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Tower of God Wiki
This article contain profile of Zahard as High Ranker and King of The Tower. If you're looking for his data in the Hidden Floor, see Zahard (Data).

Let me ask you something. What am I to you people? I was the first one to climb the Tower. I was the greatest Fisherman in battle. And I pioneered a civilization of mutual understanding among the people of the Tower. But you probably know me best by a different word. The word... "King"

Zahard to Team Khel Hellam.[5]

Zahard (자하드, "Jahadeu") is an Irregular[6] and the famed "King of the Tower", the most famous and greatest being residing inside; he is like a "god" to the inhabitants of the Tower.[2] Tens of thousands of years ago, Zahard entered and climbed the Tower with 12 Great Warriors. He is a High Ranker, currently retaining the 3rd spot in the ranking, and the overarching ruler of 134th Floor and founder of the Zahard Empire while still conquering the Tower.

Infamous for his prevailing immortality, he has become the prime target of FUG.[7]

After the events of the Hidden Floor, Zahard came out of hibernation and is active once again, making him the highest ranked Active Ranker in the Tower, right above Urek Mazino. Due to his actions, Zahard can be considered the primary antagonist of the series.


Zahard is ranked 3rd which seems poor when reflecting his influence and the splendour of the past (he was firmly the No. 1 Ranker before Phantaminum and Enryu appeared).[2] He is the supreme ruler of the Zahard Empire, but because he was inactive—said to be "hibernating"—the Three Lords handled the day-to-day ruling in his stead.[2] He is technically an Irregular but he is not considered to be one by anyone with the exception of the Floor Guardians.[2]

Zahard was resting, leaving the outside activities to his daughters and the Three Lords, but a lot of people expect that the day Zahard is on the move again is the day Zahard Empire expands by another Floor.[2] It's said, after the next shift of the political system, Zahard will be active again and capture the at the very least the 135th Floor.

Of course, more and more people are anticipating the return of Zahard's rumoured 'only son'.[2]

After the events of the Last Station, Zahard became active again, marking him as the current strongest active Ranker in the Tower, just above Urek Mazino. He has also began to issue orders from his Altar and though it is uncertain if he has retaken full command of his Empire, he clearly maintains an unquestionable authority over it, as his three recent orders showed: destroy FUG, Po Bidau Family and kill the Regulars who finished the Hell Train. Despite how complex and perplexing these orders were, none of his subordinates dared challenge it. His recent orders include sending Kallavan and Yasratcha to the Wall of Peaceful Coexistence, using his ability to see fate to correctly predict and bring about the results he desired: Dowon surrendered to Kallavan while Yasratcha's mind control completely countered Khel Hellam's efforts to use the canine people and led to half of the species being slaughtered.

One thing that should be noted is that his chosen Family—the Zahard Family—is the greatest authority in the Tower. Although none of his 'children' are bound to Zahard by blood, he has managed to create and sustain the most powerful and the largest family in the Tower.

Throughout the tower, many people worship Zahard like a god. One of the worshippers believes he is the 'one true king.' An omnipotent and omniscient being.[8]

Zahard Symbol[]

Zahard logo

The Zahard symbol

Zahard and his empire are represented by a symbol known as the "Red Three Eyes" (적색삼안, Jeoksaeksahmahn), which consists of 3 eyes and 3 dots; the eyes are above and the dots are below. A similar symbol consisting of 3 eyes, 3 dots, and a cross, was seen in the cave area where Baam was sealed.[9] However, it's unknown what meaning that symbol carries outside of the Tower or whether Zahard's own symbol has any connection to the one seen in Baam's cave.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • SIU once responded a twitter question that are written in English that asked him about "Zahard or Jahad", and SIU replied with "Z" letter, confirming it is "Zahard" or "Zahad".[10][11]
  • In the official Chapter 52 on NAVER, there is a poster of Ha Yuri Zahard written in English. It displayed her Sobriquet, the "Black Snakehead" and the name of "ZAHARD". It's the scene where Khun Aguero Agnis and Ship Leesoo took a break after the Hide-and-Seek test. However, English LINE Webtoon change the name of "ZAHARD" into "JAHAD".[12]
  • Zahard seems to hold a level of knowledge of Baam's inner power, as he told his data self he may regret his decision to save him, although he admits he does not fully understand him.
  • Zahard is currently the strongest antagonist Baam has ever encountered. In addition, with the possible exception of Urek Mazino, Zahard is currently the most powerful Ranker Baam has met.
  • SIU made Zahard's body as tall and bulky as he did to show his threatening power.[14]
  • It is possible he is named after football player Eden Hazard.


