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Marvel Database

From this day, Thor is a prince of Asgard no longer. We deny him our company, our homes, our help and our words. And thus deny him Asgard itself. He shall not set foot on Asgard on pain of death, and let death come to any who assist him in so doing. Thor... is henceforth banished, for all time.

Appearing in "Victory"

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Synopsis for "Victory"

Loki's ages-old plan comes to fruition. Having cast Bor into the snow, Loki now recalls him from the snow in the here and now in the heart of New York, and casts a spell for him to see demons and monsters everywhere, causing him to lash out at everything. Bor does not sense Odin anywhere in the Nine Worlds and so knows he is dead. Jane Foster calls Don Blake, and tells him what's going on, and Thor flies there as fast as he can. Thor has no idea who he really is, having never seen him before, but Bor sees another demon, claiming to have killed Odin. Thor goes on the defensive, but is increasingly startled by Bor's power, power enough to destroy the Earth. Osborn and his new Avengers team arrive and attempt to take on both of the gods, but are overwhelmed, and the battle once more becomes between Thor and his grandfather.

Loki arrives in Asgard, and shows Balder what's going on, and tells Balder that he has identified the other person as Odin's father, Bor. Balder tells Loki to get them there as soon as possible, they must stop Thor before he kills Bor. Unfortunately, they arrive too late, after a climatic battle (and with tremendous efforts) Thor has finally managed to kill Bor. Balder tells him the news, that he has killed his own grandfather, the very first Lord of Asgard. And because he has killed royalty, there is only one punishment. Thor is no longer a prince of Asgard. He is to be denied their company, homes, help, and words. He can not set foot on Asgard on pain of death, and any who assist him shall be put to death as well. He is banished from Asgard for all time. Balder asks him if he has any last words. Thor tells him that he does, but they are for another time and another place, and for someone else. But when he finally does speak them, thunder and fire and darkness shall follow after. Later in a tavern, Loki is telling some of the other Asgardians that she knows of a new place they can go, since they are uncomfortable in such a hot and flat climate. She has already spoken to their king and he has invited all Asgardians to live there, where there is snow-capped mountains, where the can hunt to their hearts content. Latveria.

Appearing in "To Asgard! Forever!"

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Synopsis for "To Asgard! Forever!"

Thor is tired of the endless fighting, and goes to Earth. There he operates on a small boy who never gave up during his operation. In the recovery room, Timmy tells Don that he never gave up, just like Thor.

Appearing in "Welcome Back Thor"

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Synopsis for "Welcome Back Thor"

A humorous look at Thor's return from Mjolnir falling to Oklahoma, to Thor being forced out of Asgard.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: Balder the Brave"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #106

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Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: Balder the Brave"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #106
You shall face the test of mortal death!

This flashback tale of the early days of Asgard focuses on Balder the Brave. In this story, he is brought to the court of Odin to answer for the fact that during a recent battle against the Storm Giants, Balder deserted his comrades. Balder explains that during combat, he saw a bird fall from its nest, so he had left the battle to return the bird to its mother.

Furious that Balder would abandon a battle for such a deed, Odin orders Balder to face the test of mortal death, which Balder agrees to take in spite of the other warriors of Asgard's protests.

The test requires that Balder stand in front of a line of soldiers who would attempt to kill him without his resistance. First Odin orders Tyr, master archer of Asgard, to fire an arrow at Balder. The unflinching Balder is saved at the last minute when a hawk swoops out of the sky and stops the arrow from hitting Balder.

Odin orders Honir to throw a spear at Balder, which is stopped by a sudden sprouting of vines from the ground, and again Balder does not flinch. Then Odin orders Thor to strike down Balder with his hammer. As Thor approaches to strike Balder down, the warrior still does not move, prompting Odin to stop Thor.

Odin reveals that he summoned the hawk and the plant to save Balder at the last minute of each attack to test his bravery. Having passed Odin's test, Odin rewards Balder with the gift of invincibility, and has him hailed as Balder the Brave.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: Balder Must Die"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #107

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  • Haag (First appearance) (Unnamed)
  • Thor (Mentioned)

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  • Mistletoe dart and blowgun

Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: Balder Must Die"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #107
Jealous of Balder being in favor of Odin next to Thor, Loki decides that he will kill Balder. Knowing that Odin gifted Balder with invincibility, Loki surmises that Balder must have some sort of weakness. He seeks out the Norn Queen in his attempt to find Balder's weakness.

At first the Norn Queen refuses to aid Loki, but eventually gives into Loki's demands and tells him that the only item in all of Asgard that did not pledge to protect Balder was mistletoe. With this knowledge in hand, Loki travels out and obtains a small amount of mistletoe and has one of his slave trolls fashion it into a dart and construct a blow gun.

