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graphicalに関するエントリは24件あります。 githubエディタvscode などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Mermaid Graphical Editorを使うとVSCodeでサクサク図が書けるよ』などがあります。
  • Mermaid Graphical Editorを使うとVSCodeでサクサク図が書けるよ

    Mermaid Graphical Editor VSCodeの拡張機能です。 Mermaid記法を利用してマークダウン内部で作図しながら、Mermaidそれ自体のエディタを立ち上げることができます。 逆にMermaid Editor側で編集した内容もマークダウンにフィードバックされます。 vs Draw.io Integration 類似ツールとしてDraw.io Integrationがあります。 こちらは.drawio拡張子のファイルをVSCodeで作成すると、draw.ioのエディタが開いて作図ができるツールです。 しかし、draw.ioはあくまで図が書けるところを生業としていて、作成したdraw.ioファイルをマークダウンファイルに埋め込むには画像としてexportが必要です。 できれば自分はマークダウン以外のファイルを作らず、一つのマークダウンファイルだけで完結したいと思ってま

      Mermaid Graphical Editorを使うとVSCodeでサクサク図が書けるよ
    • VSCode上でシーケンス図/クラス図/フローチャートをサクッと書きたい ~Mermaid Graphical Editor~ - Qiita

      VSCode上でシーケンス図/クラス図/フローチャートをサクッと書きたい ~Mermaid Graphical Editor~初心者umlVSCode新人プログラマ応援mermaid はじめに Mermaid Graphical EditorというVSCodeの拡張機能にとても感動したので一筆書きました こんな方におすすめ シーケンス図/クラス図/フローチャートをサクッと書きたいけどmermaidとか難しそう 😢 できること VSCode上でポチポチしながらシーケンス図/クラス図/フローチャートを描けるようになる mermaid記法のコードも自動生成されるよ 個人的メリット mermaidの学習コスト0 紙で書くよりも修正しながら書きやすい 導入手順 (簡単7steps) (1) VSCode上で「Mermaid Graphical Editor」という拡張機能をインストールする (2)

        VSCode上でシーケンス図/クラス図/フローチャートをサクッと書きたい ~Mermaid Graphical Editor~ - Qiita
      • GitHub - marticliment/UniGetUI: UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers

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          GitHub - marticliment/UniGetUI: UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers
        • GitHub - capricorn86/happy-dom: A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface

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            GitHub - capricorn86/happy-dom: A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface
          • Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line

            “Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advance: GUIs. GUIs were - and still are - valuable, but they fail to scale to the demands of today's systems. So now command line interfaces are back again, hiding under the name of search. Now you see them, now you don't. Now you see them again. And they will get better and better w

              Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line
            • [PDF] Graphical User Interface UsingFlutter in Embedded Systems

              • GitHub - emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework: EAF, an extensible framework that revolutionizes the graphical capabilities of Emacs

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                  GitHub - emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework: EAF, an extensible framework that revolutionizes the graphical capabilities of Emacs
                • GitHub - hoffstadt/DearPyGui: Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies

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                    GitHub - hoffstadt/DearPyGui: Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
                  • GitHub - ClementTsang/bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.

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                      GitHub - ClementTsang/bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
                    • GitHub - saharan/GraphSynth: A node-based graphical synthesizer

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                        GitHub - saharan/GraphSynth: A node-based graphical synthesizer
                      • VSCodeとChrome拡張「Mermaid Graphical Editor」をつくってみた

                        ※2022.11.07追記: VSCode版は、現在VSCodeのバージョンが1.73では正常に動作しないことが確認されました。 原因は究明中ですので、試用したい方は1.72以前のバージョンでお試しください。 VSCode版バージョン0.1.3で対応しました チェンジビジョン 藤元です。 ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、GithubではIssueも含むMarkdown上でMermaidによる図の表示が可能です。 テキストで軽快に作図できる嬉しさの反面、描きたい図のイメージを頭の中でテキストに変換しなければならず、直感的に扱うには慣れが必要でした。 どうにか「”描きたいイメージ”と”Mermaidテキスト”とのギャップ」を埋めることができないか? どうにか「Github上で手軽に使える」ことで普段からモデルを利用し易くすることができないか? と、僕が考えて試しに作ってみたものが、今回ご紹介する

                          VSCodeとChrome拡張「Mermaid Graphical Editor」をつくってみた
                        • New book: Create Graphical User Interfaces with Python - Raspberry Pi

                          Laura Sach and Martin O’Hanlon, who are both Learning Managers at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, have written a brand-new book to help you to get more out of your Python projects. In Create Graphical User Interfaces with Python, Laura and Martin show you how to add buttons, boxes, pictures, colours, and more to your Python programs using the guizero library, which is easy to use and accessible for a

