light, space, with hydrocarbons): downpipes
and translucency are the leitmo- for each descend inside alternate
tifs of Bruther/Baukunst’s building columns. Among the million-and-
– the plan that ensures all corri- one other details of this type,
dors are naturally lit, the glass there was the question of ensur-
carpark railings, the extremely ing all the floor slabs are of the
generous glazing – to the point same thickness – not such an
where it seems to have leapt from easy task when they contain
the pages of Sigfried Giedion’s vastly different quantities of
1929 manifesto of hygienism, electric cables, for example.
“Liberated Living: Light, Air, The resulting edifice – with
Openness.” its luminous light concrete, its
graphic fire escapes corkscrew-
Masterpiece of concealment ing into the garden, its astonish-
All of this, as Thériot readily ad- ingly clean, unencumbered sur-
mits, “is deceptively simple”. To faces, and its brightly coloured
maximize the size of the garden, sun curtains – allows structure
the garage access ramps had to to shine through in its purest
be contained within the building’s form, a paragon of openness
volume; moreover, while the and limpidity. This latter quality,
Bruther © Maxime Delvaux