Statics of Vierendeel Girder
Statics of Vierendeel Girder
Statics of Vierendeel Girder
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Statics of the Vierendeel Girder
Prof. Dr. I. A. el Demirdash, Dr. sc. techn. (E.T.H. Zrich). Professor of Bridges and
Theory of Structures, Faculty of Engineering, Fouad I University, Giza
The Vierendeel girder, fig. la, is a framed structure with a high degree of
redundancy. In this respect, it is similar to a truss with rigid joints, fig. lc.
An exact treatment of the problem necessitates the Solution of 3 m equations
of elasticity, where m is the number of closed panels in the system. Such a
procedure involves tedious mathematical calculations and requires a good
deal of time. For this reason, the designer is ready to welcome any assumptions,
provided that they lead to fairly good results.
In the case of a truss, the general practice is to neglect the effect of rigid
connections entirely, and to assume all members to be hinged at their ends,
fig. Id. The structure is thus transformed into a perfect truss, which is stiff
enough to carry the external loads. Here, the stiffness of the structure does
not require rigid joints.
Obviously, the assumption of a hinged truss renders the Solution of the
problem very simple. Loads acting at the panel points produce axial forces in
the different members. Results thus obtained coincide fairly well with the
axial forces produced in a truss with rigid joints, at least for simple triangulr
Fig. lc. Truss with Rigid Joints Fig. 1 d. Truss with Hinged Joints
126 I. A. el Demirdash
Systems. Further, the end moments which exist in the latter cause bending
stresses of about 1/3 the normal stresses due to the axial forces. It is understood,
that these are accounted for in deciding the working stresses.
In short, the hinged truss can be used, in routine calculations, as a fairly
good approximation for the actual case of rigid connections. It gives almost
correct axial forces and Joint displacements. Consequently, it is suitable also
as a main system for an accurate calculation of the rigid truss.
Such an approximation, however, is not possible in the case of a Vierendeel
girder. The absence of the diagonal members renders the system with hinged
connections, fig. lb, deficient, and thus incapable of resisting the external
loads. Here, rigid joints are necessary for the stiffness of the structure. Further,
the end moments produce bending stresses in the different members which
cannot be neglected. In tbis respect, the Vierendeel girder differs from the
rigid truss.
Approximate Methods
The internal forces in the upper and lower chords at any vertical section
s s give two equal and opposite forces Rv and RL which act at a point inter
mediate between the two chords such that its distance from the two chords is
in direct ratio to their relative stiffness, i. e. -^ =c. Consequently, the R-
polygon gives the bending moment diagrams of the two chords due to H lt,
and hence the required elastic line of the thrust H can be obtained.
3. Case
of Loading H 1
on Main System
panels which lie in the vicinity of the loading. Besides, bending moment
diagrams of the two Systems are more or less similar. This means that the
elastic behaviour of the hinged system, as well as its Joint displacements do
not differ much from those of the actual girder.
Exact Methods
Fig. 7.
A^-7 t <&
6Zt 1
wer P=1
Neglecting the effect of normal and shearing forces, elastic weights are
given simply by the^-= diagrams of the different members. Areas and moments
of these diagrams give relative slopes and displacements of the structure. It is
thus easy to understand why the elastic weights in a closed panel with rigid
joints must be in equilibrium, fig. 8a. Here, the elastic weights are assumed
to act along the centre lines of the different members, and in a direction per-
pendicular to the plane of the closed panel. Positive values may be assumed
pointing towards the reader, while negative values point away from him.
130 I. A. el Demirdash
Fig. 9 a
Single Closed Panel
rsa\ Mt
Fig. 9 c
tM, w W0 L\b Mr-T)i agi'ams and TTr-Elastic Weights
Fig. 9 b
ikfo-Diagram and PT0-Elastic Weights
If now the geometrical shape and cross sections of the closed frame are
known, the elastic weights ^-jds acting along the elemental length ds of
every member can be expressed as function of M1, M2 and mx. These are
combined into the resultant elastic weights r'ah-M1, r'ah-M2, etc. shown in
"fig. 9c. The coefficients r' and r depend of course on the dimensions of the
different members.