                            New book: Create Graphical User Interfaces with Python - Raspberry Pi
                          • Mermaid Graphical Editor - Visual Studio Marketplace

                            GUI support for editing Mermaid(But Now, Support Flowchart And Sequence Only). Mermaid Graphical Editor Mermaid の編集を GUI サポートするエディタビューを表示することができます。現在、フローチャートとシーケンス図、クラス図、ER 図の一部の編集のみ GUI サポートに対応しています。 GUI サポートで対応していない記述(フローチャートの Direction や Subgraphs など)は、Mermaid コードの方を直接編集することで反映されます。 You can display an editor view that supports Mermaid editing with a GUI. Currently, only some editing of flowchar

                              Mermaid Graphical Editor - Visual Studio Marketplace
                            • Raspberry Pi With Some Serious Graphical Muscle

                              [Jeff Geerling] routinely tinkers around with Raspberry Pi compute module, which unlike the regular RPi 4, includes a PCI-e lane. With some luck, he was able to obtain an AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT GPU card and decided to try and plug it into the Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module. While you likely wouldn’t be running games with such as setup, there are many kinds of unique and interesting compute-based wor

                                Raspberry Pi With Some Serious Graphical Muscle
                              • Building FunctionTrace, a graphical Python profiler – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                Building FunctionTrace, a graphical Python profiler Firefox Profiler for performance analysis Harald’s Introduction Firefox Profiler became a cornerstone of Firefox’s performance work in the days of Project Quantum. When you open up an example recording, you first see a powerful web-based performance analysis interface featuring call trees, stack charts, flame graphs, and more. All data filtering,

                                  Building FunctionTrace, a graphical Python profiler – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                • Outer Wilds: A Thrilling Graphical Text Adventure

                                  Despite having helped make a game that is very much about the inexorable passage of time, it is with a certain degree of horror that I find myself commemorating the fifth anniversary of the launch of Outer Wilds. Now that it's been half a decade, I thought it'd be fun to share the text adventure we blogged about years ago. Some context! I wrote* this text adventure back in the summer of 2014, alth

                                    Outer Wilds: A Thrilling Graphical Text Adventure
                                  • WSL2 | Installation Tutorial for graphical Windows Subsystem on Linux

                                    In 2001, Microsoft's former CEO— Steve Ballmer— was quoted by the online tech news publication, The Register, saying: Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches Fast-forward 15 years into the future— at Microsoft's developer conference, Build 2016— and Gates' tech behemoth reveals a sudden volte-face. The current CEO, Satya Nadella, announces

                                      WSL2 | Installation Tutorial for graphical Windows Subsystem on Linux
                                    • GitHub - krish-adi/barfi: Python Flow Based Programming environment that provides a graphical programming environment.

                                      A Python visual Flow Based Programming library that integrates into your existing workflow. Documentation : find it here Barfi is a Flow Based Programming environment that provides a graphical programming interface. It is integratable into your existing Python workflows. A schema is built using barfi.Blocks. Then the schema is executed with barfi.ComputeEngine. Each barfi.Block has some properties

                                        GitHub - krish-adi/barfi: Python Flow Based Programming environment that provides a graphical programming environment.
                                      • The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide

                                        Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

                                          The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide
                                        • GitHub - org-roam/org-roam-ui: A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten

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                                            GitHub - org-roam/org-roam-ui: A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten
                                          • Building Graphical Applications with WASI, Wasmer, and the experimental I/O Devices

                                            WebAssembly’s MVP brought a lot of really cool features for developers, and a lot of potential for applications to come! However, since the technology is still young, there are still a lot of features that are not quite ready yet. For example features like threads, interface types, etc… are currently proposals for the spec, but a lot of applications depend on these features. 🤔 Today, at Wasmer we

                                              Building Graphical Applications with WASI, Wasmer, and the experimental I/O Devices
                                            • Gaphor: Open Source Graphical Modeling Tool

                                              Gaphor is a free and open source modeling application with support for various modeling languages such as UML, SysML, RAAML and C4. Not aware of the term “modeling language”? Basically, it’s a set of instructions that can be used to create the design and constructions of structures. It could be textual and graphical, both. The graphical one is easier to look at and figure out how various component

                                                Gaphor: Open Source Graphical Modeling Tool
                                              • Getting Graphical Output from our Custom RISC-V Operating System in Rust – Stephen Marz

                                                An operating system is used to make our job easier when using graphics. In our instance, in addition to everything else. In this post, we will be writing a GPU (graphics processing unit) driver using the VirtIO specification. In here, we will allow user applications to have a portion of the screen as RAM–with what is commonly known as a framebuffer. Contents OverviewPixels and ResolutionThe GPU Vi

                                                • GitHub - subhra74/snowflake: Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities

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                                                    GitHub - subhra74/snowflake: Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities
