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*Smartphoneの検索結果1 - 29 件 / 29件


*Smartphoneに関するエントリは29件あります。 スマートフォンスマホsecurity などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『自宅に STF (Smartphone Test Farm) を立てて検証端末を管理する - Infinito Nirone 7』などがあります。
  • 自宅に STF (Smartphone Test Farm) を立てて検証端末を管理する - Infinito Nirone 7

    コロナ禍のなかで検証用の Android 端末をどう調達・管理するのかという話題を DroidKaigi.fm #4 でしてきました。その会話の中で、自分の場合は検証端末を全部自宅に持っていて、STF を使ってつないでいるという話をしたのでそのあたりを少し掘り下げてみようと思います。 STF とは Smartphone Test Farm という OSS ソフトウェアで、これをつかうことで Web ブラウザから STF サーバにつながっている Android 端末を操作できるようになります。adb による接続もできるので、端末を自分の PC に USB ケーブルでつなぐことなくアプリのデバッグが可能です。 github.com 本来は社内ネットワーク内などで STF サーバを立てておき、社内から誰でもブラウザで端末を使えるようにするようなユースケースで使うものですが、自分の場合は自分で会社

      自宅に STF (Smartphone Test Farm) を立てて検証端末を管理する - Infinito Nirone 7
    • iPhone SE: A powerful new smartphone in a popular design

      The Most Affordable iPhone Features A13 Bionic, the Fastest Chip in a Smartphone, and the Best Single-Camera System in an iPhone Cupertino, California — Apple today announced the second-generation iPhone SE, a powerful new iPhone featuring a 4.7-inch Retina HD display, paired with Touch ID for industry-leading security. iPhone SE comes in a compact design, reinvented from the inside out, and is th

        iPhone SE: A powerful new smartphone in a popular design
      • ネットで激安?スマホを購入してみました Blackview A60 Pro 開封 レビュー 評価 ブラックビュー 箱開封 裏面 simカード 取り外し方法 smartphone スマートフォン 安いスマホ

        amazonで購入しました。価格は11599円の配送料・手数料が410円の12009円。(2020年2月2日現在)そこからタイムセールで1700円引き(注文時は2020年1月31日)で、クーポン1300円引きで トータルで9009円。 docomoのSIMカード、UIMカードも使えて、ahamo対応しました。 箱を開けていきます。空気のクッションと一緒に梱包されていました。 製品は白い袋に入っていた。表面 裏面 白い袋を開けると白い箱が出てきました。Blackviewと側面と上部に表示されている。 側面 裏面 箱を開けるとスマホのタッチする部分にシールを貼ってある状態の製品Blackview A60 Proが入っていました。 箱の下のほうには説明書とUSBケーブルの充電器が入っていた。 表面に保護シールが貼ってあります。 最初からBlackview A60 Proの専用ケースが装着。 説明

          ネットで激安?スマホを購入してみました Blackview A60 Pro 開封 レビュー 評価 ブラックビュー 箱開封 裏面 simカード 取り外し方法 smartphone スマートフォン 安いスマホ
        • AMD "Ryzen C7" Smartphone SoC Specifications Listed

          Last year Samsung and AMD announced their collaboration which promises to deliver smartphone chips with AMD RDNA 2 graphics at its heart. This collaboration is set to deliver first products sometime at the beginning of 2021 when Samsung will likely utilize new SoCs in their smartphones. In previous leaks, we have found that the GPU inside this processor is reportedly beating the competition form Q

            AMD "Ryzen C7" Smartphone SoC Specifications Listed
          • Jelly 2, World's Smallest Android 10 4G Smartphone by Unihertz — Kickstarter

            Jelly 2 is a credit card size smartphone with 4G connection, global unlock and Android 10 operating system.

              Jelly 2, World's Smallest Android 10 4G Smartphone by Unihertz — Kickstarter
            • 8 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firefox Focus as Your Smartphone Browser

              Not many people know about it, but did you know that Firefox has a browser app that's light, customizable, and focused on privacy? It's called Firefox Focus, and whether you've heard about it or not, there are a few reasons why you might want to switch browsers on your smartphone. Keep reading to find out why. What Is Firefox Focus? As you can guess, Firefox Focus is a browser app available on And

                8 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firefox Focus as Your Smartphone Browser
              • スマホサイト WEBデザイン集 AGT smartphone design gallery

                スマホ向けWEBサイトデザイン集 AGT smartphone design galleryは、クオリティの高い、スマートフォン対応Webサイトを集めたギャラリーサイトです。

                  スマホサイト WEBデザイン集 AGT smartphone design gallery
                • Qualcomm初のオリジナルスマホ「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」を一足先に開封&フォトレビュー

                  ASUSが設計と製造を手がけるQualcomm初のオリジナルスマートフォン「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が、2021年8月27日にアメリカと中国で登場しています。日本市場にも2021年後半に投入予定のスマートフォンは、5Gモデム内蔵のSoC「Snapdragon 888」をはじめとするQualcommの最新テクノロジーが詰まったスマートフォンとのこと。そんな端末を一足先に触ることができたので、さっそくチェックしてみました。 Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders | Best-in-Class 5G Connectivity Powerhouse | Qualcomm https://www.qualcomm.com/snapdragoninsiders/smartphone ASUS Store(エイスース ストア)

