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Star Commuter Ambassador Shuttle

A Star Commuter 2000 shuttle

"We have three Sheathipede-class shuttles, but they have no weapons."
General Kalani[1]

Shuttles were a type of starship used to transport personnel and cargo through space, often from one starship to another or from a ship to a planetary body. There were a number of different types of shuttles in the galaxy, including the Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle[2] and the civilian Star Commuter 2000.[3]


In 22 BBY, the Ohnaka Gang operated the Flarestar-class attack shuttle.[4]

The Emperors Arrival AoRCR

Imperial personnel often used Lambda-class shuttles.

The New Mandalorians operated the Aka'jor-class shuttle in 21 BBY.[4]

In 18 BBY, Gozetta operated her own customized shuttle craft. Around the same time, Rhyssa and Auric Graf operated a Mu-class shuttle in their travels around Wild Space.[5]

The Resistance, a paramilitary group operating 30 years after the Battle of Endor, modified their own Resistance transports.[6] They also made use of several U-55 orbital loadlifters.[7]

The First Order also operated shuttle craft, in particular the Upsilon-class command shuttle and Xi-class light shuttle.[8]


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