Goose cold temp hardiness?


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2024
At what temperature should I worry about our Sebastopol geese (born early this year so they are full grown)? It's been as low as -1C so far and we are expecting -4C later today. We monitor their house temperature and it rarely goes more than 1 degree higher than the outside. Should we be insulating quick before the even colder temps tonight?
I don't have any experience with Sebastopols; my geese are American Buffs. In their case -- and I had to do an online conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit -- they would be perfectly fine with the temps you are having.

My two girls spend their nights in a small, uninsulated wooden shelter. Temps here in the winter are regularly below freezing, often by double digits. Even then, Gussie and Golly are perfectly happy lying outside in the snow, despite the cold. Geese are generally well-insulated creatures, although mine don't enjoy our extremely high winter winds. Yesterday, there was ice on their water tank, and they both decided to bathe in it anyway. Sometimes, they worry me

If my two girls had the well-built house yours do, they would be more than adequately warm. But again, they don't have the "exotic" feathering of Sebastopols; I hope someone who has your breed weighs in!

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