Showing posts with label FSFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FSFE. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

EU competition chief has no concerns over Novell patent deal

The EU is not going to intervene against the Novell patent deal about which the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) recently complained. European Commission vice president and competition commissioner Joaquín Almunia has told a Member of the European Parliament that the sale of 882 Novell patents to CPTN Holdings LLC appears "unlikely" to require an EU-level review, and "the Commission has currently no indication that the mere acquisition of the patents in question by CPTN Holdings would lead to an infringement of EU competition rules."

The EU's competition chief said so in reply to a written question put forward by Emma McClarkin, a British conservative from the East Midlands. The question was submitted on 20 December 2010, subsequently published on the European Parliament's website, and answered yesterday (17 January 2011).

I'll quote and comment:

"Subject: Microsoft and competition rules"
"A constituent has written to me"

British MEPs are always very exact about "constituents" because unlike the MEPs in most other countries, they are elected in certain districts. So in all likelihood, someone from the East Midlands wrote to Emma McClarkin. That email may have been orchestrated by FSFE or OSI, but it may also have been someone's independent initiative based on early media reports on the deal.

"expressing concern about Microsoft recently purchasing a large number of patents from Novell. This move strengthens the hold Microsoft has over its competitors, which could potentially harm consumer choice and increase prices. Is the Commission aware of this situation? If so, does the Commission believe there have been any infractions by Microsoft of EU competition laws?"

This focus on Microsoft shows that the MEP wasn't fully informed when posing the question. The question was dated 20 December 2010. Four days earlier, I published the names of the four companies (Apple, EMC, Microsoft, Oracle) that have formed the CPTN Holdings consortium.

There still seems to be some confusion out there concerning Microsoft's role. When the acquisition of Novel by Attachmate and of those 882 patents by "a Microsoft-organized consortium" became known in November, the other companies weren't disclosed until they appeared on the website of the German competition authority. But the fact that Microsoft "organized" the consortium only means that Microsoft had a key role in bringing the partners together. It does not necessarily mean that Microsoft still leads the consortium following its foundation. All that's known so far is that Microsoft had the role of a midwife. Any assumption that Apple, EMC and Oracle decided to let Microsoft run the organization thereafter is purely speculative, and in my view, unlikely in light of the weight and pride of those partners.

Anyway, here's the vice president's answer:

Answer given by Mr Almunia
on behalf of the Commission

"The Commission is aware of the proposed acquisition by CPTN Holdings, a consortium of technology companies which includes Microsoft Corp, of a portfolio of 882 patents from Novell. On the basis of the information currently available at this stage, it appears unlikely that the proposed transaction requires a notification to the Commission under the Merger Regulation."

This means that this is so far from being an EU competition issue that it doesn't even have to be reviewed. Finally:

"Furthermore, in addition to the consideration under the Merger Regulation, the Commission has currently no indication that the mere acquisition of the patents in question by CPTN Holdings would lead to an infringement of EU competition rules."

This means that there's no problem with the sale of patents per se. The use of patents has played and is currently playing a role in some EU competition cases, but companies can sell any of their patents pretty much like they sell products, their office furniture, used company cars, or real estate.

I have seen the positions taken by OSI and FSFE. I couldn't find any real substance in them. Those complaints came down to indicating a dislike for patents and distrust for the companies behind CPTN Holdings. But they didn't raise any legal issues that would be specific to this deal.

My own position is known: I used to run a campaign against a software patent bill. However, politicians don't stop patent offices from granting them. So let's come to terms with it: this is the law of the land. As long as those patents exist, they can be sold.

Finally, if it confuses you why the deal was notified to the German competition authority while the EU (of which Germany is a member) doesn't see a need for notification, that's because the EU is a supranational body and its member states still have their own laws. Those can't be in conflict with EU rules in areas where the EU has harmonized the rules, but there can be some differences in details, such as one country requiring notification of joint ventures of a type that the EU doesn't investigate. In order to coordinate everything efficiently, the European Commission works closely with the member states' competition authorities through the European Competition Network (ECN).

If you'd like to be updated on the smartphone patent disputes and other intellectual property matters I cover, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brussels conference on "Tensions between intellectual property rights and standardization: reasons and remedies"

Last week I mentioned a European Commission and European Patent Office conference on "tensions between intellectual property rights and standards". The conference took place in Brussels on Monday (22 November 2010), and I attended it.

