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Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste CWD. Näytä kaikki tekstit

lauantai 17. lokakuuta 2015

MA 12.10.2015: 10 tuntia ompeluhuoneessa...

... ja mitä sain aikaan?

Sain aikaan sen, että kaikki 121 Civil War Diary -blokkia on vihdoinkin yhdistetty toisiinsa!
Taival on ollut pitkä ja loppua ei tietenkään vielä näy; reunakaitaleet, tausta ja tikkaus edessäpäin. Ensimmäisen blokin ompelin tammikuussa 2009 ja viimeisen 1.11.2014.

Loppuvaiheessa blokkien ompelua olin jo muutamia blokkeja yhdistellyt...

... joten enää oli ommeltava "vain" 83 blokkia yhteen. :D Ajatuksissani oli, että eihän siinä mene kuin muutama tunti, koska 1 1/2" :n kaitaleet oli jo valmiiksi leikattu. Osan pikkuruuduistakin olin jo yhdistänyt 6 1/2 :n levyisiin kaitalekankaisiin. A piece of cake!

 UPS! Ei ihan osu saumat kohilleen. Ehkä se ei näy isossa kokonaisuudessa... saa olla!!

OI, onpa joukossa muutamia "timantteja"! Tästä blokista tykkään!!!

Kukas se leikkuupöydän on vallannut? Taitaa olla ruokatauon aika...

... sen aikana voidaankin ihailla jo valmistunutta peittopintaa.

APUa!!! VIELÄ 49 irrallaan olevaa blokkia! Ei auta kuin jatkaa...

 Kaikki blokit eivät olleet ihan oikean (6 1/2") kokoisia. Kaitaleet onneksi pelastavat tilanteen!

Iltapäivän kahvitauko venyi lähemmäs klo viiden teetä.

VIELÄ 28 blokkia! Tästä ei kyllä tule loppua tänään! Olisiko parasta jättää loput blokit huomiseen... ylihuomiseen tai... niinpä, minut tuntien seuraavaan vuoteen...

EI, yhdistän kyllä KAIKKI blokit tämän päivän aikana, vaikka mikä olisi!!!
Yes, I'm really sure about myself - today!!!

Tungosta silityslaudalla! Ei ole muuten mikään kevytpeitto tämä...

 Maanantai-iltana 12.10.2015 klo 8.45...

... kaikki CWD blokit ommeltu yhteen! Olo oli onnellinen, mutta väsynyt. Tästä olosta voi kai nautiskella jonkin aikaa... juuri sopivasti tv:stä alkamassa Lincoln -elokuva.

Tämän kokoelmapeiton (sampler) tekemisestä voisin oppia sen verran, että blokkien yhdistämisen voisi aloittaa huomattavasti aikaisemmin. Oli se urakka! Toisaalta blokit kansiossa vievät vähemmän tilaa kuin yhtenäinen pinta.

Iloista viikonloppua toivotellen...

keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2014

CWD: A Day at the Fair & A Glorius Rainbow & Anxieties & Departing of the 19th Regiment

It is A wonderful feeling to notice that THIS is the last CWD block, which is sewn of the 1/4" strips!
I "hate" those narrow of the narrowest strips... sorry, really bad English...

... and believe or not, but there is plenty of them... in this book!!!!

Mainly among the block of the last few days...

Block 59. A Glorious Rainbow

 Block 4. Anxieties

Hmmm... Have I forgotten to sew them - on purpose?
Have I only pretended that I have been lazy?
Very good questions! ;)

 Block 105. Departing of the 19th Regiment

Höh, miksiköhän Fenix näyttää niin möreältä tässä kuvassa? Minustahan tuo blokki näyttää suht' onnistuneelta!

But anyway my skills of sewing the narrow strips has been clearly improved during these CWD block years.

For example here is block 23. Death Penalty...

  sewed in April 15th, 2011.

The width of the strips varies... a lot!!!! IIIK!!!!
 Please, don't look at it too close.... maybe it is like that on purpose ;D

Tällä viikolla huomasin, että olen oppinut ommellessani 3/4":n levyisiä kaitaleita yhteen katsomaan 1/4" paininjalan vasenta reunaa oikean sijaan. Sillä tavoin yhteen ommelluista kaitaleista tulee huomattavasti tasalevyisempiä... ja blokeistakin oikean kokoisia ;)

Se, mikä - ehkä eniten -sampler-töissä viehättääkin minua on, että lähes joka blokin myötä oppii jotain uutta!
No, ehkä vähän liioitellusti sanottu, mutta on niissä oma viehätyksensä..

Before the end of this fun I'll get to test my ability of foundation piecing.

There are only four blocks...

OhMy... Am I feeling :( or :D?


keskiviikko 22. lokakuuta 2014

CWD: Robbers

Eldress Nancy Elle Moore wrote about robbers in her diary 151 years ago.

Today I sewed Robbers block and I also wrote down some cutting instructions.

