
韓国女性家族部(Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)の下にHERMUSEUMというサイトがあります。“E-Museum for the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery”とあるように日本軍従軍慰安婦に関する電子資料館です。ハングル版が正だと思いますが、私はハングルが読めませんので英語版の方を参照しています。

Q.What is comfort women for the Japanese military?

A.The term “comfort women”is a euphemism for the young women who were forcefully recruited from old colonies (i.e. Korea and Taiwan) and occupied countries (i.e. China, the Philippines, and Indonesia), and served as sex slaves against their own will during World War ?.
The Japanese military and governmental officials and private operators deceived, lured and kidnapped as many as 200,000 girls and women into forced sexual slavery throughout its colonies and occupied territories.
These women were at the time referred to as “comfort women” “comfort girls, “從軍慰安婦 (jugun ianfu) or military comfort women”or “military-serving women” but they are currently defined as “military sex slaves”meaning that they were victimized as sex slaves.

「慰安婦」とは戦時中に日本の旧植民地(朝鮮や台湾など)や占領地(中国、フィリピン、インドネシアなど)から強制募集され、意に反して性奴隷として奉仕させられた若い女性に対する婉曲表現である。日本軍、官僚及び民間業者が20万人もの女性を騙し、誘い、あるいは連れ去って、日本の植民地や占領地の至る所で性奴隷として売春を強要した。これらの女性は「comfort women」、「comfort girls」、「従軍慰安婦( military comfort women)」「military-serving women」などと呼ばれてきましたが、現在では性奴隷として犠牲になったことを意味する「military sex slaves」として定義されている。


Q.What are comfort stations(military brothels) for?

A.During the Japanese aggression over China, the soldiers frequently raped local women and provoked strong back lash from local people. Furthermore, the Japanese military suffered loss of its troops to venereal diseases. As a result, the military authorities set up “comfort stations”across its battlefields in order to meet sexual desires and prevent further loss of its troops. Historians pointed out that as early as from 1904 through 1905 during the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese military severely suffered from venereal diseases so it needed a facility where its troops could be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. In 1932, right after the Manchurian Incident of 1931, the Japanese soldiers were increasingly raping local women around Shanghai, which made the army build “comfort stations(military brothels)”following the navy. (Note the soldier’ notes and public document of Japan)
There were two kinds of “comfort stations” 1) some were built and run directly by the Japanese military 2) others run by civilians. Even those operated by civilians had been planned, licensed, 242 controlled and supervised upon the approval of Japanese military. Rules and regulations for “comfort stations” focused on using condoms and STD-testing and military surgeons conducted the testing about once a week. (Note the public document of Japan and the Allied Forces) However, witnesses from Japanese troops show that Japanese soldiers didn't stop raping local women even after military brothels were set up.



みて判るとおり、韓国の公式見解として「韓国人だけで20万人が日本軍に直接強制連行された」などという主張ではありません。民間業者(private operators)、つまり女衒も慰安婦募集にあたっていたこと、拉致(kidnapped)だけでなく、騙したり(deceived)、誘い込んだり(lured )などの手法が使われたことにも言及しています。慰安婦の出身地も朝鮮だけではなく、台湾や中国、フィリピン、インドネシアなどをあげています。
