Hello everyone! Our new theme at Try It On Tuesday is 'Use a Vintage Photo'. The Design team have some real vintage delights to share so I hope you will pop over for a look!
My card was made with my Granddaughter in mind but I have since had a change of mind!
The photo was cut from the front of a card I bought when a shop was closing down.
The rest of the card is mainly using up some scraps from my boxes.
The backing paper is an attempt to reduce the mountain of papers I have - can't justify buying new papers when I have so many! The book paper is from my old college text book.
I had a scrap of hessian but it looked a bit heavy so I pulled some threads - easy on such a small scrap.
An adage ticket,some little 'flags' and a bought flower balance the buttons bottom left.
Three weeks ago I was on my way to Paris with a plan to meet up with Patty.
We weren't sure whether there would be transport strikes so were prepared to have a change of plan if necessary. As it turned out we met up outside the Tour Montparnasse and went through security to access the restaurant. The elevator goes up 56 floors in less than 40 seconds!!
Here we are just after meeting with the Gare Montparnasse in the background.
It was a very bright day and this was our view from the entrance door.
Jim and Tony found common ground in being photographers and craft hubbies - several looks exchanged and laughter, as Patty and I talked of saving napkins, doilies and other natural crafting behaviour!
Sacre Couer in the distance - Patty and I had a seeing double moment until we realised it was reflected in the mirrored areas separating some of the tables!!!
Les Invalides where Napoleon's tomb rests and where we visited with my in laws later that day. There is also quite a large Military Museum there too.
We saw our images reflected at the end of the restaurant - time for a selfie! |
Our Venoisseries arrived in a little metal pot.
Did we get to see the travelling tea cup - you bet we did!!
Jim has done something very clever with the cup which I am sure Patty will include on her blog!
As you can imagine there was so much to talk about and the time passed all too quickly.
We exchanged gifts too, although I don't have a photo of the little memento holder I had made for Patty. I had made it small enough to fit into her purse(handbag) so I was rather embarrassed to see
the amazing wall hanging and journal Patty gave me.
Aren't they both beautiful?
While we chatted the menfolk had fun taking photographs of the view below!
The Eiffel Tower with the Military School near the bottom of the photo and The Trocadero behind it. |
The green area is the Tuileries gardens with the Petit Palais on the left and the Louvre on the right. The building with the green roof is the Opera. |
Line 6 Metro is mainly overground and you get great views of the Eiffel Tower when you cross the Seine. |
I hope you will join in with our new challenge at TIOT. The challenge runs for two weeks.
I am still struggling to catch up with visiting blogs as once we felt better we decided to go to our caravan where the connection has been dreadful - several comments lost before I could publish them!
Thanks once again for your good wishes, hope to visit soon!
Thanks for looking, Chris