Further, all the elastic weights which depend on the 3 unknown moments
Ml9 M2, and mx can be added together giving the 3 common resultants:
W1 6X M1, W2 b2 M2, and w1 bs-m1. The coefficients bx,b2, and b3 depend
entirely on the dimensions of the frame, and not on the external loading. The
same applies also to the positions of the 3 resultant elastic weights, which are
termed the "elastic poles" of the closed frame.
Since all the joints of the frame are rigid, all the elastic weights must be
in equilibrium. In other words, the 3 resultant elastic weights W1, W2 and wx
due to the redundant values should keep the resultant elastic weight W0, due
to external loads, in equilibrium. Consequently, if the frame is considered to be
132 I. A. el Demirdash
a slab supported elastic poles and loaded by the elastic weight W0, the
at its 3
corresponding reactions will be simply W1, W2, and w1. Hence the unknown
moments M1, M2, and m are obtained.
A similar procedure can be applied to the Vierendeel girder. It must be
remembered, however, that successive panels of the Vierendeel girder have
common verticals, so that elastic weights along these verticals will depend on
the upper and lower chord moments on either side of each vertical. In this
way, the elastic weights in an end panel involve 5, while those in every inter
mediate panel involve 7 unknown moments. The Solution of the problem,
however, can be simplified in the following manner.
Starting at the left hand panel I, fig. 10 a, its elastic weights must be in
equilibrium. Hence, the moments m2 and Ms can be expressed in terms of ml9
M2 and W^. Going over to panel II, the elastic weights in m and M2 are
expressed in terms of m2, M3 and W-^. The condition of equilibrium of all
elastic weights in this panel gives m3 and Mb as funetions of m2, __T4, W^
and W2.
rW'm2 r<
rh"m. /%
fo, r>vK ^<&^3 h
M(i_ >>)
rbb' 'm2 rcc"7%'
rJ't'A "w-fa h2'mz rcc'm.73 rc'd"M6
riVMi ur, JT
rcc"M* rCC-M5
M '""fr*
WMi lu-A
w; I IV, w?
# *r*<
i WL3
fib _______
m -**
Similarly for panel III, elastic weights in m2 and M are expressed in terms
of m3, M5, W^ and W2. Equations of equilibrium of all elastic weights in
this panel supply the values of the unknown moments m3, M5 and M6. If the
steps are retraced back to panel II, and finally to panel I, the rest*of the
Statics of the Vierendeel Girder 133
rw-M2 in terms of m2 and M3, these elastic weights are added to w2 and W3
respectively in order to obtain the new elastic poles wL2 and WL3. The index L
means that the effect of the left hand panel is included. Panel is then con II
sidered as a slab supported at the two shifted poles wL2 and WL3 and at JF4.
Assuming the elastic weights r'cc,-m3 and rcc,-Mh to be external loading, and
leaving out the effect of the elastic weight W2, the relation between m3, M5
and m2, J_r4 may be found.
Similarly for panel III, elastic weights r' .- ^
m2 and rc&-M^ are expressed
in terms of m3 and M5. These elastic weights are included in the resultants by
shifting w3 and W5 to wL3 and WL5 respectively. Needless to say, leaving out
the effect of the elastic weights W, the positions of the new elastic poles are
made independent of the external loading. These positions are thus valid for
all cases.
In order to determine the effect of the elastic weights W for a certain case
of loading, panel I is again considered first with Wj acting. The corresponding
values of m1 and M2 are determined as funetions of W^. Going over to panel II,
elastic weights r'w --^-mx and rw M2 are calculated in terms of W-f, and added
into a resultant w\2 on the common vertical bb'. Further, uPL2 and W2 are
combined into a new elastic weight WQL2.
Panel IIis then considered as a slab supported at the poles wL2, WL3 and
W, and loaded by WL2. The values of m2 and i)_"4 are found in terms of WQL2.
Hence, elastic weights r'cc,- -~ m2 and rcc,are calculated. These are
expressed in terms of WL2 and give together an additional elastic weight vPLZ
along the vertical cc'.
