flagburner's blog(ä»®)


2009年版のJARPN II に思ったこと(その2)

2009-08-02 18:26:57 | æ•é¯¨é¨’å‹•
今回は、天下の「調査捕鯨」団が、今年分の JARPNII(第二期北西太平洋鯨類捕獲調査)を終えたことを公表した話の続き。
・2009年版のJARPN II に思ったこと(その1)(2009年8月2日 flagburner's blog(仮))

ここでは、2009年 IWC総会に先立って行われた科学委員会における JARPN II の評価とかに関する議論をネタにする。
・Scientific Committee main report(2009年6月12日? iwcoffice.org;.pdfファイル)

P.82~P.88に掲載されてる JARPN II などに関する評価では、主に今年1月に行われた JARPN II 評価会議の結果評価が行われていた。

と、その前に、ここでの議論の方法について述べてる部分が P.82 にあったので、科学委員会の報告書から引用しておく。

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In terms of meeting logistics, the Panel was seated at a round table in one part of the room while the Proponents, when present, were seated in another part of the room.
During the morning session of each of the first three days, the Proponents gave a brief overview of their results on a particular main topic and answered questions of clarification from the Panel.
The rest of the day was a closed session for Panel discussion and report writing.
The report itself was constructed as follows.
Under each agenda item there was a statement of the objectives and summary of the results written by the Proponents themselves.
This was followed by a section on the Panel’s discussion of the papers presented and its conclusions and
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"the Panel" ってのは、ここの議論における内容検証担当って所か?
で、"the Proponents" ってのは、多分今年1月に行われた評価会議で名を連ねてた人達(発表者)かと。

以下、2009年 IWC総会科学委員会の報告書から P.85 の一部を(略

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The Committee commended the Panel on having undertaken its review in a critical but constructive manner.
However, it also expressed concern that the Panel was not provided with the information and guidance necessary to review programme progress, to draw conclusions regarding the appropriateness of programme sample sizes, and to assess the effects on two of the stocks (common North Pacific minke whales and sei whales).
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また、今年1月の JARPN II に関する評価会議で「科学的価値は低い」と判定されたマッコウクジラの調査については、継続か中止かで見事に紛糾していた。
以下、2009年 IWC 総会科学委員会報告書 P.86 から、マッコウクジラの調査に関する議論部分を引用しておく。

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Some members reiterated the Panel’s questioning of the value of the data derived from sperm whales against all of the objectives of the programme.
When asked how the Proponents[e.g. Japanese participants?] would respond to these criticisms, the Proponents clarified that the initial field work had focussed on small sperm whales for logistical reasons, and that preliminary Ecopath modelling confirmed the potential for a species effect.
They therefore plan to increase their capability to take larger animals.
However, because the ecosystem model is still in the early stages of development they will continue to take a small number of samples, including larger animals, and will include areas where sampling was previously limited.
Some members expressed strong concern that notwithstanding broader criticisms they have about the overall JARPN II programme, a decision by the Proponents to continue with the take of sperm whales brings into question the credibility and purpose of the review process itself.
In the view of these members, a refusal to alter any aspect of the lethal sampling, even when confronted with such strong criticism from a review, brought into question the value of the time and money invested in this process.
The Proponents expressed their strong disagreement with this and expanded their explanation above.
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「科学的」な調査で本当は必要かもしれないマッコウクジラを捕獲しないでミンククジラやイワシクジラばかり獲ってる以上、JARPN II が真っ当な調査捕鯨なのかどうか批判も出るわな。

もっとも、この科学委員会の JARPN II に関する話で何気に重要だったのは、捕獲調査と非捕獲調査の Cost-effectiveness analysis(CEA:費用対効率仮説?)がどれだけなのかについて検証を求めたこと。
元ネタは↓の論文(R.S.Waples, and M.L. Plummer 著)だが・・・
・Towards a scientific framework for assessing lethal vs nonlethal take of cetaceans(iwcoffice.org;.pdfファイル)

その上で、捕獲調査と非捕獲調査をどれくらいの割合にするのが適当なのかについて、来年の科学委員会(・・・)にて CEA を用いた分析を行うことを求めた。
以下、2009年 IWC 総会科学委員会報告書 P.88 から(略

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The primary effects would be the scientific information developed from the samples and the consequences of sampling on the populations.
The simplest application of CEA in this case would probably be to standardise costs, which could be done by taking actual effort expended under the JARPN II or a similar programme of scientific whaling and considering the most effective non-lethal sampling programme that could be conducted for the same level of effort.
This exercise would almost certainly highlight inherent tradeoffs between different types of effects (e.g., increasing information content might entail more negative consequences for the population).
In that case, the choice between the two programmes would rest on assigning weights to the various effects, which inherently involves applying a set of values to this problem.
The costeffectiveness framework can therefore illuminate the tradeoffs that are present in choosing between the two programmes, but it cannot indicate (or is unlikely to indicate) which is preferable from a social perspective.
Nevertheless, CEA could be useful in helping to objectively evaluate aspects of the problem that are amenable to quantitative analysis and in helping to focus discussions on a narrower set of normative issues.

In discussion, the author clarified that this would not be a simple analysis, and further thought would be required to weigh specific costs and benefits in the context of special permits.
The Committee welcomes the scientific framework discussed in SC/61/O1 and encourages that it be developed and further discussed next year.
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同じ事を来年の IWC総会科学委員会で書きそうな悪寒・・・。

つーか、仮に CEA の分析で「調査捕鯨」について分が悪い結果が出たとしたら、日本政府の方々はどのような反応をするんだろうか?



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Unknown (kkneko)
2009-08-03 01:34:07
kknekoさんへ (flagburner)
2009-08-03 21:09:09


