Rhode Island 1986 ballot measures

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Twenty-five statewide ballot questions were on the November 4, 1986 ballot in the state of Rhode Island.

On the ballot

November 4:

Type Title Subject Description Result
CRCA Amendment 1 Constitutional language Deletes annulled sections and reorders amendments.
CRCA Amendment 2 State judiciary Sets a mandatory retirement age, establishes an independent commission for appointing judges and bars the state Supreme Court from issuing advisory opinions.
CRCA Amendment 3 State legislatures Sets legislative pay at the same level as manufacturing workers and mileage compensation at the same rate as federal employees.
CRCA Amendment 4 State executive officials Sets executive and legislative terms at four years and allows recalls.
CRCA Amendment 5 Direct democracy Allows voter petitions for the ballot.
CRCA Amendment 6 Government accountability Sets standards for impeachments, compels the legislature to adopt campaign finance limits and forms an ethics commission and a public campaign fund.
CRCA Amendment 7 State executive officials Compels the governor to present a yearly budget and places the speaker of the House second in gubernatorial succession behind the lieutenant governor.
CRCA Amendment 8 Constitutional rights Adds civil rights protections and prevents state-based discrimination of the basis of race, gender or handicap.
CRCA Amendment 9 Environment Defines rights of fishery and shore privileges.
CRCA Amendment 10 Bond issues Bans felons from voting for three years after completing their sentences and allows them to vote after the same time period.
CRCA Amendment 11 History, culture and the arts Compels the legislature to promote public libraries.
CRCA Amendment 12 Constitutional rights Allows courts to deny bail in controlled substance cases with a sentence of 10 years or more in prison.
CRCA Amendment 13 County and municipal governance Grants municipalities greater power over local affairs.
CRCA Amendment 14 Abortion Makes abortion illegal except to save a woman's life and prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions.
LBM Bond Proposal 1 Bond issues Authorizes $35 million in bonds for the Clean Water Act Environmental Trust Fund.
LBM Bond Proposal 2 Bond issues Authorizes $17.2 million in bonds for the Blackstone Valley District Commission.
LBM Bond Proposal 3 Bond issues Authorizes $13.6 million in bonds for ground water supplies, water transmission and studies for the Big River Reservoir Project.
LBM Bond Proposal 4 Bond issues Authorizes $22 million for capital development, ports, recreation facilities and agricultural preservation.
LBM Bond Proposal 5 Bond issues Authorizes $11.69 million in bonds for health facilities.
LBM Bond Proposal 6 Bond issues Authorizes $2.6 million in bonds for day activity facilities for the physically disabled.
LBM Bond Proposal 7 Bond issues Authorizes $6.5 million in bonds for group facilities for mentally ill children, a maximum security facility and Training School facilities.
LBM Bond Proposal 8 Bond issues Authorizes $2 million in bonds for hazardous waste reduction, recycling and treatment technologies.
LBM Bond Proposal 9 Bond issues Authorizes $8.7 million in bonds for an oceanographic/atmospheric laboratory and a fieldhouse at the University of Rhode Island.
LBM Bond Proposal 10 Bond issues Authorizes $57.49 million in bonds for transportation capital
LRSS Question 23 Bond issues Insures mortgage payments on used machinery and equipment.

See also

Rhode Island

External links