  • (To his Data) "Ah, you didn't know, did you? The data version of me. Not only you don't know what happens in the future, but you were also set to have a strong adverse reaction and start forgetting as soon as you hear their names. You poor thing. A fake me who has forgotten the past and only the shell remains. I wanted you to stay here, unaware of everything."[16]
  • (To Baam) "Son of Arlene. I can tell just from looking at your eyes. I don't know how you manage to come back to life. But fate is really toying with us. Son of the woman I loved more than anyone. I didn't think I would get to kill you again with my own two hands."[16]
  • (To Hwang) "So it's you. The one who finally opened the gate to the outside. Let's see.. You wanted to become a person. It must have never occurred to you that this isn't the 'way out', but rather the 'way in'. It's actually almost impossible to interfere with this level from the outside, so I was waiting for someone to make a crack from the inside. Foolish. So Foolish. You were too greedy. A mere data human.."[16]
  • (To Baam) "Don't be too sad. I'm going to find everyone here and on the train, and everyone you have ever run into. Then once I have killed them all, I will send them to you. So rest in peace."[16]
  • (To his Data) "..An adventure huh? That's right, embarking on an eternal adventure, if that's my fate, then I have to accept it. However, since that day when I began to see all causes and effects from the same height as God... I found out how to play around with fate... cruel fate."[17]
  • (To Khel Hellam) "What a fool. Are you that sure of the future you saw? You're so full of yourself after getting just a little glimpse of destiny that now you think you can predict everything. And yet you're blind to the truth staring at you right in the face. You'll see for yourself once we start fighting.... Whether I am really the King or not.[18]

Alternative translations[]

  • Jahad (LINE Webtoons)