Different speakers pointed out that an increasing number of patents read on today's high-tech products. The European Patent Office has already received 4% more patent applications this year than during all of last year, and there is still about a month to go. While some view this trend as a key indicator of innovation and of awareness for the importance of intellectual property rights, others complain about increasing complexity and a growing risk of disputes.

Most industry standards are FRAND-based and some panelists stated that they don't see a need for a fundamental departure from the current system, which allows companies to opt for alternative models. Others, however, made proposals and demands that would in different ways weaken the rights of patent holders and discourage innovators with IP-centric business models from participating in standard-setting processes.

Major European stakeholders favor FRAND

The European Commission plans to take decisions on two standards-related initiatives before the end of the year. Other legislative initiatives on standardization will continue through 2011. Against that background, it didn't surprise me that some of the speakers made political statements and demands directed at the EU officials in the audience. But the loudest voices weren't the most convincing ones.

Before I address some of what was said, I'd like to share an observation. Speakers from US corporations (Oracle and HP) attacked FRAND from different angles and received support for this from the FSFE, a lobby group whose primary partners are IBM, Oracle, Google and Red Hat. However, there were key European stakeholders on the panels who clearly disagreed with them. Ericsson contradicted Oracle; SAP posed questions (to HP and FSFE) regarding the "openness" of open source software, the different business models that successfully leverage FOSS for financial gain, and the need to balance the rights of IPR holders and licensees.

Ericsson stressed that "the FRAND IPR regime has served the industry very well in the wireless communications area." Its vice president of patent strategies and portfolio management, Gustav Brismark, pointed to the fact that over the years there have been "numerous new entrants", which he views as an indication that the system is pro-competitive. In his experience, SMEs who make themselves knowledgeable about the patent licensing landscape can conclude the necessary license agreements with right holders and participate in the market.

SAP placed the emphasis on choices that are made by right holders on a case-by-case basis. For example, the standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) must be patent-unencumbered or patent rights must be available on a royalty-free basis (with possible restrictions set out in the organization's patent policy). Many of the companies participating in the W3C are, however, simultaneously involved with FRAND-based standard-setting processes.

From SAP's point of view, "market dynamics have worked very well so far", not only because there are different kinds of standard-developing organizations competing but also because certain SDOs such as OASIS create standards on the basis of FRAND as well as under other regimes.

There's nothing wrong with US corporations -- especially if they have significant European operations and partner networks -- participating in European policymaking debates. However, it's a legitimate question to ask who (and how credible and independent) the local entities on their side are. In addition to promoting continuity, which means the burden of proof is on the other side, the proponents of FRAND have the home team advantage: they can point to broad-based support for this approach among European politicians and regulators and a long list of impressive allies among European companies.

I mentioned the panelists from SAP and Ericsson. Some others of this nature and stature, such as Philips, Siemens and Alcatel Lucent, apparently weren't invited to make presentations. But the European Commission is aware of where they stand.

If US companies make demands in Europe that are different from the status quo in the US, one may ask what really dictates a different approach on this side of the pond. Oracle and HP didn't have any specifically European reason for what they proposed -- such as market characteristics. It looks to me like they are just trying to advocate here what they are unable to achieve at home.

Oracle's extrapolation and Java

I thought Oracle's Don Deutsch would comment on the Java situation. Instead of addressing it directly, he referred to Oracle's involvement with over 100 standard-setting organizations and 500 Oracle engineers participating in 600 working groups. But one thing he said raises interesting questions concerning Java.

He claimed that disagreement over FRAND (more specifically, over which terms a right holder is or is not allowed to seek after having made a FRAND commitment) resulted in "many complaints filed alleging abuses in the area." I talk about many patent-related disputes on this blog but I don't see "many complaints" of that kind. They are few and far between. Don Deutsch probably knew that many in the audience were aware of that fact, so he preemptively added that there are "probably many more complaints than we know about because they are almost always handled in a bilateral way, not discussed publicly."

That makes me wonder what all of this means for Java. There are two high-profile disputes at the moment: Oracle is suing Google and a refusal to grant a Java TCK license to the Apache Software Foundation on the terms to which the ASF believes to be entitled.

If it's true that public disputes are the exception and secret "complaints" are the norm, then the number of unreported Java disputes would have to be a lot bigger than the two conflicts that are out in the open. It would be very interesting to hear from Oracle how high that number is. Are we talking about a handful of unknown Java conflicts? A dozen? More?

