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One-sided expectation from United States to NETANYAHU?

2011-08-26 21:51:45 | ãƒ‘レスチナかイスラエルか

昨日になって天下の Wikileaks が、Benyamin NETANYAHU イスラエル首相が2009年に就任した後米国国務省が示していた論評の公電(ややこしい)を公表していた模様・・・。
・WikiLeaks cables: U.S. embassy believed Netanyahu would advance peace in 2009(2011年8月26日 IPSNEWS)

とはいえ、その内容は、いかに 米国政府が NETANYAHU 首相を「甘く」評価していたかを示していた模様。

公開された文書(2009年4月1日送信)では、NETANYAHU 首相が「和平プロセス」を順調に進めてくれるという(おそらく駐イスラエル米国大使館の高官による)期待が示されていた。
さしあたっては、2011年8月26日分 Haaretz.com『U.S. embassy believed Netanyahu~』から、NETANYAHU 首相への評価部分を(略
(元ネタの文書の URI が不明なのでこの措置)

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In a cable termed "sensitive" but not "classified," Netanyahu is described as occupying the center-right of the Israeli political scene.
But he prefers pragmatism over ideology in most matters.

"On the peace process he is keeping all options open regarding a two-state solution, and may be willing to advance the process significantly as long as he is not forced to publicly acknowledge the extent of such progress," the cable said.

The American diplomats expected Netanyahu "to rely heavily on his improved skills at political wheeling-dealing to keep the right flank on board while quietly (but perhaps slowly ) cooperating on the peace process agenda, which he understands is critical to Israel's relations with the U.S."
The authors quoted from Netanyahu's final speech in the Knesset while Ehud Olmert was still prime minister, in which he declared his willingness to make "generous concessions" for peace with the Palestinians.
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NETANYAHU 首相が米国との関係を重視してたのは事実だとしても、必ずしも米国の利益に沿って動くとは限らないしな~。
実は、2008年11月24日発信の公電では、James CUNNINGHAM 駐イスラエル米国大使に NETANYAHU 首相が語った意味深なコメントが・・・。
以下、2011年8月26日分 Haaretz.com『U.S. embassy believed Netanyahu~』から、その部分を(略

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"I can deliver two thirds of the Israeli right-wing on anything we agree with the Palestinians, whether on process or interim agreements," Netanyahu told the ambassador according to the cable of November 24, 2008.
"He said he favors the two-state model, but it is not possible now. 'If President Obama will work with me, we can make real progress.'"
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NETANYAHU 首相にしてみれば、OBAMA 大統領は「パシリ」といったところか(違)。

つーか、NETANYAHU 首相(2008年11月の時点は首相じゃなかったけど)も随分強気な発言をしてるよな。

一方、2009年6月9日分などの公電では、NETANYAHU 首相が任命したはずの閣僚の方々について厳しい評価を下していた。
とりわけ、「和平プロセス」に(「独立国家」パレスチナを承認したくない、という一心で)激しく反対していた Eli Yishai 内務相や Moshe YA'ALON イスラエル副首相については、笑うに笑えない評価を・・・。
以下、2011年8月26日分 Haaretz.com『U.S. embassy believed Netanyahu~』から、Yishai 内務相への評価部分を(略

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The U.S. diplomats were highly skeptical of some of Netanyahu's senior appointments.
One of them was Yishai, described as negative and problematic after he announced in a radio interview that he intended to advance settlement expansion.

"Yishai's ability to move beyond rhetoric is limited," diplomats wrote in a cable dated June 9, 2009.
"Nonetheless, Yishai has lost no time in trying to position himself as the leader of the rejectionist bloc within Netanyahu's coalition government, opposing not only Government of Israel commitments to honor the Roadmap settlements freeze, but also rejecting any reopening of final status talks with the Palestinians. This position puts him at odds with the Shas movement's spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who has long supported trading land for long-term security."

The U.S. diplomats also noted that Ya'alon had described the Peace Now movement as a "virus."

"Ya'alon is a controversial figure who was forced out of the command of the IDF by Sharon over his opposition to the Gaza disengagement," reads a cable dated August 21, 2009.

"In our contacts with Ya'alon, he has been careful not to appear anti-U.S. .... Now that Ya'alon appears to be maneuvering to position himself as a leader of Likud's right wing opposition to concessions, Netanyahu probably regrets his decision [to bring him into Likud]."
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もっとも、YA'ALON 副首相がそういう発言をしても、米国が YA'ALON 氏を本気で非難できたかというと疑問だが・・・。
というか、米国政府が Yishai 内務相の政治的立場の危険性を理解しておきながら、NETANYAHU 首相を好意的に捉えていたのは不可解としか。
その点、NETANYAHU 首相でなく閣僚の方々に非難の矛先を向けたのはある意味理に叶ってた?
にしても、NETANYAHU 首相のことを米国政府が好意的に捉え過ぎな気がするけど・・・。