Finally, for panel III, and W3 are combined into the resultant elastic
weight W^3. Hence, m3, M5 and M6 are determined. Returning back to panel
II, and introducing the values of m3 and Mb, m2, M3 and i4 are found. Finally,
for panel I, the values of m2 and M3 are introduced, and the remaining moments
m1? __T1? and M2 are computed.
The method of the elastic weights is applicable to direct as well as indirect
loading. Besides, the effect of variable moments of inertia and haunched ends,
134 I. A. el Demirdash
we t
b e c
a) Unit Elastic Weight We= 1
a/7 OCfl
direci loading
indireci loading
ran oc=i
c) Influence Line of M
This method complies with the general rule of introducing a hinge at e and
applying two equal and opposite couples M 1 on either side of the hinge.
The elastic line of the loaded chord due to this Virtual loading gives, to the
scale of the relative slope an, the required influence line. In other words, the
influence line of Me can be obtained directly by assuming two Virtual couples
M at the hinge e. Such a loading, however, produces unit relative slope
at e, and is thus equivalent to the action of a unit elastic weight We=l.
Statics of the Vierendeel Girder 135
If the influence lines are completed between the panel points by the curved
centre lines of the deflected members, the effect of direct loads can be ascer-
tained. On the other hand, if the ordinates under the panel-points are connected
by straight lines, the effect of indirect loads only is obtained. It is interesting to
remark here that the moments produced by direct and indirect loads are
nearly of the same order. Consequently, the effect of Joint displacements and
rotations must be included in the computation both for direct as well as for
indirect loading. In this respect, the Vierendeel girder differs from a truss with
rigid joints. The effect of direct loading in the latter case is much more pro-
nounced. The corresponding end moments can be determined by assuming
the joints to rotate while in their original positions, i.e. without any displace
ment. Such an assumption would be wrong for the Vierendeel girder.
i^ Mr^
Qn 1
% +
Mh-A8 &h
Z.' ni-
but eh=
= h
Thus Ch Wh-As Ah
And O =_L
gives the same gap as the normal forces without change of slope, and which is
of the same nature as the elastic weights. These conditions are fulfilled by the
elastic couples Ch Ah, and CV AV, fig. 12, where Ah and Av are the horizontal
and vertical components of the gap.
Remembering that in the closed panel the gap and the change of slope due
to the bending moments and axial forces are equal to zero, the elastic weights
and the introduced elastic couples must be in equilibrium, which condition
supplies the redundant moments of the closed panel. The introduced elastic
couples are subdivided into separate elastic couples corresponding to the
redundant moments and to the external loading respectively. The first group
of elastic couples shift the elastic poles horizontally and vertically, while the
latter group shift the elastic weight W0 due to the external loading. The cor
responding coefficients remain unaltered. The shifted elastic poles give the
new points of support of the closed panel.
The idea involved in the elastic couples can be utilised in determining the
influence lines of the shearing forces. For example, the influence line of Qe,
fig. 11, is the elastic line of the loaded chord due to a unit relative displacement
at c in the transverse direction without any change in slope. Such a sliding,
however, can be produced by a unit elastic couple acting at e. Consequently,
the influence line of the shearing force Qe is simply the elastic line of the loaded
chord due to a unit elastic couple at e.
i//' su
d' Iv_Il
m h,
And Mb -Mb
L> s
c *d
M-Diagram of Upper Chord
h' rb'c"M rb'c'M2 C'
rdVi rc'd'-M2
Fig. 13 b
p d
F Main System and Elastic
Couples C
b -rbc-M -rtc-H? --"2
1/2 P
Equilibrium at Section ss
1Z Mo -M
rb'c-M2 -%"M2 C
-r*v*f% r^.M:
CO ' '3 M,.
