Judicial elections, 2010

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Judicial Elections
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Elections, 2010
Primary election dates, 2010
Find your state

This page is meant to serve as a quick overview of the judicial elections in 2010.

Looking for information about a judicial candidate?

You can type the candidate's name into the search box or just click on a state below to see all candidates running. From there, each candidate's page provides information and links to help you better understand her/his positions and qualifications for office.

Election night coverage

Here at Judgepedia we are committed to providing accurate, unbiased information as quickly as it becomes available. Follow us on election night for current results in each statewide judicial race. You can find this information, with percentages reporting, as results from the election boards start coming in, posted on our 2010 State Supreme Court elections and 2010 Court of Appeals elections pages. Also, if you're interested in only one state, you can visit any of the state election pages listed below for results.

States with judicial elections November 2, 2010

States with judicial elections decided in the primary

Post-election coverage

See also

External links