The next day Loki spies Balder jousting in the combat practice fields and waits for the right moment to strike. Balder trips in an attempt to avoid stepping on a caterpillar and Loki uses it as an opportunity to fire the dart at him. Just as he is about to fire the dart, the blow gun bursts into flames in his hands. The Norn Queen contacts Loki via her crystal ball and informs him that although mistletoe did not pledge to protect Balder, she did, and thus thwarts his attempt to kill Balder. Loki pledges revenge, but the Norn Queen has her aide prepare witches's brew against any such attempt.

Balder, meanwhile regains his feet, little knowing how close he was to losing his life.

Appearing in "The Coming of Loki!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #112

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Odin's Legions


  • Hordes of Laufey (First appearance)

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Synopsis for "The Coming of Loki!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #112
Hear Me, Legions of Asgard! From This Moment Hence, I Proclaim Loki: Son of Odin, Half-Brother To My Well-Beloved Thor! For Better Or For Worse, Loki Is Forever-More An Immortal Of Asgard! This Have I Proclaimed! So Be It!
Odin and his army battle the warriors of Jotunheim, where he kills their leader Laufey and adopts Laufey's son Loki as one of his own, following their victory in battle.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard Home of the Mighty Norse Gods!: "The Boyhood of Loki!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #113

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Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard Home of the Mighty Norse Gods!: "The Boyhood of Loki!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #113
If They Would Bow To Me As They Do To Thor, I'd Find A Way To Gain Complete Control Over Them! For I Was Born To Be Served--To Give Commands!
A ten-year old Thor watches a tournament with Loki when Thor predicts the winner. This incenses Loki as Thor is always right. Loki purposely wagers on the poorer fighter and then casts a spell he learned from the Norn witch women to make the more skillful combatant's quarterstaff shatter when Loki's behind Thor's back. The fighters realize they've been hexed and accost young Loki. Thor demands why do they only address themselves to his brother and they answer that they know Thor would never stoop to such a deed. Nevertheless, Thor insists, I was at Loki's side during the tourney and any punishment meted out ought to be shared by the two of us. Impressed by Thor's nobility, the fighters let the youths go on their way, although with ill forebodings about the destiny of Loki. When they're alone, Thor reveals that he was aware of Loki's trickery and admonishes him that it was foolish of him to interfere in the tournament. But the matter is quickly forgotten by Thor as the two of them take up riding practice and Thor offers to race Loki to the bridge. "Why should I?" Loki responds, "You've got the faster horse." To which Thor replies "The speed of the horse is not the only factor, but also the skill of the rider." Thor stays close to his brother to give him an even chance, but Loki broods darkly over the day's events. He wants the power that will force others to bow and scrape before him as they do before his "beloved" brother, Thor, and he realizes that some day Thor will have to be destroyed.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard - A Viper in Our Midst"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #115

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Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard - A Viper in Our Midst"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Journey Into Mystery #115
Loki! You Have Saved Me From The Vengeance of Thor! I Know Not What Motives Caused You To Betray Your Own Kind, But That Is of No Concern of Mine! Know You, Loki, That Ghan Is In Your Debt!
Thor was leading a band of Asgardian warriors, who were riding out to stop Ghan, "the most deadly of Storm Giants", on his way to attack Asgard. Loki was, of course, resentful of Thor, thinking that he should be leading the warriors. As the battle begins, Ghan hurls a boulder at Thor, who blocks it with his hammer, causing it to shatter. Loki does not enter the battle, claiming that "the cunning Loki is far too clever to take needless chances!" and stays back in safety to plot the defeat of Thor. He then uses his magic sword to weave a spell to give Ghan the final victory. Before the spell can work, Ghan is driven back by the Asgardian's arrows. As the Storm Giant is being driven further back, they let loose their catapult, using a missile containing sleep fumes, to incapacitate him. The Asgardian task force go to where the giant should be sleeping, but find nothing. The rest of the party leaves, but Loki remains behind, saying he wanted to search more. He then "makes a mystic gesture" causing an eagle soaring nearby to return to the its natural form of the giant Ghan, saving him from the wrath of Thor. The giant then pledges his debt to Loki, and in return the Trickster reminds him not to forget it, "the day will come when I order you to repay this debt!" This was the first of many alliances with the forces of evil for Loki, as he plans and schemes to overthrow Asgard and destroy Thor.

Solicit Synopsis

The mighty God of Thunder hits a major milestone! THOR goes back to its classic numbering for this issue 600 mega-event, and even Stan "The Man" Lee joins the party with an all-new story! J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel bring their widely acclaimed run to a major culmination! And Chris Giarrusso lays down an epic Mini Marvels Thor adventure! PLUS jaw-dropping wraparound covers by Olivier Coipel and Marko Djurdjevic! Miss this issue?! We say thee NAY!


See Also

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