"Equality Act"「米議会下院は25日(略)224対206で可決」。"Some feminists and women's rights organizations have opposed wording in the bill which defines sex to include gender identity." 難しい/(^o^)\
diet55 のブックマーク 2021/02/27 17:57
米下院、LGBT差別禁ずる「平等法案」可決【WSJ厳選記事】"Equality Act"「米議会下院は25日(略)224対206で可決」。"Some feminists and women's rights organizations have opposed wording in the bill which defines sex to include gender identity." 難しい/(^o^)\2021/02/27 17:57
"Equality Act"「米議会下院は25日(略)224対206で可決」。"Some feminists and women's rights organizations have opposed wording in the bill which defines sex to include gender identity." 難しい/(^o^)\
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"Equality Act"「米議会下院は25日(略)224対206で可決」。"Some feminists and women's rights organizations have opposed wording in the bill which defines sex to include gender identity." 難しい/(^o^)\
diet55 のブックマーク 2021/02/27 17:57