                    Qualcomm初のオリジナルスマホ「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」を一足先に開封&フォトレビュー
                  • 【Where is my smartphone?】の意味は?「where」の使い方と答え方-Lesson13

                    こんにちは。 今日も中学英語の復習をがんばりましょうね。 「Where is my smartphone?」という例文で、疑問詞「where」を使って 場所を聞く練習をしてみましょう。

                      【Where is my smartphone?】の意味は?「where」の使い方と答え方-Lesson13
                    • Are Public Smartphone Charging Stations Safe to Use?

                      Public charging stations are ideal if your phone is low on battery. Unfortunately, research has shown that they also have the potential to be useful tools for hackers. This is because USB charging stations can also be designed to both inject malware and steal data from anyone that uses them. This is known as juice jacking. So how does juice jacking work and how can you protect yourself from it? Ho

                        Are Public Smartphone Charging Stations Safe to Use?
                      • OPPO Mobile Phones - Smartphone List | オッポ

                        {{item.attachment.productDisplayName || item.displayName}} {{productType(item.attachment.skuSelectOptions)}} {{filterStock(item.salesStatus, item.stockStatus)}} x{{item.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.originPrice}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.nowPrice}} {{list.displayName}} {{filterStock(list.salesStatus, list.stockStatus)}} x{{list.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{list.originPrice}}-{{dataList.symbol}}{{

                          OPPO Mobile Phones - Smartphone List | オッポ
                        • Dark Mode Does Not Save as Much of Your Smartphone’s Battery as You Think

                          It is widely believed that using dark mode on smartphones with OLED displays can help improve their battery life. This is because OLED displays consume very little to almost no power when showing black content. In contrast, they tend to consume a lot more power whenever they have to power on individual pixels for showing light-colored content. However, a new study shows that dark mode is unlikely

                            Dark Mode Does Not Save as Much of Your Smartphone’s Battery as You Think
                          • Qualcommの独自スマホ「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が9月25日発売 約16.5万円

                            QualcommのASUS製5Gスマートフォン「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が、ASUS Store限定で9月25日に発売される。価格は16万4880円(税込み)。21日から予約を受け付ける。 Snapdragon Insidersは、Qualcommのモバイル技術に関する情報の入手や議論ができるコミュニティー。Smartphone for Snapdragon Insidersは、このコミュティー参加者向けのオリジナルスマートフォンとなる。プロセッサにSnapdragon 888を搭載しており、本体背面にはSnapdragonのロゴが刻印されている。OSはAndroid 11をプリインストールしている。 ディスプレイは6.78型(1080×2448ピクセル)の有機ELを搭載。メインメモリは16GB、ストレージは512GBを備えている。容量4000

                              Qualcommの独自スマホ「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が9月25日発売 約16.5万円
                            • Smartphone Ranking | DXOMARK

                              Smartphone rankings The DXOMARK scores in the rankings below reflect the device’s performance and the quality of the user experience. These scores, trusted by the industry, are backed up by exhaustive protocols that gather hundreds of measurements run in DXOMARK’s state-of-the-art laboratories.

                                Smartphone Ranking | DXOMARK
                              • ASUSの「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が25日に発売

                                  ASUSの「Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders」が25日に発売
                                • Atom XL, The Smallest DMR Walkie-Talkie Rugged Smartphone by Unihertz — Kickstarter

                                  48 MP Camera | 4-inch Screen | DMR Walkie-Talkie | Waterproof | Dustproof | Shockproof | Android 10 | Global Unlocked | Fast Charging

                                    Atom XL, The Smallest DMR Walkie-Talkie Rugged Smartphone by Unihertz — Kickstarter
                                  • Security audit raises severe warnings on Chinese smartphone models

                                    Enlarge / Be sure you know what you're getting into before buying and using unfamiliarly branded smartphones—especially international models not originally intended for your country. The Lithuanian National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently published a security assessment of three recent-model Chinese-made smartphones—Huawei's P40 5G, Xiaomi's Mi 10T 5G, and OnePlus' 8T 5G. Sufficiently determ

                                      Security audit raises severe warnings on Chinese smartphone models
                                    • Automatically measure your clothes on a smartphone with AR | Mercari Engineering

                                      Hi, I’m Yuanqin Lu, a machine learning engineer from the Image Search team in Mercari Japan. Mercari always tries to improve the experience for customers by helping them fastly put up items, easily find items, and conveniently buy items. In order to do so, product managers and engineers are working together on lots of Proof of Concepts (PoCs). Although not all of those PoCs will be released in Mer

                                        Automatically measure your clothes on a smartphone with AR | Mercari Engineering
                                      • Google’s starting to learn about Smartphone User Interface Design

                                        The hamburger button has always been bad user experience design. Google is finally following the data and modifying their apps for improved usability. The latest Google Android app to drop the hamburger button is now the Google Play Store. Thank goodness Google is finally learning about better smartphone user interface design. Google Photos removed the design element last year and Google Maps remo

                                          Google’s starting to learn about Smartphone User Interface Design
                                        • Titan Pocket - The New QWERTY Android 11 Smartphone

                                          The End of Summer Season Sale is now LIVE! Use coupon code SUMMER10 at checkout to enjoy a 10% OFF discount and save up to $166 on unique smartphones.

