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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"I am tracking a freighter closing in fast."
"Do not worry. We will draw them towards the fleet, and they will be blasted to bits."
―Two OOM pilot battle droids[1]

A VCX-100 light freighter

A freighter, cargo ship, or barge, was a kind of spacecraft used for hauling cargo from one place to another. Although light freighters could usually hold their own in combat against other fighter craft, larger vessels, such as bulk freighters tended to be less capable. These large freighters could be easy targets considering their large size, slow speed, and weak armament. For this reason most heavy freighters required escorts when navigating more dangerous regions of the galaxy.[2] Many manufacturers converted freighters into combat starships during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War.[3]

Freighters used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic included the YT-1300 light freighter named the Millennium Falcon[2] and the VCX-100 light freighter named the Ghost.[4] The Chiss Ascendancy utilized freighters.[5]



The Millennium Falcon was a smuggling freighter.

"Now, there are plenty of Corellian freighters in the galaxy. But only one has made the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs! Only one has destroyed the mighty Death Star! And only one was captained by the legendary Han Solo! That ship is the Millennium Falcon, and it belongs to me."
―Hondo Ohnaka[6]

Many freighters were re-purposed for use as smuggling vessels.[7]

The Millennium Falcon, a ship owned by Han Solo, was a light freighter manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation.[8]

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Non-canon appearances[]


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Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]
