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画像下治療(Interventional Radiology、略語:IVR)は、放射線医学の一部で画像診断機器を用いて行う低侵襲医療の1つである。
- ^ 日本IVR学会HP
- ^ Goetz MP, Callstrom MR, Charboneau JW, Farrell MA, Maus TP, Welch TJ, Wong GY, Sloan JA, Novotny PJ, Petersen IA, Beres RA, Regge D, Capanna R, Saker MB, Grönemeyer DH, Gevargez A, Ahrar K, Choti MA, de Baere TJ, Rubin J.: Percutaneous image-guided radiofrequency ablation of painful metastases involving bone: a multicenter study. J Clin Oncol. 15:300-306.2004
- ^ Kobayashi T, Arai Y, Takeuchi Y, Nakajima Y, Shioyama Y, Sone M, Tanigawa N, Matsui O, Kadoya M, Inaba Y; Japan Interventional Radiology in Oncology Study Group (JIVROSG). Phase I/II clinical study of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) as palliation for painful malignant vertebral compression fractures (PMVCF): JIVROSG-0202.:Ann Oncol.20:1943-7. 2009 .
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- ^ Dotter CT, Judkins MP: Transluminal treatment of arteriosclerotic obstruction: description of a new technique and a preliminary report of its application. Circulation 30:654-670, 1964.
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- ^ Rösch J, Dotter CT, Brown MJ: Selective arterial embolization. A new method for control of acute gastrointestinal bleeding. Radiology 102: 303-306, 1972.
- ^ Rösch J, Hanafee WN, Snow H: Transjugular portal venography and radiologic portacaval shunt: an experimental study. Radiology 92:1112-1114, 1969.
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- ^ Yamada R, Sato M, Kawabata M, Nakatsuka H, Nakamura K, Kobayashi N: Segmental obstruction of the hepatic inferior vena cava treated by transluminal angioplasty. Radiology 149:91-96, 1983.
- ^ Lunderquist A, Vang J: Sclerosing injection of esophageal varices through transhepatic selective catheterization of the gastric coronary vein. A preliminary report. Acta Radiol Diagn 15:546-550, 1974.
- ^ 金川博史, 美馬聡昭, 香山明一, 他: バルーン下逆行性経静脈的塞栓術(B-RTO)による胃静脈瘤治療. 肝臓 32: 442-444, 1991.
- ^ Doyon D, Mouzon A, Jourde AM, Regensberg C, Frileux C: L’embolisation artérielle hépatique dans les tumeurs malignes du foie. Ann Radiol 17:593-603, 1974.
- ^ Goldstein HM, Wallace S, Anderson JH, Bree RL, Gianturco C: Transcatheter occlusion of abdominal tumors. Radiology 120:539-545, 1976.
- ^ Yamada R, Sato M, Kawabata M, Nakatsuka H, Nakamura K, Takashima S: Hepatic artery embolization in 120 patients with unresectable hepatoma. Radiology 148:397-401, 1983.
- ^ Sugiura N, Takara K, Ohto M, et al: Percutaneous intratumoral infection of ethanol under ultrasound imaging for treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma. Acta Hepatol Jpn 24: 920-923, 1983.
- ^ Rossi S, Di Stasi M, Buscarini E, Quaretti P, Garbagnati F, Squassante L, Paties CT, Silverman DE, Buscarini L: Percutaneous RF interstitial thermal ablation in the treatment of hepatic cancer. Am J Roentogenol 167:759-768, 1996.
- ^ Watkins E Jr, Khazei AM, Nahra KS: Surgical basis for arterial infusion chemotherapy of disseminated carcinoma of the liver. Surg Gynecol Obstet 130:581-605, 1970.
- ^ 三浦建、他: 肝癌に対する肝動脈内注入化学療法の治療現況. 手術 33:1131-1146, 1979.
- ^ Wiechel KL: Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. Technique and application. With studies of the hepatic venous and biliary duct pressures, the chemical changes in blood and bile and clinical results in a series of jaundiced patients. Acta Chir Scand Suppl. 11:Suppl 330:1-99, 1964.
- ^ Kaude JV, Weidenmier CH, Agee OF: Decompression of bile ducts with the percutaneous transhepatic technique. Radiology 93:69-71, 1969.
- ^ Molnar W, Stockum AE: Relief of obstructive jaundice through percutaneous transhepatic catheter: a new therapeutic method. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 122:356-367, 1974.
- ^ 打田日出夫, 黒田知純, 中村仁信, 他: 経皮的胆管ドレナージとその内瘻化: 特に手技と経時的造影の診断価値. 日本医放会誌 35:53-67, 1975.
- ^ 理事会における IVR の和名についての検討経過概要 日本IVR学会
- 1 画像下治療とは
- 2 画像下治療の概要
- 3 概要
- 4 関連項目
- 画像下治療のページへのリンク