Casshan Wiki
Casshern Symbol Wiki-wordmark
A wiki dedicated to everything about the animes Casshan and Casshern Sins created by Yasuko Kobayashi. This wiki aims to archive Casshan, Casshern Sins, and all related material. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles! We are currently editing over 169 articles with 251 files on this wiki, and we want you to help!
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Explore the Ruin

Casshern and Luna Slider

Upcoming Episodes

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19. "Believe in the Flower that Lives in Your Heart" 20. "For Whom Do the Flowers Bloom" 21. "The Paradise of Lost Hope"
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22. "A Drop Called Eternity" 23. "Those Who Return" 24. "To the Wondering, Blooming Flowers"
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Winter Season 2025 Anime Wikis
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009-1A Certain Magical IndexA Centaur's LifeAfro SamuraiAh! My GoddessAi Yori AoshiAirAir GearB Gata H KeiBaccanoBaka to Test to ShoukanjuuBaki the GrapplerBamboo BladeBasiliskBig Wind UpBlack ButlerBlack CatBlack Blood BrothersBlack LagoonBlack Rock ShooterBlue ExorcistBlood-CBurst AngelCasshanCat Planet CutiesChobitsCorpse Princess: Shikabane HimeChrome Shelled RegiosClaymoreCode:BreakerCode GeassCowboy Bebop(Crayon) ShinchanDance in the Vampire BundDarker than BlackDeadman WonderlandDevil May CryD.Gray ManDigimonDragonaut -The Resonance-Dragon BallDragon Goes House-HuntingEden Of The EastEureka SevenFafner in the AzureFairy TailFLCLFractaleFruits BasketFull Metal Panic!Fullmetal AlchemistGANGSTA.GaroGhost HuntGirls BravoGleipnirGuilty CrownGun X SwordHaruhi Suzumiya WikiHeaven’s Lost PropertyHetaliaHigurashi When They CryHyoukaInitial DInterviews with Monster GirlsJormungandKakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits-KanonKaze no StigmaKeroro Gunso (Sgt Frog)KingdomKonohana KitanKuma Kuma Kuma BearLast ExileLaw of UekiLe Chevalier D'EonLove HinaMinami-keMiss Kobayashi-san's Dragon MaidMy Bride is a MermaidNatsume YuujinchouNegimaNoirNo-RinNoragamiNyan Koi!Okami-san and her Seven CompanionsOne PieceOuran High School Host ClubPanty and Stocking with GarterbeltPeacemakerPeach GirlPrison SchoolRomeo × JulietRosario + VampireSamurai ChamplooSekai-ichi HatsukoiSpace DandySekireiShakugan no ShanaShikiShimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't ExistSpice & WolfShinchanShounen MaidShow by Rock!!Taisho Otome Fairy TaleTexhnolyzeThe Ancient Magus BrideThe Case Study of VanitasThe Morose MononokeanTorikoTsubasa Reservoir ChronicleUnbreakable Machine-DollWelcome to the N-H-KWitchblade×××HolicYatterman NightYuYu Hakusho




OP: Color Bottle by Aoi Hana


Casshern Sins Trailer (DUB)

Episodes are currently available free at FUNimation and Adult Swim


Hover over the image for more details

‎Sorry, but this wiki is currently under construction, and is incomplete as of this moment Please note that Casshan Wiki has just opened and will be constantly updated during the months of June and July. Please allow us to update our templates and designs before creating any pages Please note that Casshan Wiki deals with both the original Casshan Anime and the reboot, Casshern Sins. Despite both Anime, the primary focus of the wiki is indeed Casshern Sins.