If that's not the case, then Oracle shouldn't blow those controversies over FRAND out of proportion.

ICT convergence and software-specific rules

Oracle's Don Deutsch was on a panel on "ex-ante disclosures" of essential patents and most restrictive terms, an approach that doesn't rule out royalty obligations. Right holders seeking royalty payments would just have to state beforehand the maximum amount of license fees they will charge later. FRAND could still serve as a set of rules governing which terms and conditions are acceptable. Some of those demanding an ex-ante disclosure regime may, however, view it as a first step away from FRAND and toward the elimination of different restrictions (or of all of them in the long run).

In his closing statement, Don Deutsch limited his support for ex-ante to "certain market segments". He said that "it particularly fits the IT industry" and added: "We've certainly heard that the telecoms industry has a different history. The industry segments have different characteristics and therefore they have different requirements."

There appears to be little support from the broader ICT industry for proposals to depart from FRAND. That is probably the reason why Don Deutsch and some of his allies limit their demands to only a segment of the ICT field.

But Oracle did feel forced to acknowledge (without using that particular term) the convergence that is taking place. That fact, of course, is one of the reasons for which software-specific rules would not be sound policy in this particular area.

HP presented an unsuitable categorization

The panel on "open source, freely available software and standardization" was the one I was primarily interested in.

Scott K. Peterson, a Hewlett-Packard open source lawyer, started his "FOSS license analysis" with a reference to fragmentation ("it seems daunting to have to analyze open source licenses because they are so numerous, hundreds of them possibly"). But he believed that a categorization into "permissive" and "copyleft" licenses would provide clarity in connection with the impact of patent-encumbered standards on open source.

In some other contexts, the distinction between permissive and copyleft licenses is key. In this case, it misses the point.

Open source licenses are predominantly copyright licenses. A few of them have patent clauses; others don't. Copyleft can indirectly affect patent issues, but in connection with standards, the key distinction is between "patent-agnostic" licenses and those that have certain kinds of patent provisions.

To the founder of the movement, Richard Stallman, they are so different that he calls on everyone not to "lump them together" under the term of intellectual property. HP's Scott Peterson blurred that distinction completely with his unsuitable categorization.

This resulted in some errors, and one of them was particularly embarrassing in front of an EU audience: he listed the EUPL as a copyleft license and, therefore, as one that faces a particular challenge with patented standards. However, the official EUPL blog already agreed with me last month that it is possible to obtain licenses on patented standards in connection with software distributed under the EUPL. That is the case because the EUPL doesn't contain any patent provision prohibiting such inbound licensing in any way.

FSFE's reality distortion field still active

The president of the FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe), Karsten Gerloff, spoke after HP's Scott Peterson and credited him for a "masterful introduction" to the "thorny issue of FRAND licenses, restriction-free licenses, and copyleft."

At least there's a little bit of progress related to terminology. Karsten said "restriction-free". I previously criticized the "royalty-free" movement for narrowing the issue down to only one kind of condition patent holders may impose. So it's more accurate and more honest to admit that "restriction-free" is the goal the FSFE pursues. But this means that patent holders would have to waive the entirety of their rights, and whether or not one supports the patentability of software, it's understandable that right holders will oppose such ideas.

On the question of whether free and open source software licenses can handle patent-encumbered standards, the FSFE still doesn't specify its concerns about FRAND. It still wants to make people believe that all FRAND is irreconcilable with FOSS and especially the GPL -- even though the most important GPL'd software is Linux and all of the three leading Linux distributors (Red Hat, Novell and Canonical) have licensed patents. To ignore fact, one has to operate inside a powerful reality distortion field.

HP and the FSFE were trying to advocate the same concept but gave inconsistent portrayals of the legal situation. Scott Peterson did not support the FSFE's claim that the GPL is "incompatible with FRAND licenses". Instead, he said that "even though the text of the license is not the problem", one would not get a certain "set of permissions" that is key to FOSS dynamics. He previously outlined three key "FOSS characteristics": free redistribution, ability to modify source code, redistribution of modified software on FOSS terms.

By admitting that "the text of the license is not the problem" (which he didn't say about the GPL per se, but the GPL was part of a list of licenses he discussed), Scott Peterson probably made some people in the audience wonder whether the FSFE is a reliable source of information or makes up problems only to gain a political advantage.

