Casshan Wiki

Screw (スクリュー) is a Robot who lives near the tall tower, he spends his days playing Poker with Bolt and other Robots that used to work together before the Ruin.

Physical Description
Race Robot
Gender Male
Behind the Scenes
Debut The Woman of the Tall Tower
Voiced By: Kyle Phillips
Image Gallery

Physical Appearance[]

Spring is a small Robot that has been heavily decayed by the Ruin, shown by his many cracks and scuffs. He has a single red eye and a brown design with extenable arms and wheels for legs.


Little is known about Screw's demenoer, it can be inferredd that he too has been driven to insanity by his actions towards Casshern for not playing poker, rallying behind Bolt for a fight. [1]

Casshern Sins[]

Before the Ruin Screw, Bolt, Spring, Plug, Lizbell and several other robots worked in a large parts factory. But after the Ruin began, Spring was driven into a long depression with his cardmates, who spend their days addicted to playing poker. While playing they are constantly harrassed by Lizbell, who they fear as the witch, one day standing in their way of getting a new recruit to play (Casshern).[1]


Casshern Sins []

12. The Woman of the Tall Tower


Though his name was never stated in either dubs of the anime, Anime News Network and several other sites confirm his name is infact "Plug" [2]