A: 2 yellow and 2 green 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" squares
B: 2 yellow and 2 green 1 5/8 " x 1 5/8" squares. Cut the squares in half diagonally once to make 4 yellow and 4 green triangles.
C: 2 cream 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" squares. Cut the squares in half diagonally to make 4 cream triangles.
D: 2 orange 3" x 3" squares. Cut the squares in half diagonally to make 4 orange triangles.
E: 4 orange 2" x 2" squares. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of the squares.
F: 4 green 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles.

And I took some photos during the sewing... 

Robbers block is the last Civil War Diary block, which I'm able to sew on the same date as the notes has been written.
Why? Because there is only seven September notes and one postwar reminiscence left.
I'm a bit disappointed, because I was SO lazy in last month, but I don't want to wait another year that I have sewn all the blocks...
Besides I'm all too anxious to show you all 121 blocks finished before the end of this year!!!!!

Happy Days to You!!!!!

sunnuntai 20. heinäkuuta 2014

CWD: Games, Music and Knitting

July 20, 1864. Isabella Buchanan Edmondson wrote in her diary:

Another happy and beautiful morning. Miss Lou gave me some Cotton to knit Eddie a pr of socks. I began them, but did not get much done, most of the time playing Bagammon, Chess, or having some Music, learned Miss L. two pieces, "Brightest Eyes Quick Step", "Rosebud Waltz", she was very apt, but I fear her swimming scholar will ever be a drag to the art. Our days are as happy as can be.
 - quote from Civil War Diary Quilt written by R. Youngs -

Despite the summer heat I have managed to keep my schedule with CWD quilt. The block #50 Games, Music and Knitting is already third block in July... and if I tell you a secret... it's my fifth in this month, which means that I have taken a couple of false start ;) I sewed the next two blocks - dated 22 of July - ahead of time. I know myself... that after working day I'm too lazy to sew anything in the evening... at least when it's hot summer day!

Have an enjoyable week!!!

sunnuntai 29. kesäkuuta 2014

CWD: Smallpox

June 29, 1863. Cora Owens Hume wrote in her diary: Dr. Chenoweth says that Ann has smallpox very bad. We all quit going to her room expect Aunt Lettie who nurses her. 
(quote from Civil War Diary Quilt written by R. Youngs)
I planned to sew nine CWD blocks in June... but I have been bitten by a lazy worm! Despite the worm bite I did sew them all... but I didn't sewed them in a journal entry order! 

That's why I haven't been busy blogger either!!!
Today I show you only the photos of my newest CWD blocks without diary entries... and cutting instructions. If you want to sew one or two of them, let me know and I'll post you some instructions.

57. Smallpox

65. Love Letter

83. Soldiers Ladies Aid Society

85. Pet Regiment

88. Soldier's Box

89. The Fate

Block 89. is a little bit different... more asymmetrical in Rosemary's book. I decided to change a pattern little;)

90. Furlough

There is still 17 grey blocks in this image... seven of them should be sewn in July!

Hopefully July is not a too hot month!!!! ;) 
... if it is... then my laziness might get worse...


sunnuntai 8. kesäkuuta 2014

CWD: Victuals

Viime viikolla se sitten iski... OIKEA ompelulaiskuus!
Lisäksi "helle" ja alkava flunssa nuuduttivat niin, että iltaompelu ei houkuttanut - lainkaan...

... so the planned sewing evening on last Thursday was only a distant dream!

I tried to catch my plans today...
but this flu disturbs and tires me all too much... I sewed only one CWD block today, even today it would have been a new CWD block...

And if you read this story till the end, you will learn an extra thing, which annoyed me more today!!! Krrr!!

Here is some instruction for the cutting:

 - from pink and grey  fabric, cut:
* two 7/8" x 5 1/2" rectangles (B)
* one 1 3/4" x 11" rectangles (E)
* one 1 1/8" x 11" rectangles (G)
* one 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" square. Cut it once half diagonally to make two triangles. (C)
* two 2" x 2" squares. Cut them once half diagonally to make four triangles. (D)

- from white fabric, cut:
* four 1 1/4" x 1 9/16" rectangles (A)
* two 3/4" x 11" rectangles (F)

 I started by sewing pink rectangles (B)... or precisely pink strips... around white A unit. A/B unit should be measure 2" x 1 7/8".

Then I attached pink/grey C and D triangles... 

 ... like this ;)
Look I still smiled, although my head was quite painful due the flu.

Today I used the Companion ruler (the angle 60 degree)...

... to trim the excess of fabric. And of course to make sure that my patches - or triangle units - are the right size... ;)
I was still happy to sew this interesting block ;)...
... vaikka käytettyjen nenäliinojen röykkiö ompelukoneen vieressä kasvoikin!

VOILA!!! I had all the corner units finished! ;)

Then I started to piece the center of the block.
I sewed the rectangles E/F/G - or strips - together this way...

