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Fbootstrapp is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more, styled in the typical facebook look and feel. Visit the github project » Based on Bootstrap Fbootstrap is based on Twitter's excellent Bootstrap, as the name might indicate. View details »
Mozilla Vision 2012 – Conference Day Mozilla Vision 2012 Conference Dayに参加してきたので、その時のメモです。(いつも通り正確性は保証されません) Boot to Gecko B2G = Boot to Gecko なぜ必要なのか モバイルは閉鎖的すぎる 過去を振りかえる 2002年 ブラウザの場合 IE のみだったので、拡張性はなかった。 拡張する必要がなかった やがて複数のブラウザが登場して競争するようになった。 ブラウザ間で実装の競争が起こると UXが良くなる ユーザーはハッピーになる 標準化も良くなっていく -> 書き手もハッピー ブラウザとモバイル モバイルプラットフォームは閉鎖的で、プラットフォーム側がコントールできるようにしている。 様々なプラットフォームに対応しようとするとそのプラットフォームに対応しない
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
Just make cool sh** stuff. Current Stack – Back to basics. Going “build–step free” for a handcrafted experience. Feb 23 2024 @joshua Yearning for a simpler time – the artisanal web. Websites are too BIG, too complicated, and too hard. Reactive programing is conceptually easy to grasp – but the distance between the end result vs. frameworks & tooling is too far apart. I get it, the web is a compl
There are three ways to read a binary file from the browser. The first one is to download the file through XHR with charset=x-user-defined. You get the file as a String, convert it to byte Array and you have to rewrite all the decoding and encoding functions (getUint16, getFloat32, ...). All the browsers support this. Then browsers that implemented Canvas also added CanvasPixelArray as part of Ima
The Edge of HTML5 Eric Bidelman · Jan 9, 2012 Legend: Not quite ready. Keep it on your radar. Relevant Chrome/WebKit bug. Bug has been fixed/resolved. Specification link ( Press 'n' for additional notes on some slides. Most of this presentation requires Chrome Canary 18+. ) Agenda CSS & Beyond JavaScript APIs for Apps and Games Multimedia APIs Media Capture Web RTC Web Audio API ( the undocumented
えんじに🐈にゃーん🍓🫐🍅🌽🍈🍇🦝 @uupaa (ε・◇・)з だらだら書いたよー 「CSSのセレクタ部分(IDやCLASS)にハイフンとか使われるの好きじゃないなー。ボクはあまり好きじゃないなー」 2012-01-22 01:37:32
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