My hen is a Isa Red so I call her Red she is 3-1/2 - 4 years old and she is the most sociable chicken I’ve ever had and she is always waiting at the back door when I get home for her treats and she sits or stands on the arm of my recliner for a good hour but she started going through her first molt so she wasn’t as sociable and really stayed to her self a lot I did see her drink every day so I wasn’t overly concerned but 2 weeks ago I went to the coup to check on her and she was on the ground and she couldn’t even stand up so I brought her in the house and by that point she wasn’t even drinking i got some rooster booster poultry cell and started giving it to her and water and had to force feed her but I had to use a dropper to give her water her poop was watery and green then I noticed she couldn’t see that well so fast forward a week she started eating and drinking on her own and was walking pretty good and her poop started looking normal but she still couldn’t see very good and then a couple of days ago she started not eating and drinking and her eyesight seemed to get worse and her poop is back watery and green again so any idea what could be causing this and what do I need to do any help will be very much appreciated!