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Bounty Hunters 35 is the thirty-fifth issue of the 2020 canon comic book series Star Wars: Bounty Hunters. The issue was written by Ethan Sacks, illustrated by Lan Medina and Arif Prianto, and published by Marvel Comics on June 21, 2023.

Publisher's summary[]

A NEW ERA FOR THE BOUNTY HUNTERS! In the aftermath of the battle with INFERNO SQUAD, VALANCE and T'ONGA are joined by the most dangerous bounty hunters in the galaxyKHEL TANNA! DEATHSTICK! DURGE!…and BOBA FETT?!


Before its release, Ethan Sacks revealed Bounty Hunters 35 contained a story element he had conceived of three years prior:[3] Boba Fett defeating the rest of T'onga's crew but being defeated by T'onga herself,[4] whom Fett had shot back in Bounty Hunters 4.[5] In defeating Fett, T'onga overcomes the trauma he inflicted upon her. Her victory in that moment is, in a sentimental perspective, Sack's favorite moment in Star Wars: Bounty Hunters.[6] According to Sacks, Lucasfilm fully supported the decision to have Fett lose his helmet in the battle.[7]

Plot summary[]

With the aid of ''T'onga'' and her bounty-hunter crew, ''Beilert Valance'' was
able to escape his forced service to the Empire. But after the cyborg
hero inadvertently witnessed secret plans for the second Death Star--
without realizing their significance--the elite ''Inferno Squad'' successfully
tracked him down to wipe the cerebral processor that stores his
memories and with it all traces of the Empire's secrets, as well as the
last remnants of Valance's humanity.

T'onga, who may have already sacrificed her marriage to save her friend,
is forced to face a dangerous new reality with her dwindling crew in
desperate need of reinforcements. She will need all the help she can get
as the bounty hunters head towards their greatest challenge yet.


Cover gallery[]


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Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology




Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Bounty Hunters (2020) #35 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  2. The flashbacks of Star Wars (2020) 50 take place approximately twenty-two years after Sheev Palpatine's ascension to Emperor, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, meaning they must occur around 3 ABY. The flashbacks also take place after the events of Star Wars (2020) 43, which occur after the Star Wars: Dark Droids crossover event, an event StarWars Charles Soule Unleashes Dark Droids on StarWars.com (backup link) places after Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters, which is dated to 3 ABY by Timelines. As Bounty Hunters 35 takes place between War of the Bounty Hunters and Dark Droids, its events must take place around 3 ABY.
  3. TwitterLogo Ethan Sacks (@ethanjsacks) on Twitter (June 20, 2023): "There's a beat in Bounty Hunters 35 that I've literally been waiting 3 years to play." (backup link)
  4. TwitterLogo Ethan Sacks (@ethanjsacks) on Twitter (January 30, 2024): "T'onga being the one to take down Bobs Fett after he systematically wipes the floor with the rest of her crew. (In response to "so what was it?")" (backup link)
  5. Bounty Hunters 4
  6. TwitterLogo Ethan Sacks (@ethanjsacks) on Twitter: "And 2.) my sentimental favorite. T'onga working through her PTSD and paralyzing phobia of Boba Fett (who left her for dead in the beginning of the series) to be the one to take him down after he wipes the floor with her crew. Overcoming trauma was a major theme." (backup link)
  7. TwitterLogo Ethan Sacks (@ethanjsacks) on Twitter: "I don't remember anything other than support for that moment. (In response to: "I loved your run! Soooo much. Did you have to fight for OT Boba Fett to remove his helmet, or was it a simple yes from LucasFilm? 😁")" (backup link)

External links[]