.M,.u 3 nz
-te-Ml d'-"3
~nbb''Mb -rcci.Mc
C. C,
V _> % ^r - *e c -*</""</ ."S
c'-f r33>>Md
M, ix H
V", frt'fc to-fy rcb'M2 c rcd'M3 rcd-Mrik H
-AI fi+-
M, A/,.___ M, Mo M3 ____i
2 MS H- hs
Fig. 13 c. Elastic Couples Gr
138 I. A. el Demirdash
The equilibrium of the elastic couples in every end panel involves two
unknown moments, while that of an intermediate panel involves 3 unknown
moments. The Solution can be carried out in a progressive manner from panel
to panel. Starting, for example, at panel I, the equilibrium of the elastic
couples supplies a relation between the two moments M1 and M2. This relation
can be utilized in eliminating M from the elastic couples of panel II. In this
way, the equilibrium of the elastic weights in panel II supplies a relation
between M2 and M3.
Finally, for panel III, M2 is first eliminated. All the elastic couples in this
panel are then funetions of M3, which can be determined. The relations
between the different moments hitherto obtained enable the calculation of the
remaining values. The introduction of the term "elastic couple" reduces the
equilibrium of the elastic weights to a simple algebraic summation of the
elastic couples in each panel.
In order to render the Solution independent of the different cases of external
loading, the effect of the elastic couples C is first neglected. The relations
obtained in this way between M1, M2, and M3 will be valid for all cases of load
ing. For a certain load, however, panel I is again considered, and the effect of
the next panel is neglected. Mx is determined as function of C^0, and introduced
in the couple C*1 of the vertical bb'. The new value of C*1 is then added to the
elastic couple C2 giving CL2. Equilibrium of the elastic couples in panel II is
then considered, leaving out the effect of panel III. All elastic couples are now
funetions of M2 which can be determined from GL2. This value is used in
determining the couple C of the vertical cc'. The new value of this couple is
added to C3 to get CL3. M3 is found from equilibrium of the elastic couples in
panel III. Going back to panel II, M2 is determined. Finally, Mx is determined
from panel I. The progressive method just explained is in a way similar to the
elimination method of Gauss which is generally used in solving the matrix of
the elastic equations.
steps needed for the Solution differs according to the nature of the problem,
and depends on the choice of a suitable assumption. The first obtained values
should be real approximations, which are not very far from the accurate
results. In this way, successive corrections tend to vanish. Otherwise, the
computation will take a long time, involving many steps and corrections, and
may not lead to the required results.
In the case of a truss with rigid connections, the Joint displacements are
first assumed to be the same as those of a hinged system. The end moments
are then calculated, either directly from the Joint rotations by Mohr's method,
or successively by relaxation methods. In the latter case, the members are
assumed to be fixed at their ends and then relaxed one by one until finally all
the system is eased. Either the moments themselves, or rotations of the joints
are successively corrected. The end moments obtained by the first approxi
mation can be used in correcting the displacements of the joints which have
been assumed at first. The calculations are then repeated for the new values.
and a second approximation of the end moments obtained. The whole process
may be continued until no further corrections are needed. This condition,
however, is not always fulfilled, specially for a complicated system of tri-
Unfortunately, the Vierendeel girder cannot be treated in the same way.
It is impossible to assume all members to be hinged at their ends. However,
a girder with equal chord stiffness can be solved successfully by the "Panel
The Panel Method
The idea involved in this method is to split up the Vierendeel girder into
single closed panels, fig. 14a, and to consider the equilibrium of each panel
separately. Assuming every panel to be hinged at both sides to the rest of the
structure, the effect of external loads gives the so-called primary moments,
fig. 14b. The connecting moments at the introduced hinges just outside the
four corners produce secondary moments in the closed panel, fig. 14c. The
sums of the primary and secondary moments give the required moments of
the Vierendeel girder.
In the special case of a Vierendeel girder with equal chord stiffness, the
corresponding moments in the upper and lower chords will be equal. is, It
therefore, possible to derive a simple expression for the primary and secondary
moments which can be applied to every closed panel in the system. Referring
to figs. 14b and 14c:
otM Varn
__________ /rt
[3+ 5 + a (2+ ._,
*)] __ r
ocM-Va s(l + x)2
Jf;i= r(l________ Jf2 + _________
/0 + r + a)
x ___ + a)
2D -(3
Hence M12 M'12 + M'[2 and M21=M'21+M'21
140 I. A. el Demirdash
h -ih*l ___
ttrr tt
r h2-\
k1 k2 rl-L
D + r + s + oc(2ot + ocs + 2s + 6)
m{\ -tf
//**& ___.