... and again I cut the triangle units by using Companion ruler.
Olipa pimeä päivä! On lähes keskipäivä ja salamavalot räiskyy!

 Oh, I lost my sight... or visibility...

 ... but I'm ready to sew all the triangle units together ;)

Vielä hymyilyttää,
kun en tiennyt edessä odottavasta "katastrofista" mitään!!! Ehkä tilkku-inspehtoorillani oli siitä aavistus, kun tässä vaiheessa välttämättä halusi tulla kuvaan mukaan...

 And VOILA... la... la... laaaa...
WHAT!!!!! OMG!
I sewed the triangles in the wrong order!!!!! KRRRR!!!!
Apparently I really lost my sight!!!! KRRRR!

Well, now I'm all too tired to rip and re-sew it! Maybe I just figured my own block...

Nyt Satu pomppii tasajalkaa ja päätäkin alkoi särkeä tuplasti!!!!!

Maybe it's better that I won't promise you, when I'll introduce the next CWD block...
but there is still 7 blocks with the date in June.

June 5, 1862. Eldress Nancy Elly Moore wrote in her diary: About noon day, Colonel James with 200 Calvary, who are in search of John Morgan and his band of guerrillas, called to get lunch and to fill their canteens with cool water from our well. The family were just going to dinner when they rode up. So soon as they were done eating, the Brethren carried out the victuals that were cooked, and divided them around as well as they could. They soon discovered where the victuals came from and they flocked to the kitchen doors, they appeared very hungry for vegetables, they devour the raw lettuce with avidity and appeared to be very thankful for all they got. 
(a quote from the Rosemary Young's book Civil War Diary Quilt)

Happy next week my friends!!!

PS. Tiinatei: Tri-Rec-Tool viivain on todella hyödyllinen, jos haluaa ommella teräväkulmaisia sakaroita, kuten edellisessä CWD blokissani on. Tri-tool:n kulma on 53 astetta ja sen kanssa käytettävän Recs-tool:n kulma on 27 astetta. Sen käyttöä esitellään mm. täällä ja mm. ruotsalainen tilkkukauppa Lapp-Elisa myy niitä... täällä. Se on luotettava ja hyvä tilkkutyöbutiikki ;O)

sunnuntai 1. kesäkuuta 2014

CWD: Hand Grenade

14-year-old Cora Owens Hume wrote in her diary June 1, 1863

Mr. Kriger is reading the evening paper which says that the rebels had captured 300 more Negroes and that it is reported Hunter is relieved of his command. The rebels have a small shell called the handgranade, something like the size of egg I think and at last late fight of Vicksburg the Yankees try to climb up the bluff to the Fort and the rebels just rolled the large shells down the bluff on them and they burst in the midst of Grant's men and if they got up near the Fort by means of ladders they threw these little shells at them and they are like torpedoes, for when they strike anything they burst. (quote from the book: The Civil War Diary Quilt written by Rosemary Youngs)

Fenix slept peacefully in his chair, looking happy too... when I sewed today's 
CWD block #56 Hand Grenade.

As I last time told you I decided to use cm-ruler, when I cut the squares for the block. 
The squares are 4,5 cm x 4,5 cm. There is 4 red, 4 grey, 4 yellow and 1 white square.

And I also used Tri-Recs Tool... like this.

You'll need one grey 1 3/4" x 18" strip, two yellow 1 3/4" x 4" strips and two red 1 3/4" x 8" strips to have all triangles. When I cut yellow/red triangles with the RECS, I laid the strips with right sides together. That way I got easily the reversed triangles at the same time.

I started by sewing 9-patch unit. Soon I noticed that my seams are too narrow... and the 9-patch will be too big!

So I change the foot and continued to sew with Bernina's foot number 1. The finished 9-patch squares should be about 3 cm x 3 cm.

After that I changed the foot back to the "normal" quilting foot...

but now I noticed that 3-triangle units will be a little bit too big! Krrr!!!!

Well, I continued to sew and decided to trim them afterwards...

Today I pressed the seams like this ;)

After "hard" work the next CWD block is completed!!!

Omaan CWD -ompelupäiväkirjaani kirjoitin:
Olipa sirpaleinen taival! Erilaisia mittoja, viivaimia, paininjalkoja saumanvaroineen, matkan edetessä trimmailuja MUTU -tuntumalla... mutta selvisin siitä - vaivoin, nippa-nappa ;) Muutama ryppy matkasta jäi, mutta tämä kelpaa tänään!

Here's some blocks, which I have already sewn together...

... keskirivin blokit olen ommellut vanhalla, jo museoidulla Sport Berninalla ja tavallisella paininjalalla (= saumanvara leveämpi kuin 1/4"). Sen vuoksi ne kaikki ovat hieman pienempiä kuin muut! Onneksi tuo yhdistävä kaitale korjaa vähän tilannetta... HUH-huh!!! Millainenkohan tästä tulee valmiina???

I'm happy that you visited here, 
we'll see the next CWD block on 5th June
- hopefully -