Zahard Empire
Military & Government
King of The Tower
Royal Guards
Arvin LouTommyRobert AisandPan • Bird-Masked Man
Zahard Family
Special Families
‎‎Devote to Zahard
ZahardEnryuEvan EdrokPhantaminumMolic One P. GREurasia BlossomGrace Mirchea LuslecBaek RyunKhun EduanHa YurinUrek MazinoAugusgusAri HanHa Yuri ZahardArie HonHendo Lok BloodmadderArie Hagipherione ZahardKhun Maschenny ZahardAdori ZahardYeon YirangHa JinsungPo Bidau GustangEurasia Enne ZahardEvankhellJoochunMadoracoGaram ZahardHeice ZahardQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahKhun Marco AsensioYolkerWhiteElpathionHa CheonheeDorian FrogKhul Nissam KayAri Bright SharonKhun Royale ElliotBaylord YamaKallavanCanzonGadoBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamNyono WanBerdychSoo-ohLo Po Bia YasratchaLo Po Bia FucileLo Po Bia TraumereiDowonChaLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaKendrick DielMcCageSophia TanPo Bidau Lyborick KhunKhun Hynd LuchLo Po Bia DokokoArlen GraceVLo Po Bia LefavKaraka2nd Floor Unnamed RulerTu Perie TperieUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantLo Po Bia YorayoAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia KirinLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoLo Po Bia ElbabaLo Po Bia LobadonLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ProustPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau DumasLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutPo Bidau KirPo Bidau RichemontLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia PokokoGarnakUnnamed Po BidauPo Bidau Tiara
AiHwa RyunYuto
Unknown Position
Unknown Position
PhantaminumAnak Zahard (Original)Alphid ZahardMolic One P. GRAugusgusMs. Ice StrawberryMs. Ice Strawberry's PartnerYujeNomaJoochunYunie ZahardRebecca Pon ZahardHeice ZahardYuram ZahardArie Hagipherione ZahardPondo ZahardAn ZahardBaylord YamaImortFUG RankerAri HanWhitePokenHa RudaLo Po Bia PorpQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahRed BrubyaTinker YolcheKnife (Ranker)H-23Ha CheonheeMisebichiHollyGrommDeath BirdKhul Nissam KayDeath KarambitJayKhun Royale ElliotPowlerWater JellyPephomemore SetoCanzonGadoCuldenBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamVentiTallGrandeRed HornAshul EdwaruFluxRMuleBerdychFUG Ranker 2Unnamed Po BidauKahlerLo Po Bia FucileTinker RocheR's TwinTu RahTonkiDaleetKhaneLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaNanatonaPanMr. NeonbagArlen GraceV2nd Floor Unnamed RulerLo Po Bia YorayoYellowUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia SicariusLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLobiBaylord Wang WangLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoNen NeyaPo Bidau BellerirHelmet ServantPo Bidau TiaraPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelPo Bidau VaraneGarnak
Races or Species
Humanoid Races
Yung ChangsooUchaBel BerhinoBero BeroBlarouseDédé KanchoBoroHong ChunhwaJuglom GoteLo Po Bia ElaineNovickKhun RanReflejoYeon YihwaGreen PhilDes LionKonQuaetro BlitzQuant BlitzJaina Repellista ZahardArie HonKhun Aguero AgnisKhun EduanLo Po Bia AlphineDavid HockneyHa JinsungHa Yuri ZahardYu Han SungZahardHaxNomaYu Bok-DolAleksai AmigochazAmagutaAppleAri Bright SharonArie InietaHa ChaiHa CheonheeHa RudaHa YurinArlen GraceHana YuVGoonGaram ZahardAdori ZahardGreyHanool KangHatsuBelluxHollyHon AkraptorHong DanhwaHoshiHyun ChungInoa YoranBoondawanBulgasarioBrugelJa WangnanChaCharlieChichiKal RahimKang HoryangKallavanKatraDaniel HatchidKehellmanKellKendrick DielKhaneKhul Nissam KayKhun AA's MotherKhun HachulingDedeKhun Hynd LuchKhun KiseiaKhun Marco AsensioKhun Maria ZahardKhun MaschennyKhun Maschenny ZahardDoraDorian FrogEdin DanKim LurkerPrinceYeo MisengYeo GosengKoerErik BiyonEurasia BlossomEurasia Enne ZahardPhonsekal DrakPhonsekal LaurePhonsekal IrureKurudanLee SowaLee SoyongLee XiawunFUG RankerFelixFull BlackFUG Ranker 2Yeon YirangYeon IlardeYeon WoonYeongsukRed HairRed BeardYuryuYuni SonaPoro PoePurple Eye BrothersXia LuluYellowYuliu MataTinker YolcheYolkerTinker RochePo Bidau GustangWhite/AnnaWhite/AlbeldaWhite/DavidWhite/HoaqinPhonsekal YurureWhite/VicentePanditWhitePedroVariel VaniVerdiUnnamed Khun (Hell Train)Unnamed Po BidauNavigatorUrek MazinoTravellerToroTwenty-Fifth BaamToulalanMisebichiMichaelMs. Ice StrawberryMauchiMachaMahanSophia AmaeStuah ArthurSunwoo NareLo Po Bia RenLo Po Bia Shilial ZahardLo Po Bia Lilial ZahardLo Po Bia PorpShip LeesooShopinSachi FakerSerena RinnenRyuaRoyal ParkRozéalRidongRocitane EgelRodniRoen YuiaLegLeo CloakerLeon 3Lero-RoRyu-AhnBeniamino CassanoBetaDea FlukeTochiBullbackWalkinRujonPo Bidau Lyborick KhunSophia TanJourdanUnnamed Commander 1Unnamed Captain 1The Boss"Enemy" 1TinBruceSolaNamoUnnamed Khun (Aguero's Sister)Scarhead BaldyGunner GirlUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderAkraptor's DaughterGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia ElbabaKhun Devo FerezLo Po Bia HolanLo Po Bia YoolPo Bidau BellerirPo Bidau Matte HaPo Bidau EnverPo Bidau RagmaPo Bidau LouLo Po Bia LauraDravyHwingya EpoIlnak RopalLo Po Bia KeoyeopHemus LimeRokuLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia PokokoAmizuRatna GrahJadeUnnamed Revolution Member 1Isas Ademone
All Canines
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