__ / 2M2
At first, the primary momentsare determined for the whole girder. They
are considered to be first approximations of the actual end moments. Conse
quently, the secondary moments in each panel can be calculated. The sums of
corresponding values give a second approximation of the end moments, which
can be used in correcting the secondary moments obtained before. In this way
a third approximation of the end moments is obtained, and so on. The process
is continued until it converges.
and M'-M
Mn F
h2 + 2M2'
M 2
n \JU
,<l "ll ll
T? /
V kfr ML
Z*m 1
M-4 ^-4
Fig. 15 a. Equilibrium of Element m n
142 I. A. el Demirdash
Mm m 2ML
*d :r
m m
Mn ZM'
Mi kVu
t-e Ml, ,r
t-% :5^~
' / hn a,
M "n 1
hm vi
"t- "><
G ho
i ni
2K M'-&
" hn
?-**> 2Mn
2_^2 2M2
fi 2M'2
The loading thus obtained is further split up into cases of partial loading
similar to those of fig. 14. In this way, it is possible to use the relations found
before in determining the new primary moments M[2 and M21. Thus:
Statics of the Vierendeel Girder 143
^2 ^4^[3
2D + * + (2 + *)] + D D ^'-^-^
and Jfil_^^[8 + r + .]-^._f1'+i + __.Jf;>
or I,=a(ifM + H.8)-F.fl[3 + s + g(2 + ^_r
- hj)
+ Vi-
8(l + a) \Mn(hn-hi) al
D l 2K 2'4j
and L21
+ V,- +
The other cases of secondary moments are treated in a similar manner.
They supply the new secondary moments M'[2 and M'21, thus:
Ml2~ D h^ Mm D 'h n
r(l + a)h1_
D h
m, x
s(l + a)2
K ^
Finally: M12 M'12+ M\2, and M21 M21 + M'21.
The steps followed in the successive Solution are the same as for the panel
method. The primary moments, which serve as first approximation of the
actual moments, are first determined. The secondary moments are then cal
culated, and a second approximation of the actual moments is obtained. There
is generally no need for a further correction.
Needless to say that the panel method explaind before as well as its modi-
fication are suitable only for indirect loading and equal chord stiffness of the
Vierendeel girder. If, however, the loads are applied directly between the panel
points, the deformations of the loaded chord will not be followed by the other
chord. Further, for different chord stiffness, the moments of the upper and
lower chords will not be equal, rendering the calculations more difficult.
However, in the case of a Vierendeel girder with a constant ratio between
the upper and lower chord stiffness up to say 1.3, the panel method may be
used as a fair approximation. The two unequal chords are assumed to have
an equal average stiffness. The approximate moments obtained in this way lie
between the two unequal real values of the upper and lower chords. Con
sequently, the normal forces found by the approximate method will be almost
equal to the real values. Remembering, now, that the stresses are due partly
to the bending moments, and partly to the axial forces, the error involved in
the total stresses found approximately will be less. This proves that the
144 I. A. el Demirdash
The Vierendeel girder is a highly indeterminate system whose exact cal
culation necessitates the Solution of a big number of elastic equations. However,
if the verticals are assumed to be hinged at their ends the number of redundants
is heavily reduced. Further, if a constant ratio of stiffness is maintained
between the two chords, the problem can be referred to an once indeterminate
system. Moreover, if the top or lower chord is non-stiff, the Vierendeel girder
becomes a bow string girder or a tied arch with one redundant only. A stati
cally determinate system, which has more or less a similar statical behaviour
as the indeterminate Vierendeel girder, may be formed by introducing hinges
at the mid-points of the different members.
The equilibrium of the elastic weights in any closed panel with rigid joints
can be easily proved by using a "free main system" i. e. a main system which
is changed for every case of Virtual loading. This fact can be utilized in solving
the Vierendeel girder. The conditions of equilibrium of the elastic weights in
every panel replace the ordinary elastic equations.
Statics of the Vierendeel Girder 145