                                            Titan Pocket - The New QWERTY Android 11 Smartphone
                                          • Smartphone simulator on computer - test your mobile site

                                            Free installation in seconds. 💻 Available only on computer with Chrome or Firefox browser Test your responsive site The different models of phones and tablets allow you to test your responsive site on different resolutions. From the smallest iPhone 5 (320px) through the iPhone 15 PRO (393px) to the iPad Air (1280px) In one click and you can change your phone, really simple and fast. Rather than h

                                              Smartphone simulator on computer - test your mobile site
                                            • GitHub - KasperskyLab/TinyCheck: TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or ma

                                              TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or malicious communication is outgoing from a smartphone, by using heuristics or specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). The idea of TinyCheck emerged in a meeting about stalkerware

                                                GitHub - KasperskyLab/TinyCheck: TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or ma
                                              • internet_screenshot_smartphone

                                                ホーム 検索 トップ サイドバー error: Content is protected !! タイトルとURLをコピーしました

                                                • 「ぼくが考えた最強のスマホ」を作れる!新作ゲーム「Mad Smartphone Tycoon」が面白い - すまほん!!

                                                  メーカー経営者になって自分だけの最強スマホを作ろう!アホな機種を作ると倒産します! PC用ゲーム「Mad Smartphone Tycoon」を、個人ゲーム開発者のムラディン(木拉丁)氏が2024年9月13日にリリースしました。さっそく数時間プレイしてみました。 Mad Smartphone Tycoonは、プレイヤーがスマートフォンメーカーの経営者となって奮闘する新作シミュレーションゲームです。開発元が掲げる「自分のiPhone 16を作ろう」というキャッチコピーが示す通り、独自のスマートフォンブランドを築き上げることが本作の醍醐味となっています。 ゲームの特徴は経営シミュレーション要素にあります。プレイヤーは限られた資金を元手に、オフィスの拡張や人材の確保、適材適所での起用、新技術の開発など、多岐にわたる意思決定を迫られます。 スマートフォンの開発においては、外観やスペックなど細部にわ

                                                    「ぼくが考えた最強のスマホ」を作れる!新作ゲーム「Mad Smartphone Tycoon」が面白い - すまほん!!
                                                  • 3 Important Features That Make a Smartphone Rugged and Durable

                                                    Learn how to choose a rugged smartphone that can withstand the pressures of daily life. Whether you're an outdoorsy type, someone who works around heavy machinery, or just clumsy, you need a phone that can take a beating. To choose one, there's more than just a good case and screen protector to consider. You should also look out for features of the phone's hardware that will give it an extra level

                                                      3 Important Features That Make a Smartphone Rugged and Durable
                                                    • Japanese toaster-maker Balmuda launches its first smartphone

                                                      Balmuda, the Japanese company behind the staggeringly expensive steam-powered toaster, has announced its first ever smartphone. It's a small device with a 4.9-inch display, and as 9to5Google notes, its looks are highly reminiscent of the HTC One X that was released almost a decade ago. While Balmuda is known for designing unusual upmarket appliances in its home country, this announcement isn't ent

                                                        Japanese toaster-maker Balmuda launches its first smartphone
                                                      • 10 Tips to Avoid Breaking Your Smartphone

                                                        As the cost of a smartphone becomes increasingly high, so too do our concerns over breaking such a valuable device. Back when a phone was only used for two-way calling, breaking it was a relatively minor inconvenience. But when you break your smartphone now, you're cut off from your work email, your social calendar, your GPS, your camera, and more work obligations, family communications, and socia

                                                          10 Tips to Avoid Breaking Your Smartphone
                                                        • Snapshot shooted by Smartphone - あかりぱぱの徒然なるままに

                                                          本当、最近のスマホはきれいな写真が撮れますね。 わざわざカメラを持ち歩いている希少種(?)にとっては、嬉しいやらなんやら複雑な気持ちです(笑) (つづく)

                                                            Snapshot shooted by Smartphone - あかりぱぱの徒然なるままに
                                                          • Smartphone Camera Market Size, Share, Trends & Forecast - 2032

                                                            Smartphone Camera Market Size & Forecast The smartphone camera market was valued at approximately ~USD 5.1 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a strong CAGR of around 7.5% during the forecast period (2024-2032) owing to the rapidly increasing technological developments in smartphones, and the rising adoption of camera lenses globally. Smartphone Camera Market Analysis Smartphone cameras hav

                                                              Smartphone Camera Market Size, Share, Trends & Forecast - 2032