But even the "dynamics" HP described aren't fundamentally at odds with inbound patent licensing. Scott Peterson once again failed to distinguish between copyright and patents. The program code shared under a FOSS license can have all those benefits regardless of a need to obtain patent licenses.

The combination of HP and FSFE was interesting to watch: two speakers demonstrating two different ways to reach the same false conclusion. But they were happy that they agreed on the same anti-FRAND result. No matter why and how they arrived there.

If you'd like to be updated on patent issues affecting free software and open source, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Torn between a lobby and a FRAND

Ahead of a European Commission and European Patent Office conference on intellectual property rights and standardization taking place in Brussels on Monday (22 November 2010), some of the most vocal advocates of openness have determined that FRAND is not a foe of "free" and that both concepts are legitimate in their own right.

I don't just mean the actual business practices of the companies behind the royalty-free/restriction-free lobby. Meanwhile we can even hear it straight from the horse's mouth:

Oracle provides TCK [the official testing kit for compliance with the Java standard] licenses under fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms consistent with its obligations under the JSPA [the Java standard-setting agreement].

Don Deutsch, [Oracle Corp.] Vice President of Standards and Architecture

The above quote is from a statement with which Oracle -- a driving force behind ECIS and OpenForum Europe and an "open standards" lobbying partner of the FSFE -- just responded to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), one of the two or three most important open source organizations in the world.

The context: compatibility of FRAND with FOSS; field-of-use restrictions

The statement quoted above speaks for itself, but the context makes it even more relevant: the board of the ASF had complained that Oracle "imposes additional terms and conditions [on Java licensees] that are not compatible with open source or Free software licenses." The ASF contends that "Oracle is violating their contractual obligation as set forth under the rules of the JCP [the Java standard-setting process]". It reiterated this view in a succinct reply to Oracle's FRAND statement: "The ball is in your court. Honor the agreement."

The open letter to which the word "agreement" points is more than three years old. At the time, Java belonged to Sun; Oracle acquired Sun last January. Therefore, the letter was directed to Sun, and it stated the following:

[...] The JCK license Sun is offering imposes IP rights restrictions through limits on the "field of use" available to users of our software.

These restrictions are totally unacceptable to us. As I explain below, these restrictions are contrary to the terms of the Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA) - the governing rules of the JCP [Java standard-setting process] - to which Sun is contractually bound to comply as a signatory. The ASF has a proud history of support for open software ecosystems in which commercial software can flourish.

However, Sun's JCK license protects portions of Sun's commercial Java business at the expense of ASF's open software. It prevents our users from using Apache software in certain fields of use.

[...] limitations on field of use for our users is contrary to the basic principles of open source licensing, and therefore these limitations would prevent distribution under any open source license, including our own. [...]

There you have the argument I addressed in this recent post ("FOSS can implemented patented standards"). The FSFE also listed the Apache license among FOSS licenses that it falsely claims to be incompatible with FRAND-based licensing. (You can read the truth about patent licensing under the Apache license here).

Oracle contradicts itself and its lobbying fronts ECIS, OpenForum Europe and FSFE

It appears to be a common pattern that open source foundations don't want to become "frandations", so they claim legal incompatibility even though their problem is a philosophical one. But what's really interesting is that Oracle uses two contradictory definitions of "open standards":

In front of policy-makers, Oracle (interestingly, Don Deutsch himself) gives talks such as this recent one in Brussels about all the good that open standards do. Oracle co-authors, finances and lends its name to statements such as this one that argue against FRAND-based licensing because it would allegedly "exclude a broad segment of the industry -- mostly open source software developers -- from implementing that specification in their products." ECIS, which issued that one, is run by Thomas Vinje, Oracle's outside counsel on EU antitrust matters. Oracle is one of its most influential members. Similarly, Oracle is a member of the OpenForum Europe (where Don Deutsch gave that talk), and it uses the FSFE for its purposes.

But when one of the most important open source organizations tells Oracle that FRAND terms "are not compatible with open source or Free software licenses", the answer is just that all Apache will get is FRAND -- take it or leave it. The Register also interprets it as saying "this is Oracle's stance on the matter and it's not changing."

As Apache's aforementioned succinct reply shows, the organization insists that this attitude constitutes a breach of the Java standard-setting agreement and, most of all, its section 5.C.III. You can find that agreement here, and this is a wording the ASF interprets in its favor:/p>

"[...] the [licensor] agrees not to impose any contractual condition or covenant that would limit or restrict the right of any licensee to create or distribute such Independent Implementations."

Apparently the ASF believes that this means its open source implementation of Java (the Apache Harmony project) must not be restricted. However, as I've already shown, Oracle says that FRAND licensing is "consistent with its obligations under the [standard-setting agreement]."

IBM -- the largest member of ECIS and OFE and financier of the FSF/FSFE -- supports Oracle

So Oracle believes FOSS can be reconciled with FRAND. And guess where IBM -- the other large company supporting the same European lobbying entities (ECIS, OFE and FSFE) -- stands: firmly on Oracle's side.

For a long time Big Blue supported not only the ASF in general but also its Java implementation, Harmony, in particular. Last month, however, it defected and now supports Oracle's OpenJDK, a GPL-based Java implementation.

IBM's open source VP Bob Sutor wrote on his blog that this switch of allegiance "will help unify open source Java efforts" and that "customers will benefit by having first class Java open standards developed collaboratively and constructively".

The Guardian's technology blog, however, calls this move "as much divisive as unifying."

The decisions and positions taken by those companies completely undermine the efforts of their "open standards" lobbyists in Europe such as IBM's Jochen Friedrich, who advocates extreme positions, and Oracle's Trond Undheim, who (as I mentioned in a recent post) referred to a group of EU officials as "rats" transmitting the "RAND disease" (RAND is synonymous with FRAND).

Upcoming Brussels conference on intellectual property rights and standardization

This endorsement of FRAND's compatibility with open source by Oracle and IBM has interesting implications to the debate taking place in Europe over open standards. Like I said at the beginning, the European Commission and the European Patent Office are going to host next week a conference on "Tensions between intellectual property rights and standardisation: reasons and remedies".

Some of the players I mentioned will speak there. Oracle's friend of FRAND, Don Deutsch, is on a panel on "ex-ante commitments to licensing terms". Thomas Vinje, counsel to Oracle as well as ECIS, will talk about the "certainty of availability and continuity of essential IP rights for licensing". An IBM patent attorney, Nicolas Schifano, is also on that panel. Finally, the FSFE's Karsten Gerloff will give a speech on "open source, freely available software and standardization".

I believe Don Deutsch won't be able to avoid discussing the Java situation. That one is important in and of itself, but it also plays a role in the patent infringement suit Oracle filed against Google and which draws more attention right now than any other patent suit in the industry (although there are so many going on, especially concerning mobile devices).

In its answer to Oracle's complaint, Google references the ASF's criticism and Oracle's obligations under the Java standard-setting agreement to allow independent implementations. Oracle claims seven of its Java patents are infringed by Dalvik, the virtual machine for Google's Android mobile operating system. Dalvik is derived from a part of the Apache Harmony code. So Oracle's denial of a different license has ramifications way beyond the ASF's desire.

The field-of-use restriction Apache complains about relates to mobile devices. Oracle allows independent Java implementations, but it draws a line in the sand where smartphones and tablets are concerned, for commercial reasons. This is a perfect example of a restriction that has nothing to do with royalties. Those who oppose FRAND often try to narrow the issue down to license fees while I advocate a more comprehensive approach.

Political debate and mixed-source reality

The conference "is part of an open dialogue process that the Commission is undertaking with key stakeholders [...] The EPO and the Commission hope to organise further events and meetings on issues relevant to IPR and ICT standards, with the objective of improving transparency and predictability in this crucial field."

While several of the speakers have a propensity for politicizing this topic, the conference program also lists panelists who operate on a day-to-day basis in the mixed-source reality of the IT industry. For instance, SAP is a markedly Linux-friendly vendor of proprietary software and should be able to tell us about how to cross the span. I also see major telecommunications equipment companies on the list. Nokia co-founded the MeeGo project, an open source mobile operating system based on Linux. But Nokia instigated patent litigation against Apple and is having an argument over FRAND licensing. This seems to me a perfect example of a company that cares about open source as well as its intellectual property.

In terms of an additional type of stakeholder that would have been great to have on one of the panels, I wish there were some SMEs (rather than just an association claiming to speak on their behalf) with mixed-source expertise and a complete focus on meeting customer needs by combining the best of both worlds. There are many of them out there.

That said, I really look forward to attending the conference next week and will report on it here (in compliance with applicable house rules, of course).

If you'd like to be updated on patent issues affecting free software and open source, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents.